C.66 Who Would Win?

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Revolver is tackled by Jake and he lands in the living room carpet next to the couch.

Lana in panic paused the TV and tried to stop them, "GUYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP!!!" Lana yelling doesn't work.

Jake punched Revolver in the face multiple times but because Revolver is angry and got a stronger build than Jake. He lifts Jake and throws him to the wall.

*grrnhghh* He grunts.


Jake's body hit the wall in the middle of Ella's father work room and the parents room.

Revolver stands up as the both of them have a fist fight in the hallway.



Jake tried to punch Revolver but he dodged them, Revolver even lands some shots to Jake's side body.

"AHHH!!" Jake tried to punch Revolver in the neck but he blocked it and he sent a chop to the left side of Jake's face making him fall down.

As Jake falls, Revolver catches his breath for a second. "LANA GET OUT OF HERE!" Revolver yelled at Lana who's still at the couch panicking, "NOOO! I should help you!" Lana tried to help. "no get out of here-" *crack* Jake just throws a vase on Revolver's face and some of the vase shards hit him in the face causing him to be disabled for a second.

Revolver hold his face as Jake stands up from his beaten position.

"NO BIG BRO!" Lana yelled, "RUN!" Revolver yelled back.

Lana finally listens to his command and runs away.

Jake now equipped with a baton that he got from the works room, "Come on you beast, what else you got huh???" Jake taunts Revolver. Even though Revolver is angry, he knows that Jake is on another level. He tries to reason with him first, "what do you even want from me huh? you're jealous of me? you're afraid of me? what do you want from me? i didn't do anything." Revolver tried to talk his way out. "You... I hate you, creatures like you can only know how to hurt others." Jake is clouded with anger, "dude, you got a problem right? we could talk it out-" "NOOO NGGAHHH." Jake throws a knife at Revolver's direction and it sliced a part of his cheek. While Revolver holds his face again, he turned around to avoid any more attacks from Jake, but that just exposed Revolver's weakest side on his body. His back.


Jake used the baton from earlier to beat Revolver's back, he fell down and Jake continued beating him up.

"AHH! grr." While being beaten, Revolver managed to grab a knife that Jake throws earlier and used it to hurt Jake.


"AHH FUCK!" Jake fells down and hold his stabbed feet.

Revolver tried to stand up but his back is just so beaten to the point of making it hard to walk. His new plan is to escape through the living room window where the gardens are, he slowly made his way to the window while Jake screams in pain. "DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME!" Jake yells.

As Revolver opened the garden window on the left side of the living room, Jake got up and quickly runs and tackle him.


They both crashed the garden window and Revolver landed on thorny bushes.

*prickles* *prickles*

"AHHHH!!" Revolver screams in pain.

This time Jake takes a breath.

He got an idea and walked back inside the house.

Revolver steps out the thorny bushes and stands up. He took off his jacket that are filled with thorns.

The time is late afternoon and the streets are quiet so no one noticed the fighting going on.

As Revolver took some thorns off his arms Jake is standing on the window.

"Here i come, little asshole." Jake aimed a rifle from the window and Revolver noticed it quickly as he dodges the shot.


Revolver jumped inside the house window again as Jake reloads.

He now rustles to get the gun out of Jake's hands. Even using his claws to slice at Jake's body to get him distracted. "AHH!" Jake dropped the gun. Revolver kicked the gun away.

Revolver pushed Jake down near the couch and their bodies accidentally hit the remote and played the TV again.

🎵Adventure Time - Remember You

As Remember You plays Revolver used his arms to try and subdue Jake. But Jake used his teeth and bite into Revolver's already wounded hands. Revolver got hurt and he fell down next to Jake.

Comparing the wounds, Jake only got thrown in the wall once and a stab to his feet. But Revolver has been beaten with a baton, prickled by thorn bushes, getting bitten and punched a lot so he's now weaker than Jake.

Revolver lays down in pain as he's now too weak to fight back. He put his arms in front of his face to try and defend. 

Jake stands up in front of the TV and grabs the baton from earlier.

As Adventure Time plays on. Jake raised his baton and started beating at Revolver's weak body.




Revolver can only take the pain knowing he will die soon.




*sob* *sob*

As blood spills all over the living room walls, TVs, and carpets.

Revolver cried.



Jake slowed down his beating as he noticed the crying Revolver.

*sob* *sob* 

"please, don't kill me." 

Revolver said with his arm blocking his face.

Jake stopped his beating and looked at the crying Revolver. Seeing the crying hyena, it reminded him of himself when he was younger. He looked around Ella's house which is now a messy bloody room. 

Jake dropped his baton and finally got out of his anger. "What have i done..." Jake finally realized what he has done. "No no. Why am i doing this? You're not him and not amount of damage would hurt him, i'm just hurting you." Jake confessed. Revolver was confused. "I'm sorry. Oh God. wait." Jake runs to grab something. Revolver tried to catch a breath but it's hard because of the beating he got in his chest.

Turns out Jake went away to grab some first aid kit like ice, bandages, and disinfectant.

Jake tried to heal Revolver from all the pain, "Here, where does it hurt?" Jake asked, "uhm, can i sit in the couch first please."

"Oh yes, i'll help you with that..."

10 May 2024

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