C.16 Ella's Celebration Party

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The party began!

🎵Lana Del Rey - The greatest

Flame started the grill and some people gathered around to try and be the first to eat the food. Flame looked closer at the grill to try and start the grill. "Okay okay everyone be patient. THis grill is pretty old so it will take a bit time to start..." 

Andrew saw everyone else being very impatient so he decided to stepped in and help Flame, "Hey Flame, i know how to start this thing." Andrew said. "OH, sure you could try Andrew. To be Honest i can't actually set up a grill teeHee..." Flame moves aside and Andrew took control of the grill. Flame walked outside the group of people near the grill and went to the other side of the patio which is more quiet.

Flame sees Ella's new friends Shawn and Revolver and decided to get to know them, "You guys must be Ella's new friends rigHt?" Flame asked. Shawn replied, "Yeah, she used to work with me once but we ended up becoming friends after a while." Flame nods, "OHHH, you must be Jay THe Fox tHen?" Shawn replied with a smile, "Yup thats me! But since you guys are a friend of a friend you can just call me Shawn." Flame smiled back, "AHH okay Shawn."

Flame now paid attention to Revolver who is standing next to Shawn, "How about you hyena? You're her new friend too right?" Revolver scratched his head and avoids eye contact, "im not really sure if im her friend or not but i saved her once back when she was attacked in an alley." Flame raised his eyebrows, "Wait really? You was tHat guy?" Revolver eyes now looked at Flame, "yeahhh. im that guy..."  Flame smiled, "THat's so cool dude like you're a Hero tHere, witHout you sHe's probably a goner." Revolver chuckled a little, "heh, yeah i never think about it like that."

Flame finds another topic for them, "Well wHat do you guys do?"  Shawn replied with his signature smiling with eyes closed face, "Welllll i'm a rapper but i'm also a producer. So i rap and also do the production on my own songs." Revolver ears perked up, "Wait you produce your own songs?" Revolver looked at Shawn in an interest, "Yeah!"  Shawn happily replied.

Revolver gain interest at that fact and his eye contact is more stronger, "dude, i went by Stray Bulletz online and i make some guitar songs. i think i need some help with producing them tho cause my music is still terribly mixed." Shawn looked at Revolver with an excited face, "Wait you make your own music too?? Can i hear some of em? I do like some guitar songs."

Hearing that Revolver smiled for once, "well a lot of my good songs are on my laptop at home right now so ill show it later, i could send it to your discord later if you want." Revolver said with a smile. Shawn excitedly replied, "Thats good! My tag is JayTheFox#3465" Revolver opened his phone and sent him a friend request, "great, ill send you the songs later."

"Wow you guys got a lot of musical talents and that reminded me of my friends." Flame looked back at the grill, "You see tHat big dog over tHere by tHe grill? His name is Andrew." Flame points to Andrew at the other side of the patio who is grilling and giving food to the people around him.

"Yeah what about him?" Shawn asked, "Andrew over tHere can play tHe drums reallly good." Hearing about a drummer makes Shawn thrilled, "Woah a drummer?? That's so coooll! I can only play the drum machine so i know how hard it must to be to play the real one!" Revolver seems interested too, "dude does he have a band or something?"

"I don't know, let me ask Him. Hey Andrew come Here!" Flame yelled from a far. Andrew glanced at Flame, "Hey lil bro take care of the grill for me real quick yeah. Flame's calling." Andrew walked away to meet Flame. "Okayy big bro!" Finn said as he eats 3 sausages at the same time.

"What's up?" Andrew waved his hand. "Hey Andrew a friend of mine Here is asking if you got a band or not?" Flame said while pointing to Revolver with his thumb. "A band? Well i have a friend named Chris that can play the bass and sometime both of us would just jam out. But a band? Nah, it's just the two of us, we don't have the guitarist and keyboardist here so it's not a band." Revolver smiled, "oh thats perfect, can i join you two and be you guitarist?" Andrew ears perked up, "Wait you can play the guitar? That's sick as hell bro of course you can join!" Revolver smiled with his teeth.

Andrew adds, "Tomorrow i'm gonna play some b-ball with Chris, how about tomorrow me and you gonna meet Chris and we gonna start jamming after we ball?" Revolver looked at Andrew, "oh shit hell yeah im down." Andrew is excited but then he looked back at the grill, "I gotta blast now dude i gotta take care of the grill again because i can see Finn eating all the sausages from here. Seeya!" Andrew runs back to the grill.

"Well, i tHink i'm gonna go to see Ella now. Nice talking to you guys tHougH, talk to yall laterrr." Flame left the group, Revolver walked away too, "Hey where are you going Revolver?" Shawn asked. He looked back at Shawn, "i gotta go to the bathroom, i'll be right back." He walked away.

Now it's just Shawn in the quiet side of the patio, he ended up sitting down at a nearby chair and scrolls through his phone. Without realizing, Rodent was sitting at the other side of the table sitting with his tail wagging. He pokes Shawn's elbow. Shawn looked at Rodent with a confused look, "Oh, what's up?" Rodent smiled. "Hiiii, i heard you're like a rapper that produces his own song?? Can you idk... teach me some??" Rodent touched his two fingertips together. "I mean sure, i'm not that busy tomorrow so maybe you could try out producing some stuff just for fun." Rodent jumps in excitement  hearing what Shawn said, "Yeehee! I'm excited to learn about all those 808s and kicks and bass and drums and snares and flows and bars and-"

Revolver asked Flame who is chatting with Ella, "hey uhh Flame, wheres the bathroom?" Flame looked at Revolver, "It's just by tHe kitcHen, just go inside and tHen turn rigHt wHicH is wHere tHe kitcHen is, and go to tHe glass door at tHe end of tHe kitcHen." Revolver seemed to be a little confused about the directions, "I'm gonna come in and take you tHere too let's go." Revolver and Flame walked in to Flame's home.

They both walked to the kitchen where the bathroom is.

While Revolver takes a pee, Flame is waiting at the dark kitchen. The kitchen is dark because when the patio lights are on the kitchen lights are turned off to safe the electricity.

As Flame waits, Jake emerges from the darkness.

"Oh Hi Jake, are tHe sounds disturbing you or?" Flame asked.

"No, i just wanna wash my hands. I have to eat in my room now because i just hate parties." Jake answered with a passive aggressive tone, he walked to the sink which is located near the outside window.

While Jake washes his hand, Revolver stepped out of the bathroom and he froze looking at him.

The room was too dark to see but from the lights outside he can clearly see the silhouette of a deer antler.

He had a traumatic experience with a deer because of something that happened in his childhood and seeing a deer in person activated his fight or flight response.

Jake can make out something in the dark too, a hyena. Same as Revolver, Jake had a terrible experience with a hyena when he was a kid.

Knowing the dark place of the room and their sudden surprise, their fight or flight instinct kicked in as they get closer.

21 April 2023

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