C.3 Crash Team Racing

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The two arrived at Flame's house, the neighborhood is more dark since everyone has went to sleep.

Flame unlocked the door and Jake instantly walks to his room.

"I'm gonna sleep early tonight alright, i'm so tired." He said while walking in a hunchback posture.

"you don't want to eat dinner?"

"Nah, im good. I ate some airport food around the  afternoon so i'm not that hungry.." Jake went into his room and locked the door.

He was so tired that he just drops his body to the bed without turning off the lights or changing his clothes.

"well He Had quite a long day today. He just arrived to a new place tHat He's not familiar witH. and well He just landed from a plane too. i'll let Him rest." Flame thinks while looking at Jake's bedroom door.

-Tomorrow Morning-

The sun tried to sneak in through the closed curtains as Jake woke up.

"Oughhh, im so hungry!" Jake's whine while his stomach demands food.

He stands up and walked outside while holding his stomach.

🎵 Play "King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard - Nonagon Infinity" (Author's note, just play the album and end it when they finish playing the game.)

Stepping outside he hears loud rock music, someone was playing music in a record player that was placed on a small table next to the couch, in the table a red album cover with weird symbols is laying down with texts saying "Nonagon Infinity."

Sitting in the couch is a golden retriever, his hair is curly and long and it even covers his eyes. He also wears a headband too.

He is playing a racing game more specifically Crash Team Racing in the living room TV.

"Aha victory is mine!" The dog raised his paw in excitement as he won the race.

Flame stepped out of the kitchen that's located in a room next to the living room tv, "oH Hey Jake, you're finally awake now. meet my friend His name is Finn."

"Sup mate!" Finn speaks in a slight Australian accent, not a strong one but you can hear it a little. It's like if Jack from Beastars were an Australian. He looks more like Collot from Beastars tho. If i were the director of the series i would totally asked Ben Diskin to voice him.

Finn raised his paw for a paw shake
"Well nice to meet you." Jake went and shake his paw but the paw is so sweaty, "God fucking dammit why does everyone have such dirty hands." He thought.

"i'm cooking some of tHese sausages tHat Finn really loves, the one witH melted cheese inside of it. You want some of tHat? if not i could make some bacon pancakes bacon bacon pancakes." Flame sings a tiny tune about bacon and pancakes.

"Sure i'll eat anything, just let me wash my hands first." Jake runs to the faucet in the kitchen to wash his hand.

While Jake washes his hands, Flame walks into the kitchen and strikes a convo, "it's gonna take some time to get tHe breakfast ready, How about you play witH Finn wHile you wait? play some of tHat CrasH Team Racing. but go easy on Him, He can be very sad and angry wHen He loses."

Jake looked at Flame to think about it, "Fine then, i will." Jake walks back to the living room while drying his hand with his shirt.

He sits down on the couch and asked for the controller.

"You wanna race me? Haha! Trust me mate, i raced with Flame all the time and i always win! You look like a beginner too! Also, you look old! Young people like me have better energy!"

"Shut your fucking mouth and race." Jake yelled strong.

Finn gives the controller to Jake, "Alrighty pick a character! Me personally i like Ripper Roo cause he's crazy and he's Australian. He's just like me!"

"I'm not too familiar with some of these character so i'm just gonna go with Crash himself.

Finn sets the race, "Alrighty then! Let's do Crash Cove! And then i put the AI into hard mode as well! Not only you have to beat me but you have to beat the rest as well. Oh oh! 5 LAPS!"

Jake is rubbing the controller to get a grip of it and pressing random buttons, "Back in 2004 when i was 6 years old me and my sister played this game. Despite my age she was surprised on how fast i learned the controls. Even 100% the game once too. It's been 17 years ever since then, time to test if i still got it in me."

"Huh? You were 6 years old when it was 2004? I was born in 2004! You must be very old and slow!"

"Let's just start the fucking game." Jake getting more angry.

Finn finally press start and the countdown started, 3... 2... 1...

The race begins!

Finn zooms out instantly because he timed his boost correctly in the start putting him in the 1st place.

Jake that is still getting used to the controls tried to do the drifting boost, if you drift using one of the shoulder buttons and press the other shoulder button, it will give you a boost. Despite that Jake is currently still at 5.

"Piece of cake!" Finn laughs.

Since Finn is in 1st place the only power up he gets are the items type where he throws it for people behind him to get hurt and lose control.

Sometime those items hits someone and gives Jake a chance to catch up. After a succesful TNT shot by Finn, two of the AI was stunned, Jake is now in 3rd place.

2nd lap has begun!

Finn used the shortcut in the early parts of the race where you jumped into a small pond and files over the bridge.

Jake noticed it because they're playing in split screen and quickly did that shortcut as well and making him 2nd place right behind Finn's tail.

"Hey you two, breakfast is ready now!" Flame walks out of the kitchen holding a tray of three plates two plates have bacon and pancakes with one having that cheesy sausages, and one plate is only a salad.

"Yes we gonna eat after this yeah?" Jake said while trying to focus at the race.

Flame looked at the couch, "wow i never seen Finn sweats tHis Hard, even during His running sessions He don't sweat like tHis! Jake is rigHt beHind His tail, it's crazy How close you guys are!"

Lap 3

"Hey shithead, you say you raced with Flame all the time and won every single time?" Jake taunts Finn.

"Yeah?" Finn answered nervously.

"Well the truth is that he was being easy on you so that you don't cry like a baby when you lose."

"What?! Is that true Flame?" Finn asked Flame.

"wellll i don't want you to be upset sooo."

"What?! I can't believe that!" Finn accidentally turned right on the bridge and fall into the water.

That taunt works and Jake quickly takes the spot of the 1st place.

Who will win this race now?

3 June 22

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