C.58 Seek and Destroy

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Tw: Violence, Fist fight, Blood

Jake walked to the isles to his left to see Tali. He's also surprised to find Ella's little sister Lana with her too. "Hey uhh, are you still taking time looking for outfits or?" Jake asked to Tali. "Yeah yeah i think we're gonna look somewhere else let's go!" Tali tries to push Jake away. Tali pushes Jake all the way to the front door. But as Jake looks back to the cashier area. He finally sees the danger he's been sensing.


Revolver is standing the exact opposite of where Jake and Tali are. His head is down but his eyes are angry and is staring straight at Jake. "What?? Why did he come out?!" Tali panics in her mind. Jake was about to get his instinct kicks in but he remembers to keep his emotions in or else he would make another mess.

Even though Jake already tried to hold back, instead it was Revolver who attacked first. He rushed towards Jake and Tali and pushed Jake off the glass front door, shattering it in the process.

Everyone around the shop was shocked seeing the fight that broke again. Glass shards were everywhere on the floor. Revolver punched Jake's face multiple times and Jake tried his best to block those punches even though he's at a disadvantage.

*punch* *punch* *punch*

"NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE STOP THEM!" Tali yelled in panic. Two security guards and some volunteers tried to stop the fight but it feels like Revolver is just unstoppable.

Jake finally kicks Revolver away from him and he stands up and started running away. Revolver was knocked back at first but he quickly stands up and chased after Jake. "They're running away! Get them!" One of the security guards yelled at the two animals.

Jake runs to one of the hallways of the mall, it's quite a big hallway and it slowly goes down with a hand rail in the middle. Jake's face is beaten and bruised and it got the attention of some passerbys. "I need to hide somewhere, the fuck is wrong with him. Is he trying to get a revenge on me. Fuck, i tried my best to not start a fight but he's the one starting it. I knew it, he's a terrible person." Jake thinks to himself while trying to find a place to hide.

He opted to hide in an arcade that was on the left side of the hallway.

Revolver finally reached the hallway, and using his hyena skills. He uses the scent of Jake's blood to find him.

Jake is hiding behind a basketball game at the back end of the arcade catching his breath. "Wasn't there security earlier? Where are they???" Meanwhile, Tali is trying to follow where they went with the security. "We gotta get those two out of here!" The security guard said, "But sir, that deer guy is a good person. I think it's just a misunderstanding yknow, i don't think you should kick them out of here." Tali tries to reason. "No no, rules is rules! I don't care about personal problems, take it outside!" The security guard said.

Revolver steps inside the arcade but he looks distorted. His face looks tired and angry, and his body seems to be twitching. Is it because of his primal instinct kicking in?

Because Jake still got blood on his face, Revolver was able to find him easily. He walks to the back where those basketball games are and already swings in for a punch where Jake is sitting, good thing is that Revolver missed the punch and Jake kicks Revolver's legs and make him fall.

Revolver got hit in the head while falling and oddly, his blood is yellow. Jake looked distraught at seeing the yellow blooded hyena. "Shit, he's not normal." Jake said as he runs away again.

Instead of running somewhere far. Jake runs to the building next to him. A kids party place. The workers and kids were terrified seeing the beaten deer. "AHH SIR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? DO YOU NEED HELP?" One of the workers said. Jake only takes off his shoes and give it to the man as he jumped over the small protective gate that keeps the children safe.

Jake already knows the trick on how Revolver finds him.

Revolver now looking more and more like a zombie, steps inside the kids place. He follows the blood smell again.

Jake was hiding behind a plastic tree that leads to a small tunnel. He realized that Revolver can track his blood scent so he have an idea. He takes off his sweater and clean the blood on his face with his sweater. His sweater is red too so the blood isn't noticeable. He left the sweater at where he is and goes inside the tunnel.

He hides at the other side of the tunnel where there's a small fake kitchen, because he took off his sweater. He now only wears a tanktop, it confused some of the kids who were there, "Hey kids, don't go over this tunnel okay." Jake said fiercely. The kids just nodded in confusion and fear.

Revolver made it to the tunnel but surprised to only find Jake's sweater. "Dammit, where is that deer?!" Revolver yelled, Jake who heard him from the other side was surprised at hearing his voice, "That doesn't sound like Revolver, i know his voice. That guy at the other side of this tunnel, can it be?"

"I had enough of this ugly disguise!" A squishy noise was heard from the other side, as Jake peeks a little from the small tunnel, he was shocked that his predictions are true.

The man who has been attacking him wasn't Revolver. But except the disfigured monster that attacked Chris and Jake yesterday.

15 March 2024

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