C.8 Ella The Rabbit

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It is now 3PM on the afternoon and the orange sun shines through the dining room window.

The rabbit girl is having a conversation with Flame at the dinner table that is located between the kitchen and also Jake's room.

Rodent is tired and went to sleep on the living room carpet while Jake just watches some more Kitchen Nightmares.

"so Ella, How is it working witH tHis "Jay tHe fox" guy?"

Ella is the name of the rabbit and she replied very happily, "HE IS A VERY NICE PERSON! Out of all the people i work with he is very nice to his workers! I also learned that his real name is Shawn Dawaco and not Jay. And he's actually a maned wolf and not a fox! The more you know!"

"tHat's amazing! glad someone treat you witH respect for once!"

"I know right!"

*Brrrt* *Brrrt*

Their coversation got interrupted with a phone call on Ella's phone.

She picked it up and it's her friend Tali, "Hello Tali what's up?"

"Hey Ella! You still down for the hangout later?"

"Oh yeah! The hangout! Of course!"

"Then when should we go to the town's fair?"

"We gonna go to the town fair at around....

Probably 6-7 yeah?"

"Ah alright then, i will get ready and you should come here first! We got some food for you!"

"Yes thats amazing! I'll get ready to go to your place then, bye!" She hangs up the phone.

"OK FLAME! I had fun talking to you again after two weeks but i got a friend to tend to and i also want to take more photos for this photography competition i'm doing! Cya!!" She grabs her bag and camera and walk away.

"alrigHt tHen! enjoy your Hangout and cHocolate!"

It is now 17.00 in the afternoon and Ella is waiting in her friend's living room for her friend Tali to be ready. She's also eating the bread pudding that Tali's mother made for her.

Tali's house is quite small but still very comfy, the living room is only 5 feet wide! There are stairs leading to the upstair rooms in the living room and it's about one feet wide too making the living room more crowded.

Tali comes downstairs while drying her hair with towel.

"Alright i'm ready!" She said with a smile.

"Great let's go!" Ella stands up from the floor and left her clean plate in the living room table.

Tali's mom stepped out of the kitchen that is located near the front door, "Be careful you two! I heard a case of two teenage girls being murdered when they were going out!" She said with a joking tone.

"Oh and let me guess, those two teenage girls are of a rabbit and a dog?" Tali raised her eyebrows and smiles.

"Yes! And they also have an overprotective mother too!"

"Haha, let me guess. Are you talking about us?" Ella smiles as well.

"No, i'm talking about the Grady sisters who were murdered with an axe on Shine Street at precisely 20.23PM on the 5th of July 2005..."

"Oh!" The two girls are confused because she suddenly gets so serious.

Tali's mom laughed, "Hahaha, you guys believe that? I'm just playing with yall! Go have fun and do girl nights stuff!"

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