C.33 Tia The Hedgehog

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Tia looked in suspicion at the hyena, "Hey Geordie, why is he here?" She said, "Oh this fellow right here is our new guitarist! We're making a band." Geordie gleefully said. Tia pulled Geordie close to her. "Isn't this the same hyena that got into a fight at Ella's party?" She whispers to Geordie, "Yes but he's actually pretty cool! It was just a misunderstanding between two men at the moment, it's past that moment now and we move on!" Geordie innocently said.

The three animals are standing in front of Tia's messy driveway with Tia holding a rake and Geordie and Revolver are at the other side of Tia.

Tia nodded with her face still in a suspicious state, "So what are you two goofballs doing in my house anyway?" Tia asked, "Well you heard me earlier, we wanna make a band and we need a keyboardist or how i call it the flower to the dragon." Geordie explained.

Tia rolled her eyes and smiled, "You want me to be in your band?" She said in a surprised tone, "Yeah you wanna enroll?" Geordie tilt his head and smile back in response, "No! I don't want to be in a band full of dorks!" Tia disgusts.

"What? I mean come on, the only dork in our band is Chris and the rest is fine!" Geordie shrugged, "Umm you forgot the other dorks, like you." Tia points at the annoyed Geordie.

"hey geordie, if she doesnt wanna be our keyboardist maybe we should just find someone else?" Revolver whispered to Geordie, "No no no Rev, Tia is the perfect keyboardist! I seen her jam out with Chris before on the church's local events and they compliment each other very well! Chris's slow and steady basslines with her over the top disney like melodies, it's beautiful! And they're blood related too so it's a plus!" Geordie winked.

"okay then, she doesn't seem to be convinced by a 'dork like you' but what if she might be convinced if im the one asking." Revolver looked at Tia who continued raking. "Sure try ahead mate." Geordie step away and Revolver went to talk to Tia.

"hey... tia..." Revolver approached Tia carefully, she responded with a side eye and an eyebrow raise. "my friend over here really wanted this band to work out, and as a guitarist of the band i really needed you on our band. do you wanna be the flower for the dragon?" Revolver asked.

Tia was shocked hearing what he said but then she burst out in laughter, "HAHAHA ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME JOIN THE BAND OR JOIN THE PROM??? HAHAHA!" Tia laughed at the two embarrassed boys. "Can't believe you guys have 4 dorks in your band! HAHAHA!" Tia started to get to the ground from laughing too hard.

"Dude! What are you trying to do? You were suppose to make us look cool!" Geordie is slightly angry at Revolver, "i dont know what to do..." Revolver try to defend himself, "Well this does not work at all! This stinks!" Geordie started to stomp and jump on the ground in anger.

Tia's laughing at the road causes the leaves around her to rustles around and Geordie's angry jumping made the leaves moves a bunch too. The amount of stuff going on right now made Revolver very overwhelmed.

"guys... stop..." His pleas was too little to compare with the other loud two.

Out of the blue Revolver's anxiety got to him and he pulls out his revolver gun out of his black leather jacket.


The sound of the gun being pulled out scared the two and made them stopped, "Woah hey hey hey this isn't part of the blueprint Rev." Geordie panics.

Revolver is shaken and stepped back. He swings his gun around to the other two, "you guys need to stop acting like this okay just stop." His shaken voice is reminiscence of a crying child.

Tia slowly stands up from the floor with her paws out, "Hey hey calm down now. I know that hurts your feeling but it was all for fun okay. Just calm down." Tia softly spoke to the anxious Revolver.

Revolver aims his gun at Tia but hesitate to use it.

"How about this. Breathe with me okay. Inhale... Exhale...." Tia's try to calm Revolver down,

*inhale* *exhale* 

*inhale* *exhale*

It seems to be working as Revolver closed his eyes and started breathing slowly.

"That's it you're doing good." Tia smiled.

Revolver put his gun back in his jacket and started crying.

He put his paw on his face to cover it up, "im sorry."

"That's understandable, you're overwhelmed by the both of us aren't you? This is a wild guess but i think you might have some trauma that made you get overwhelmed easily. Maybe that's why you started fighting back then. It really reminds me of a kid that is scared. Childhood trauma could fuck you up when you're older." Tia forgave the crying hyena.

"i don't like it when there are too much stuff going on and loud noises, it scares me okay." Revolver explained.

"It's okay it's okay it's good." Tia reassured Revolver.

Tia looks at the two again and started thinking, "You know what, i'm surprised you didn't shoot me then and there. You didn't let go of your emotion like that and i like it."

Through the tears and slow breathing, Revolver smiled. "But i can't join your band though, i've seen the three of you jam out before and i think now with a guitarist it's enough to be good..." Tia explained, "Okay then *sob* *sob* thanks for the tip." Geordie said while half crying.

The three ended up talking more to each other to calm themselves down.

"thank you for that." Revolver thanked Tia, "No probs! I know a thing or two about mental health and it's very important to take care of that." Tia gives advice.

"Oh well i gotta go now, Chris and Finn are doing a group project and i'm gonna go there to help them out." Geordie said. "oh you want me to take you there?" Revolver asked, "I mean sure, you know Flame's house right? The Ella's party house yesterday? We're doing our project there." As Geordie gives the location Revolver thinks twice, "thats the place where i met *him* isnt it. i rather not sorry." Revolver denied. "Its okay mate! I could take the public bus there and beside, you need a break after this anyway." Geordie tapped Revolver's shoulders, "yeah you're right..." Revolver replied while looking at Geordie's hand.

The three now splits up with Revolver going home, Tia continued raking her front lawn, and Geordie waiting at the bus stop near Tia's house.

The bus arrived at his bus stop and he entered, it is in the middle of the day so the bus is packed with people. The sun and the crowded bus makes the temperature of the bus very hot.

Geordie looked around the bus to find an empty seat until he find one near the back.

To his surprise, he hesitated to sit because of the person who's next to him.

With antlers that don't touch the bus's roof.

He is sitting next to Jake the deer.

Sep 22 2023

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