C.48 The Beach Race

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Chris and Scraft went first with their race.

They went to the rocky cliff at the left side of the beach. The cliff is facing the ocean and at the top of the cliff is a place for people to take vacation photos.

"There's the cliff. 5m in height, whoever gets up there first wins a point." Scraft explains. Chris is staring at the cliff wall trying to find the fastest way to go up. He's looking for the edge and cracks in the cliff to hold on to.

"Should we start now?" Scraft asked while shrugging.

Chris face started to get more serious as he thinks of the path more.

"Hmm, okay let's do it." Chris is ready.

The two stands at the foot of the cliff looking vertically up at their destination.




The two placed their hands on the cliff as they started climbing.

Chris's height and strength gave him a head first at the race. He climbs through the path that he planned earlier. Scraft is just your average kid with no athletic ability, but like Chris, he also have a plan.

"Okay, he's high enough. Time to use my secret weapon." Scraft puts himself in a small caving on the wall and pulls out a small leather bag. Inside the bag are tiny rocks he picked up at the beach and a slingshot. "These rocks are still hot from the sun, i wanna shoot these on his back so he will get hurt and fall down." Scraft's evil plan.

While Chris was stumped and was looking around to find a way up. His back is suddenly pierced with hot tiny little rocks.


"Damn, he's shooting these really hot rocks at me, ack shit..." Chris hands started to feel weak because his back is hurt. "Come on just fall already!" Scraft taunts Chris.

Despite being hurt Chris wents on and grabs a ledge on the wall next to him on the right and started climbing again. "From this angle i can't attack him, he's at the other side of that wall. I gotta get up again." Scraft said.

While Chris holds his burning pain in his back and started to climb more. He looked down to see where Scraft is. "HUH? NO WAY." Chris was shocked seeing Scraft because now he is climbing with a rope and is slowly catching up to him. "That kid have a rope? Where did that rope come from?" Chris looks up to see how far he has to go and the height is just 2m away.

Chris quickly climbs up but because Scraft is getting closer, he got attacked again by his tiny rocks.

*trik trik trik* *trik trik trik*

The sounds of tiny rocks hitting Chris's back.

"AHHH THIS SHIT HURTSS." Chris looks down at the slowly ascending Scraft and he have a plan.

Using his feet he finds tiny dusts that sits at where he's stepping on. He kicks those dusts at where Scraft is.

*trushh trushh*

"Ah my eyes, i can't see." Scraft is now distracted because his eyes are dusted.

While being distracted Chris made his way up to the cliff and manage to win the first competition.

Chris made it to the top of the grassy hill and celebrates, "Take that you ding head..." Chris laid down at the grassy field but forgot about his back pain, "AHH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT." He sits back up while touching his burnt back, "I wonder how Andrew's race went, hope it went well so we can win." Chris said while looking at the area of the lagoon.

And now it's Andrew and Jag's turn to race.

They went to the lagoon that is on the right side of the beach.

 "Whoever gets to those two trees over there wins okay?" Jag said pointing at the two palm trees that is across the lagoon.

"It's a running race kay so you gotta run around the lagoon." Jag makes a circling gesture around the lagoon. "Okay then, i can run a quick one." Andrew said while stretching his legs.

"Okay, in a 1, a 2, a 1 2 3 GO!" Jag and Andrew started running through the wet sand shores.

Just like Chris, Andrew is more taller and athletic than Jag so he can run faster. He have a head start at the race but like Scraft, Jag also have a trick up his sleeve.

Andrew slows down for a moment after noticing how far Jag is from where he is, "I forgot to wear any shoes or anything, my foot is burningggg the sands are so hot..." While Andrew slowly walks because his foot hurts, he heard something shuffling through the sand behind him. "What's that sound?"


A possum jumps out of the sand and attacked Andrew. "WHAT THE-"

*scratch* *scratch* *scratch*

"What?? A possum??" Andrew said as he's on the ground being attacked by the possum.

Because of the lagoon shape, Jag decides to swim his way to the finish line instead of running to the curved beach shores.


"I win!!!" Jag won the second competition. The possum came back to him because that was his possum. "Thank you Rabies!" Jag pets his possum.

Andrew stands up with possum scratches all over his body. The score is now 1 - 1, the only thing to beat the tie breaker is the volley match.

5 January 24
First chapter of the new year!

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