C.32 Geordie The Wolf

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*gasp* *gasp*

"Dammit!!! They went home without me!" Geordie angrily said after he runs out of school.

The school ends half an hour ago around 11.00 but because Geordie was in detention he got out later than all of his friends.

The school our protagonists attends too is a three story tall high school. The school is painted gray to represent the close adult life the students will be facing in a few years. Geordie is standing outside the school's gate that walls off the school from the outside. The school is next to a road but it's not the big main road and it's mostly used to pass by streets. The road is still quite big though because of the terrain surrounding it used to be a field. There are houses around the school as well and also in front of the school.

Suddenly one of Geordie's ear are being pulled, "That's what you get for being late Geordie, you come here late then you go home late!" A teacher is yelling at Geordie while pulling his ear, "Ouch ouch! I get it Ms.Lara but this is too much!" Geordie screams while in pain.

Soon enough his teacher left him alone in the school, "Damn, this stinks!" Geordie waits at the empty school's front lawn, he usually go home with his classmates using the public bus but because he got out late he have to wait for someone to pick him up.

While waiting for his ride back home, he hears the sound of a motorbike coming from his right side.

Geordie who is sitting at the sidewalk with his head resting on his arms noticed the motorbike so he looks to the direction of the sound. A black motorbike slowly drifts through the quiet road.

He was confused on who it was at first but he finally knows who he is. 

It's a hyena wearing a black leather jacket and a black motorbike helmet, "That's the hyena guy  from yesterday. What is he doing here?" He thinks.

Revolver stopped his bike right next to the sitting Geordie, he slides his visor open to look. "are you Geordie?" he asked with a muffled voice. "Yeah what's up?" Geordie stands up from the sidewalk. "where are the other band members? i wanna talk to them too." Revolver asked while looking around, "Wellll the other band members already left this forsaken place so i don't even know where they are right now haha." Geordie shrugged.

Revolver looked around the empty school yard. "i guess everyone went home yeah." Geordie looked around as well, "Mhm everyone went to their dens by now."

Revolver looked at Geordie, "well guess im going back home then cya." Revolver was about to drive off but Geordie stopped him, "Hold your horses! I got out late and i got no one to drive me home, can you drive me home??" Geordie plead.

Revolver thinks for a second but looking at the empty quiet school he started to think, "i don't know your home but sure i can take you there."

Geordie face light up and his tail started wagging, "Splendid! Can i drive too because i know where my home is?" Geordie asked, "uhh knowing how you drive yesterday i rather not..." Revolver awkwardly smiled, "That's okay if you can't handle the speed, you seem to be a slow lovely guy too so i'm okay with that!" Geordie hopped on Revolver's bike.

The two drives away from the school.

"so where is your home anyway?" Revolver asked. "It's somewhere near Mango Road, i'll tell you the directions that leads to my place okay." 

While Revolver is driving Geordie asked, "Why do you wanna talk with my band mates anyway?" Revolver answered, "well i had a lot of fun jamming yesterday and i kinda wanna make this whole band stuff legit. with names and stuff." Revolver explained, "Ohh you want this band to be real? Like The Long Season band from across the street?" Geordie making sure, "yup thats the plan."

Geordie started to think, "Well if we wanna make a band i think we could use a keyboardist though, i've been participating Chris and Andrew's jam sessions a lot and their sounds really needed more melody, and i don' think just a guitar can complement them that much."

Revolver thinks for a second, "so you dont need me as a guitarist?" He said with a monotone voice, "No no no we do need you as a guitarist, it makes us look cool you know! We just need a piano and melody to compliment that coolness yeah? The flower to the dragon as i would say it!" Revolver only nodded slightly with Geordie's terrible respond.

While driving more, Geordie got an idea, "Hey i actually know someone that can bring that flower to your dragon, it's Chris's cousin Tia. She can play the piano!" Geordie suggested, Revolver eyes move to the side, "i mean we could ask i guess."

Geordie tapped Revolver's shoulders, "Hey slow your machine for a second, you see that alley over there next to that bus stop?" Revolver stopped his bike to look at the alleyway at the other side of the road to the right. "yeah i see it." Geordie points at the alley way, "Tia's house is over there in the alley, we should visit her first and ask if she wanna be our melodist or not." Revolver looked at the alley way and decided to drive in. "sure just lead me to her house."

Because Tia's house isn't far from the main road, it doesn't take long for our protagonists to arrive at her house.

"Ah there she is! She's cleaning her path!" Geordie points at Tia who is outside brooming her driveway. Tia looked at the oncoming bike with her hand above her eyes. "Who's that charming man in a bike could be?" She thoughts.

The wolf and hyena has arrived in front of her eyesight so now she can tell who these two are. "Oh it's you Geordie!" Tia said in relief, "Yeah it's me!" Geordie hops off his bike. Tia's eyes were focused on that man she once called charming, he opened his motorbike helmet to reveal himself, the hyena that fought during Ella's party few days back.

15 September 2023

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