C.52 Cliff

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After the therapy session, Melissa went back home because she got a night shift at the hospital that night. Tia also goes to the beach to meet with the others. Now it's just Jake in the living room sitting slouched down and closing his face with his hands.

Because they spent the entire day at the beach, it is now afternoon. The room is slightly dark because Jake didn't turn on the lights.


Shawn entered his house holding a box of pizza. "Hey is your therapy session done?" Shawn asked at the slouched Jake. "Yeah it's done." Jake answered. "How did it go?" Shawn said while putting his shoes off. "It's good." Jake said now looking at the ceiling. "Well why are you here then? Not in the mood to go to the beach?" Shawn asked while standing behind the couch where Jake is sitting. "no..." Jake looked back at where Shawn is. "I got pizzas." Shawn raised his box of pizza. "Dude stop asking me question okay!?" Jake got angry. They both got silence for a second before Jake apologized, "Sorry about that, i'm working on it." Shawn just nods and walks away, "If you change your mind just meet us at the beach okay?" Shawn left the house through the backdoor.

Jake looks at the now gray covered orange sky. The clouds are dark and gray and could be telling an upcoming rain. Jake remembers about the things he did and he finally decides to stand up and walks outside.

Stepping outside, he felt the strong wind that's pushing to the sea. The gray cloud slightly darkens the  beach but the light from the sunset is still visible. 

He walks to the picnic area to find Tia, Flame, and Shawn who is eating some of the pizza. "Hey you actually went out." Shawn points out Jake. "Oh how are you Jake? You feeling any better?" Tia asked, "I guess." Jake answered plainly. "WHat are you looking for Jake?" Flame asked. Jake looked around, "Where's Ella?" He asked. "Oh Ella? He's at the top of the cliff right now with the others, they're looking at the sunset." Shawn points at the cliff that Chris climbed earlier.

Jake looked at the 5 meter high cliff and started thinking, "Can someone take me there?" Jake asked. The three young adults looked at each other before Shawn volunteered, "Sure i'll take you there." Shawn stands up. Tia and Flame looked at Jake who's walking away with confusion but kind of proud, "I'm guessing he's trying to apologize to Ella for that fight." Tia guessed, "Honestly, seeing some of tHe tHings He say wHen i'm Home witH Him. I know He feels very guilty so i'm glad He's finally brave enougH to do tHat."

Jake and Shawn is now walking towards the cliff. Jake was getting impatient and starts to walk faster than Shawn, "Hey hurry up i don't have time." Jake yelled at Shawn who's behind him, "Dude what's with the hurry? Look at those dark clouds there, it's very dramatic. Do you think i'll look good if i take a photo with the skies as the background?" Shawn thinks. Shawn wanting to take a photo just got Jake more mad. "What? You want me to take a fucking photo?" Shawn looks at the angry Jake. "I mean, if you want."

Jake closed his eyes and take a deep breath trying to hold his anger. He walked back where Shawn is and grabs his phone from his hand.


"Thanks dude, i look sooo dramatic here!" Shawn said while looking at the phone. "Okay sure keep it up slow shit." Jake continues walking.

They made it to the hill where Ella and the others are. The hill isn't that steep, it's around a 35 angle to the top. Jake quickly make his way up while Shawn carefully climbs the tilted ground. Jake look back at Shawn, "jeez i shouldn't asked for someone to take me there, it's just wasting my time." He said under his breathe. "Hey uhh can i get some help here." Shawn smiles and scratch his head. His behavior got Jake angry and he goes down to pull Shawn up.

The two finally reached the top of the cliff, the sun almost completely sets. They see the three boys Andrew, Chris, and Geordie posing for a photo that Ella is taking. Scott was the first to notice Jake and Shawn.

"Hey. What's your name again?" Jake asked Shawn, "It's Shawn." Shawn answered, "Hey uh Shawn, i wanna apologize to Ella but i don't know what to say." Jake asked while feeling shameful, "Apologize for the fight right?" Shawn asked, "Yeah, any idea?" Jake tries to find a way. "If you wanna apologize it's really not about what words you choose but more of a what message you wanna say. You gotta really mean it." Shawn gives advice.

"But. I never apologized before..." Jake gets more shameful as he realized that he's a bad person. "But you apologized to me earlier back in my house. But hey, you can practice by apologizing to me again if you want. You did say some mean things earlier while we get up here." Shawn gives Jake a chance.

Jake looks at Shawn and takes a deep breathe, "Sorry about what i said earlier." Jake gets angry a little, "That's too little! I should've apologized longer." Jake complained, "No no no it's good, remember. It's not about the words but more of the message. You did good there."

Jake looked at Ella who's taking photos. "Go and apologize, i know you can do it." Shawn encourages Jake.

Jake closed his eyes and take another deep breath. He walks towards Ella and the others.

"Ella look there's someone behind you." Andrew points out.

Ella looked behind her and she sees a very guilty Jake.

How will Jake put his words to apologize to Ella?

2 February 2024

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