C.46 Melissa Cole

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"Ever since that event, Jake doesn't hide his emotions anymore. He would always release his emotions onto something." Melissa ended the story.

They both are sitting in the front patio of Shawn's beach house looking at the sandy grass landscape and coconut trees that shade the road.

"It seems like a hard time for him. From hearing your story i'm quite surprised that he's even still alive. What happened after then?"

"After he is taken by our aunt. he took off his bloodied shirt and took a shower. I was only 14 at the time, i heard Jake crying loudly in the shower. When he got out of the shower i dried him off with a towel, there are some parts of his body where he is sensitive when touched. It must be from all the beatings he got. I can only cry quietly while drying him off." Melissa wiped her tears with her jacket sleeve.

Tia only respond is to pat the crying Melissa's shoulder.

"After that, Jake was moved to a better school by my aunt, a school that finally cared about him. Ever since he's with my aunt he speaks more now. He is still scared that his father would come back out of nowhere and kills him but for now he was doing good. At that point in 2010 he's 14 now in 8th grade, despite the events happening 4 years ago those scars won't heal. He still gets ptsd attacks and started to yell and get angry, and it's been a problem ever since."

Melissa and Tia stopped talking for a few moments to imagine all the pain Jake went through.

"You know, i originally planned this meeting for the two of you to talk it out. But this is his therapy session, so we need to talk to him and try to find a way to control his emotions. Not everyone that have trauma will end up becoming like him so there has to be a way to minimize that..." Tia suggest.

"I think that's a great idea... Let's go back inside and talk to him about it."

But as the two stands up and looked back at the front door, they found out that Jake was standing behind the wall next to the door and hearing the entire conversation. His face was displeased with some tears running down his eyes.

"Jake you were listening?" Melissa asked, before Jake looked away as tears coming out of his eyes.

"Ohhh Jakeyy don't cryyy." Melissa reached for Jake to hug him.

"It's okayy Jakeyy we'll find a way..." Melissa confronts the crying Jake.

"I guess the emotions that he releases isn't just anger but also sadness. Maybe his inner child is seeing some light." Tia thoughts.

"So that's how people see me as huh. But i guess you guys are right... I think i get my emotions a little bit on the way." Tia and Melissa stopped at Jake's answer.

"Because of him. I became exactly like him. Angry and abusive, i don't want to give that pain to other people..."


The three stopped in silence for a second.

They were speechless because of the overwhelming emotions they all got, as Jake hugs his sister again he blurted, "Im sorry sis, im sorry... i will try to be better..."

Melissa starts to cry too and hugged him back.

The blue sunny room is now filled with heart warming events. On The two deer siblings ended up talking more in private as Tia goes to the beach to report to Flame.

She walked to Flame who is sitting at a rock wall that's separating the sandy beach with the dirt road. He is watching the others play around in the beach until he is approached by Tia, "Hey dude, we finished our therapy session."

Flame looked towards her who is standing behind him, "How did it go?" Flame asked, "It went... well? I mean there's a lot of crying and that includes me as well, the back story of Jake that i got from his sister is devastating and i can't imagine how he's feeling right now."

Flame displays a worried look, "WHat Happened back tHen?" Flame asked as Tia sits down next to him, "It was a long story but the main point is that he was abused by his dad, his dad's friends, and bullied by his friend as well. Overall his life was hell and it leads him to act that way."

"Damn... WHen i first met Him at tHe airport i wouldn't tHougHt that He Had been tHrougH a lot. Maybe i sHould give more attention to Him from now on..." Flame evaluates.

"During the session there is a sudden progress though, Jake said that he would try to change and control his emotions more. It will be hard but it is possible. We can't erase his trauma but we can try to take care of his emotions."

"THat's some good news tHen. I'll try to Help out. WHen i first saw Him i know He was clueless about tHis new place. THat could be a factor as well, tHat anxiety. Maybe tHat's wHy He started to attack Revolver, He doesn't take strangers so easily."

While hearing Flame talks, Tia remembers a fact that Melissa told her in Jake's backstory. "Revolver... He's a hyena..."

Flame only raised his eyebrows at Tia's remarks.

"I think i know the reason why Jake attacked Revolver. One of Jake's abusers is his dad's friend who is an alcoholic. He would abuse him more harder and with no mercy more than his father could ever were."

"THat's terrible. But WHy are you tHinking about Revolver wHen talking about Him?"

"That's because...

The abuser was a hyena."

22 December 23

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