C.38 The Sheep Doll

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After the 2 hours has passed, the travel tour bus has arrived at the small town below Coroso Kingdom. Built from the ashes of the original one, the small town is now turned into a tourist destination that is filled with all of the kingdom's history that you can read.

Even though it's a rebuild from an old town, the town is still built like a 17th century  renaissance village, with it's gothic and royal like architecture. Even the town's road isn't built with asphalt but instead it's made up of stone bricks that are laid down next to each other. The fog from earlier hasn't cleared that much yet so accompanied with the cold mountain temperatures, there are lighter mist around it.

The ticket man from earlier is now also the tour guide of this trip, taking care of the Dorian Travel patrons. "Okay everyone we arrived at our destination, the Coroso Kingdom. Get your bags and we will be hiking throughout the most historic locations in Fredencia Island."

The passengers are getting their bags and started to walk out the bus.

As Finn and Ella steps outside, they looked up at the gigantic ruined castle that is perched on top of the hill. "There it is Finn, we're gonna go up there with the others!" Ella points to the castle, "wowww... gorgeous..." Finn looks at the castle.

But their stunned sightseeing was interrupted with a loud crying, "WAHHH. I WANT THAT DOLL MOMMY! WAHHH." Nearby is a little sheep girl crying to her mom, "Sorry Lisa... But there's quite a long line for that doll and we shouldn't be late for the tour guide you know?" Her mother tried to reason her, "BUT I WANT IT!!" The child cried more, "We'll buy it later when we get down okay?" Her mom is getting desperate. "I WANT IT NOWWW!!" But the child won't stop crying.

Finn stepped in with the two mother and daughter, "Hey... I can buy that doll for you. Anything to make you stop crying..." Finn intervened not because he doesn't want the kid to be sad, but because he wants to make it more quiet. "Oh you want to sir?" The mother is surprised, "Yes." Finn nods. "Okay. Here's the money okay, which doll do you want Lisa?" Her mother points at the gift store window where we can see the dolls from inside, "I want the sheep one, it reminds me of mommy..." Lisa's mood suddenly changed for the better, "Awww. Okay then, please get me the sheep doll. Thank you so much for doing this sir." The mother bows. "mmmmm yeah yeah." Finn walked inside the crowded gift store.

There are people around the gift store looking around the merchandise they sell. Finn walked to the shelves where the sheep doll that the girl was looking for is placed on. He grabbed it and walked to the line in the counter.

There are 3 people waiting on the line, the service is quite slow because there are only one person working as the cashier. Not only that, a lot of the gifts here are foods as well so there's plenty of travelers who buy plenty of items and stalling the cashier work.

Finn is tapping his foot and stimming his fingers while waiting. "Mann. I thought because there's only 3 dudes here it will take just some few minutes to get this doll. But this place is slower than Geordie from yesterday!" He vented in his mind.

"Next!!" The cashier lady said as the next person in line walked up to the cashier, "Great! There's two people left before me now..." He was positive at first until the person in the cashier pulls out a bag with around a dozen of gifts. "WHAT?? THAT GUY HAVE LIKE A HUNDRED GIFTS. THIS WILL TAKE TOO MUCH TIME!!" Finn started to get angry.

Meanwhile outside the gift shop, Ella is with the kid's mom sitting in front of the cafe, Ella is talking with the kid. "And this photo is probably my most beautiful photos yet, it has beautiful colors with the flowers and the grasses and landscape really compliments those colors as well!" Ella explained her photos to the very intrigued kid. "Ooh ooh and what photo is that?" The kid points at one of her photos.

"Ah this is the Sir Buckelaire statue from Buckelaire airport. He was a hero in the Coroso Kingdom before the kingdom's tragic demise." Ella explains some history, "Wow that's so cool! Coroso Kingdom, up there!" The little kid points at the castle up on the hill, "Mhm, we're all gonna go there to look at the ruined castles!" Ella enthusiastic.

"I always learned about the history of this kingdom and seeing it in place really does its magic." The mother joined in at the conversation. "Yup it truly is mrs, nothing is more magical then seeing a-" "SHEEP!" Ella was interrupted by the excited kid.

It turns out, Finn is done with buying the sheep doll and now holding it in his hand. "YAY!!" The kid run up to Finn as he crouches to gives the sheep doll to the kid. "Wow Finn that was quick." Ella comments, "Well... I got a bit angry in there and the person in front of me ended up putting my order with him because i only buy one thing. Ended up i only have to wait for two people instead." Finn explained, "THANK YOU SOOO MUCH SIRRR!" The kid hugs the crouching Finn. "Yeah yeah. Just don't cry." Finn smiled.

"Alright everyone from Dorian Travels, time to hike the trail that leads to the Coroso's Kingdom Wilshire Castle!" The tour guide tells the passengers who are around the town hall. The people noticed and started to gathered around the tour guide, including Finn, Ella and the sheep mother daughter.

They all gathered and started to hike through the trail.

27 October 23

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