C.14 Post Contest

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Ella storms towards the stage with some group of people cheering her on following her behind. Kelly saw Ella making her way to the stage, "Oh no.... What is she doing with all those people?? I gotta get out of here!" She tries to run away with the award in her hand. "Nope i am not letting you go." Ella runs faster to the stage. Kelly panics and bolts off the stage and runs to the crowd of people, but Ella's plan isn't to get Kelly in the first place so she doesn't chase her down.

Ella made it to the stage and everyone stopped clapping, "Who is that?" A spectator said in the now silence building. All the building lights turned on showcasing everyone's different reaction, either shocked or annoyed. She grabbed the microphone in the mic stand and gets ready to expose it all.

She said in a stuttering voice, "E-everyone i... have an announcement to make..." Everyone listens.

"The uhh the Montres Art Contest..." The judges freezes on what she's about to said.


Ella looked at Revolver and some of her supporters and she's finally brave enough to say it.



Everyone gasped. But they didn't gasped in shock of the information that the contest is rigged, they're shocked that someone is brave enough to say that. Some of the people there ended up leaving the building to avoid the chaos.

The meerkat host that isn't part of the organization doesn't have anything to say and just looks around in shock, "The judges here will choose the winners based on their money, not their talent!" The judges who are sitting at the back stage looked at each other and orders the security guard to get Ella, "Guards! Get her out of this stage before she said more terrible news for us!" The guards are walking from the back stage to reach Ella. Seeing the incoming guards she have one thing left to say before she leaves. "I also wanna expose the cheater of tonight's contest Kelly fucking Laura." She said in a fast tone. She grabbed Shawn's phone out of her pocket and showed the photo of Kelly bribing the judges to everyone by raising the phone up with her two arms.

The crowd was still quiet and in shock but slowly in the midst of the silence, there are some people who clapped, "Yeah! Expose these idiots!" One of her supporters said. Unfortunately the guard had reached Ella and are trying to take her away from the stage.

But as she's being taken away the mass say so otherwise, "Boo!! Let her go!!" In a miracle, everyone agreed with Ella. The spectators and the contestant, came to an agreement that the contest is rigged. The mob boos at the guards, some even throw trash at the guards and judges. "Hey! Stop throwing shit at me!" The guard yells at the pack but his voice is buried in the horde of anger.

The guards ended up letting Ella go due to them being overwhelmed by the mob and they run to the back of the stage with the judges, "Let's get out of here!" They all ran away.

As they ran away the whole crowd cheers on Ella, "Hooray!" Ella can only smile and looks around while fidgeting her hair. "Well everyone it seems that we have a new winner! For being brave enough to tell the truth!" The host said as she raised Ella hand. Ella cries in happiness as everyone clapped.

*After The Show Ended*

Ella and Revolver exits the building with some people complimenting Ella, "Hey, you're that rabbit girl! That was so cool!" A bypasser said. "Thank you!" Ella replied.

After the show ended it is now 21.00 at night, The Blonded Center have a food court in the front so people could eat. Despite the dark night sky, this place is bright. A lot of the stands are open and since the show just ended it is also crowded with hungry participants. The food court is also very lively being filled with mostly wooden benches and tables, even the food stands are made of wood. The whole place is coated in warm lights either from the hanging yellow festive lights or from the fire of the cooks.

The two of them stopped at a hot dog stand to get something to eat, Revolver orders the food and Ella calls her friend Tali while she waits, "Tali did you know what happened?"
Tali quickly answers, "Oh yes gurl i know exactly what happened, and that shit was so cool!"
"That was so embarrassing tho..." Ella slowly drops her face at the table.
"But that was pretty sick tho! Like you caused a scummy art contest to just shut down. That's something i did NOT expect you to do." Tali compliments her.
"Yeah that was pretty cool and all but that wasn't professional at all, like what if i'm gonna get kicked at other art contests because they're afraid that they're gonna get exposed too? And for what? I didn't even get the trophy because Kelly took it away." Ella said in a shaken tone.
"Listen here Ella, right now we shouldn't think about this because what you did is something good and it only hurt the bad people.
"Yeah..." Ella said while looking away.
"Instead we should just think about the celebration party!!! Where should it be?? What should we eat??" Tali said excitedly.
Ella sighs at Tali request, "Sighhh, yeah sure the party. Maybe at Flame's house is good, i'm gonna ask him later about it."
"That's great, i could even help you with the foods tomorrow! Okay i gotta go now bestie cya!" Tali hangs up.

Revolver came back with two hot dogs, "Thanks Rev." Revolver only nodded and both of them eat.

Shawn spots Ella sitting on the hotdog stand's table and approached her. "Heyyy Ella!" Shawn waves with one of his hand with his other hand in the back. "Hi Mr.Shawn! Are you okay?" Ella asked.
Shawn looks at the entrance door, "Well that guard didn't do much for me, they just kicked me out that's all." He shrugged and smiled with his eyes closed.
"Well i'm glad you're okay."
"I'm actually here to give you this award." Shawn revealed the photography contest trophy from his other hand behind his back.
"Woah! How did you get that?"
"A group of people including me was chasing the cheater down and she dropped her award in panic. So i think i should give it to a person who truly deserved it!" Ella takes the trophy from Shawn's hand. "Thank you so much Mr.Shawn!"
"No problem, you deserved it!"
"You know, i think i should invite you to my celebration party that i'm gonna held at my friend's house. Because without you i probably won't even know about the whole cheating scandal thing." Ella said.
"Oh sure! I'm not busy anyway so tell me where the house is and i'm down. Oh and by the way, you can stop calling me Mr, i'm not that old and i think we became more close now so just drop the mr." Shawn agrees.
"Ohhh, alright Shawn."

Ella then looked at Revolver at the other side of the table, "You should come too Revolver."
Revolver raised one of his eyebrows, "me? why me?"
"Welll... Because of you i got the confident to go on that stage."
"ohh" Revolver responds by nodding.
"You can deny it if you don't wanna go."
"nah i can go, just a lil confused there."
"This is great! You two gonna be in my celebration party!!" Ella raised her arms in excitement.

Afterwards they all went home and awaits for more information about the upcoming party.

7 April 2023

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