C.20 Music School House

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The boys are at the basketball court parking lot getting on their own motorbikes, Chris can't ride a motorbike so he will go with Geordie. Revolver hopped on his own motorbike and Finn go with his big brother Andrew, "Hey dudes, i gotta take my lil bro home first okay. You guys can go ahead and jam earlier too but i'll be there!" Andrew and Finn drove away.

The remainder of the boys looked at the two dogs driving away, "Well then hyena, guess you follow me then. Let's go." Geordie and Chris drives off and Revolver followed them behind.

In Flora Complex there is a music school with a studio in it. There will be bands practicing or just jamming out there as well.

They drive through the neighborhood just like how Shawn did last night, but this time unlike the quiet night it's the opposite which is a bright day.

Revolver drives to the right side of Geordie to talk to him, "hey how far is this place anyway?" He asked, "Well it's a 5 minute drive from the court if i remember." Chris answered, "Pfftt. What do you mean 5 minutes Chris, we can reach it in 2 minutes if we just gas!" Geordie screams, "Wait what do you mean-" Geordie speeds up instantly causing Chris to be stunned, "Oh shit!" Revolver looked at the speeding duo and he speeds up as well.

"Dude what the hell my hat almost fall from that!" Chris said while holding his hat down. "Haha that is my apology Chris but come on, can't you handle the speed?" Geordie speeds up again, "Oh shit Geordie you drive like you have 9 lives dude slow down!" Chris gets more afraid. "Wee hee!" Geordie glees.

Revolver looked in shock at how fast they're going, "damn they're crazy." Revolver tries to catch up.

Just like how Geordie said it just by speeding through the neighborhood they arrived at the studio in just 2 minutes.

They all parked in front of the building, "Well here we are!" Geordie said to Revolver. 

The building isn't a proper building specifically made to be a music school but instead the building is a two story house. The music school is owned by this two couple who loves the art of music, the two couple hired music teachers from outside to teach music to the locals, sometime they just have their other musical friends come to the place and teach people there too.

One of the couple friends is named David, he's a middle aged tiger who runs the music studio. He's a heavy old rock fan and you can tell by his metallica leather jacket.

The boys entered the house and they are greeted by David, "Ahh here are you guys again. I haven't set up the instruments yet so you guys gotta wait here for a sec okay?" David the tiger said while walking around the house. "Okay sir David we'll wait!" Geordie said enthusiastically.

The music school house is the couple's house that they turned into a music school, the music school part is the first floor and the second floor is where the couple lives. Downstairs feels like your typical old man house but it has a lot of instruments everywhere. There are guitars and basses hanging on the wall, some spare drum parts is located at the corner of some of the rooms, and even electric keyboard parts and cables can be found laying around the tables around the living room.

The three guys sit down at the blue couch in the living room, "Hey hyena what's your name?" Geordie asked, "they called me revolver." Revolver replied, "They called you Revolver? Well they called me Emperor Geek's Mace then." Geordie smiled, "Yeah and they call me Sir Cornelius's Crossbow." Chris jokingly said.

"no like real talk call me revolver." Revolver said in a serious tone, "Oh okay Rev, i'm Geordie Geek and you can call me Geordie, and this is my friend Christopher Cornelius the second." Geordie tapped Chris's shoulder.

"Wait your name is Cornelius?" Revolver asked Chris, "Yeah that's my name alright." Chris replied. Revolver thinks about him name for a second.

"Can i call you Nelly?" he asked. "Uhh i mean some people call me that so sure." Chris said with one of his eyebrows raised. "Haha Nelly. It's a cute nickname Nelly." Geordie makes fun of Chris.

Revolver looked around, "you know i didn't expect this place to be a house, i thought its like an actual school." Revolver said looking at the living room they're sitting in. "Yeah so basically there's this two couple Carrie and Lowell. They love the art of music and ended up teaching their kids some basic music stuff like pianos and guitars. They ended up loving teaching people music so much that they started this music school in their house. That's the basic jizz of this place, it's a long story and it's amazing." Geordie explains. "Yeah this place also became a landmark for Flora Complex,  it's a good place for the people and a lot of great bands started here." Chris adds. "Yeah! Great bands like us someday!" Geordie delightly said while nudging his elbow to Chris, "True true." Chris closed his eyes and nodded.

While they talked Revolver got a phone call and it's from Ella, Revolver eyes was shocked looking at it and he picked up. Ella answered, her voice seems to be tired but her spirit is there, "Hey Revolver. I'm awake now and i'll be home tomorrow!" Ella said cheerfully, "well thats good." Revolver lets out a relieving sigh, "How are you though, like are you hurt?" Ella asked, "im good im good, it's just a small scratch its not that big of a deal, i got into worse fight before anyway." Revolver said with a slight happy tone, "You know i think you should be in the hospital too, you seem badly beaten up yesterday and i don't want you getting hurt that's all." Revolver looked away, "hey Ella. im sorry about yesterday. im sorry for causing such a mess." Ella was silent at first but she did respond, "Well... Flame told me what really happened yesterday and you shouldn't really be the one apologizing, but i'll forgive you anyway for being brave enough to say that." Revolver smiled, "Oh well i'm glad you're still okay though. I'll catch up to you later but now i need to rest. Cya Rev!" Ella hanged up.

Geordie and Chris only looked at Revolver when he was calling, "That's crazy, what do you mean a small scratch? I see you gushing blood out your face yesterday dude like what?" Geordie shocked, "heh ive been through worse." Revolver smiled and looked away, "Yeah this dude is crazier than you Geordie real talk." Chris joked. "Nah he's crazier than Finn what do you mean." Geordie joked back.

While the three talks to each other David is done setting up the instruments, "Okay you kids, the studio is set now just go in there and have some fun!" He said with a smile.

"Splendid! Come on you two let's jump in and not waste our time!" Geordie stands up and runs to the studio room. And the others followed behind.

19 May 2023

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