C.4 Instinct

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Lap 4

Jake went faster than before, he succesfully lands the first shortcut.

Finn is getting desperate and used one of his power ups which is the shield. Instead of using it to protect himself from any projectiles, he just released the shield to try and hit Jake.

It actually landed and stopped Jake for a few second.

Finn catches up to Jake but he was saving a missile to shoot at Finn if he passed.

The missile will follow the player so it won't miss.

It hits Finn making him stunned and Jake became 1st again.

Finn is shaking, not knowing what to do. He does not want to lose this.

But then his instinct kicks in and he opens his jaw open wide and bite Jake's arm to try and stop him.

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU." Jake tried to fight back by hitting him back and pulling his arm away.

"wait guys stop!" Flame tried to break the two.

These two completely stopped racing and now are fighting physically.

"guys come on now time out!" Flame tried to push the two away.

Jake looked back at the tv and focused back on the race making it to the last lap

Lap 5

Now Finn tried to get Jake's controller with his paws and Jake elbowed him to make it stop.

Jake is more strong so Finn stopped attacking.

Flame quickly goes in front of the couch to try to break the two.

After all of that ruckus, Jake won the race.

"jeez guys tHat was very uncalled for, can we eat in peace now? i bet you guys are angry because you guys Haven't eaten yet."

Finn and Jake both gasp for air being very tired.

Flame raised his finger, "but first! i need to see tHe two of you apologizing to one anotHer!"

Finn raised his paw for a paw shake, "*pant* *pant* i'm so sorry dude. I always get defensive and competetive when playing games like these. Hopefully that bite dont hurt you much."

Jake shaked Finn's paws, "I'm sorry for calling you shithead too. You kinda deserve it tho."

"great! let's all eat breakfast togetHer!" Flame brings out the tray of food again.

-Breakfast Time-

They're all sitting in the couch as the sun peeked in. Flame eating his salad, Finn eating his breakfast quickly as if Wes Anderson directed it. And Jake eats while looking at his phone.

Flame breaks the silence, "wHat Happened Finn? it's like sometHing came out of you earlier."

"I'm sooo sorry for that, my fight or flight response was being crazy. I usually love to runaway from my problems but at that moment right there instead of just running away i decide to fight back. Maybe it's my instinct?"

"aH i see, well now im kinda glad i always let you win or else i will turn into dog food!"

"Your instinct kicked in huh? That's what happen when i'm mad as well. I feel like i lost myself and the anger controlled me." Jake adds.

"Yes! It's like that! I only noticed that i was angry when i see Flame trying to break us up!"

"Maybe it is our instinct but it could just be us." Jake said while looking outside the window.

"Haha look at the wise talker here! I guess your age really fits your mind too!"

"Im still 23 its not that old."

"Haha well im sorry about that comment too! Trust me that i'm a very nice person outside of gaming!"

"He's a toxic gamer." Flame adds.

"Yeah! When we just hangs out for fun i bet i'll be the best guy!"

"Hah, maybe later." Jake shows a slight smile.

"or maybe now? i need to go to nortH market today to buy a present for a friend that is coming. i'm gonna go tHere alone so you two stay Here alrigHt?"

"Yeah! We can watch TV together!" Finn raised both his paws in excitement.

"Fine then, we'll do."

"great, i'm gonna get ready now. don't kill eacH otHer!" Flame leaves them early to get ready.

They both are watching Kitchen Nightmares now.

"Hey panini head! You gonna get everyone killed here!" Gordon yells.

"Haha Panini head, i wish i came up with that." Jake joked.

"My lil head looks like a panini too!" Finn adds.

Flame is ready and heading out to the door, "seeya later you two!"

Finn looked at the door and waved his paws quickly, "Alright be careful Flame!!"

While looking at Finn, Jake thought, "This Finn guy is annoying but i relate to him too. Maybe he truly is not that bad outside of gaming."

-North Market-

North Market is filled with people and motor bikes everywhere, it's very crowded during the day. The hot blazing sun doesnt help either as everyone just sweats in the crowd.

Flame is buying a chocolate as a present for his friend that is coming home. This island is known for its good and unique chocolate. They are very crunchy due to the nuts combination. Those nuts are also native to the island too.

Flame puts the chocolate in the bag but because of how crowded the market is he doesn't have the time to close his bag fully so he just walk away from the crowd with his bag being half opened.

On a dark alley way, a dumpster is shuffling, "Mannnnn.... Im soooooo hungry..." A homeless raccoon teenager is whining in the dumpster.

He went outside the dumpster to find some food and in the right timing, Flame was walking through that alley way.

"Hmmm i wonder how much money that guy have...... I'm not the best at guessing but i say it's enough for some lunch!!" The kid thought.

He hides behind the dumpster and wait until Flame passed by.

As Flame passed by the kid sneaks behind his bag and grabbed some items from the half opened bag.

Flame was clueless on what's going on until he heard a rustling plastic noise from his bag.

He stopped walking and turned around and see the Raccoon, "Hey! what did you just steal?"

The kid just runs away into the crowd of people outside the alley and Flame can't find him.

"sHit... did He take anytHing important?" He takes off his bag and check.

"fuck tHey did take sometHing important. but well atleast the chocolate is still Here. i'm just gonna go Home...." He walked back to the parking lot feeling defeated and sad.

The kid is great at stealing, he can navigate the faster way to get to the other side of the street in a crowded street too.

While running he thinks about what he just did, "I know stealing is bad but i'm just soooooo hungry, guess my Raccoon instinct just kicked in and i steal from him. Oh well! Good lunch here i come!"

Original date:
10 June 22

Fixed typo on:
3 April 24

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