C.10 Revolver The Hyena

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40 Minutes has passed and the girls finished their Karaoke session. They stepped outside the karaoke room to see an empty road, a lot of people has gone home.

They also noticed how Rev is still there waiting on the couch and using his phone, "Oh hey! You're still here? I thought you already went home?" Ella asked.

"i got nothing better to do anyway then just standing and smoking. i'm just sitting here and waiting."

Tali reached her hand to the front door. "Well, we're going home now so cya!"

"Wait Tali!" Before Tali leaves, Ella grabs her hand and whispers to her ear, "I'm kinda curious about this guy because he seems cool! And i kinda wanna ask him more stuff about himself too!"

"But Ella...
I'm soooo tired because of sooo many things.
Walking around the fair, the karaoke night, and also just running around being chased is tiring okay! Can you just ask him later on discord or something?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot that he gave us his discord earlier! That's a great idea! I'll go tell him." Ella goes back to the couch to Rev.

"Hey dude! Me and my friend are going home now, thank you again for saving us yeah!"

He replies with a simple smile and nod.

"I wanna talk with you more cause you seems verryy cool but my friend is very tired so i'll talk with you at my home okay?"

Rev blushed, "you think i'm cool?"

"Obviously! You saved our lives of course you are cool!"

He looked away because he's shy with compliments, "well i never seen my self as cool but if you say so sure...
and yeah, we could talk later on discord."

"Great! Cya there!" Ella walks back to Tali who is waiting on the front door.

"be careful!

"We will!" They left the karaoke place.

The two girls walked back home with just the two of them now, the street is dark and empty and it only got lighten with street lamps that are 10 ft apart. They stopped walking on a fork and waited for the bus to come by.

"Waiting for a bus at night is sooo annoying, they rarely come!" Tali complains.

Ella looked back, "Yeah it sucks but atleast there isn't someone following us this time tho."

Tali looked back and her face turns to ghost, "Well actually... We are being followed..."

Ella is shocked and looked back frantically, "What? Where?"

Tali points at Ella, "We are being followed by this cute bunny over here!"

Ella is relieved, "Ohh youu." She pats Tali's back as she giggles.

The sounds of old engine is heard as the bus arrived at the bus stop. They both entered the b;ie bus that is lighten with white light on the inside and this time they sit near the front just to be more safe. The bus driver is different too, this one is a llama instead, the one from earlier must've gone home by now.

"Wow, what a day!" Tali lays down in one of the empty bus seats.

"Yeah.. Today was crazy." Ella lays down on the bus seats that are across to where Tali is laying down.

"If it weren't for that Hyena guy we probably won't be here right now yeah?"

"Yeah... That Rev guy is very nice, i can't wait to talk to him more when i get home."

"Talking to new people is very fun! Also he looks quite young too, maybe a teen or uhh young adult?"

"Yeah, he looks quite young. I thought he was a 30 year old when i first meet him haha." Ella chuckles.

"We can't judge an age by the look, maybe he's actually...." Tali stopped for a bit.

Ella raised her eyebrows.

"13 YEARS OLD!" Tali jokes around.

"What!? That's crazyy young! 13 and a smoker too! What a terrible life!" Ella adds.

Those two are just joking around about what they've gone through to cope. After 5 minutes they arrived at their destination which is the bus stop near Tali's house.

"Can i stay at your place for the night? It's getting a bit too late now." Ella said with heavy eyes.

"Yeah girl! We could have a surprise sleepover!" Tali sounds excited but deep down she's tired as well.

"Thanks bestie you're the best."

Ella and Tali made it to Tali's house.

The house is warm and the sounds of Tali's mom washing the dishes is heard.

"Hey mom! We're home! I'm going to sleep now!" Tali said loudly as she walked to her room.

Tali's mom looked back with a cleaned plate still in her hand, "Oh yes sweetie glad you guys came home safe!"

"Also i'm staying here for the night!" Ella yells from upstairs.

"Alright then! I'll tell your parents that you're here for the night Ella." She continued cleaning the dishes.

Ella walked to Tali's room that is lighten with purple, pink, and blue christmas lights to found out that Tali already went to sleep, "Wow you're a fast sleeper."

Ella placed her purse on the nightstand and lay down next to Tali.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and opens discord to talk to Rev.

Ella: "Hello! It's me! Ella! The girl from earlier!"
Rev: *Wumpus Wave* "sup ella"
Ella: "Can i ask some stuff about you?"
Rev: "sure y not"
Ella: "Okay, first of all me and my friend were curious about your age, sooo how old are you anyway?"
Rev: "19 yrs"
Ella: "Ohhh, i thought you're like 30 something haha! I'm 17 btw!"
Rev: "30? wow im not that old"
Ella: "Sorry lol"
Rev: "its good"
Ella: "So do you go to college or work somewhere?"
Rev: "nope, just chilling with no job rn"
Ella: "Really? Are you from the island tho? Cus i'm not."
Rev: "nah im from somewhere else."
Ella: "Did you move here with a friend or parents."
Rev: "my parents are dead and i got no friends"

That starts a small awkward silence.

Ella: "Oh sorry.."
Rev: "its good Ella no need to apologize"
Ella: "Are you okay with that tho?"
Rev: "im used to it lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Ella: "I'm sorry for you Rev."
Rev: "no need"
Ella: "Well i think i'm going to sleep now Mr. Rev sorry for the short talk but i got this photography competition thing i gotta go to for tomorrow night so i gotta get ready and get my sleep!"
Rev: "plz dont call me mr i feel old if you say that lol"
Ella: "Okay Stray Bulletz it was nice meeting you byeee!"
Rev: "ok thats better, stay safe and cya!"

Ella turned off her phone and looked at the ceiling, "Can't believe a stranger like him saved me like that. It really gives me hope that some people are good." She thought.

She puts her phone on the night stand and closed her eyes and falls asleep quickly from being tired.

Tali's mom went upstairs to check on them, "Oh they all went to sleep already." She was holding a tray of cookies that she was planning to give to the girls, "Oh well i'm just putting this in her table and just turn off the lights. Good night!"


The next morning...

Tali wakes up from the sunlight to see that Ella is sitting on the edge of her bed eating her mom's cookies and reading her phone.

"You're already awake?" She asked with slurred speech

She swallowed her cookie to answers, "Yeah, i'm going home now."

"Oh, okay be careful. I'm going back to sleep." She rolls her head to the other side and went back to sleep.

"Pfft, okay Tali." She covers her friend with a blanket and went downstairs with her purse.

"I'm going home Tali's mom!" She opened the front door.

Tali's mom was in the kitchen drinking her tea, "Okay Ella be careful!"

She left the house and start a walk back home feeling more confident with other people now.

23 July 2022

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