C.22 Hospital Visit

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Chris and Andrew drove through the big highway that leads to North Market, "Solo hospital, that's the hospital Ella's in. Tali told me this morning." Andrew said to Chris, "Okay dude, but is it okay if we dress up like this though? We're going to the hospital wearing our basket fit, you with the white t-shirt and gray varsity jacket and me with the black cap and a zipped up blue adidas track jacket. Also that both of us wears basketball shoes and shorts." Chris worried, "Chill dude they won't judge. We're visiting a friend in an emergency they'll understand!" Andrew tried to calm Chris, "Yeahh i guess so.."

The dog and donkey duo arrived at North Market and drives around the city to the hospital, North Market is the capital city of the Fredencia Island and it's very culturally rich. A lot of historic buildings and statues are here, including a statue of Princess Fiona of the old Coroso Kingdom. The temperature is more hotter in the city due to the buildings around so a lot of the people here wears summer clothes most of the time.

The two finally arrived at the Solo Hospital. They parked Andrew's bike at the huge parking lot in the hospital frontyard and started walking to the hospital building. As they entered the building they are  greeted by the cold breeze of the hospital AC and the busy noise of the hospital workers, "Ah finallyy." Chris closed his eyes and takes in the cold.

Flame was waiting near the receptionist table and he walked to the two of them, "Hey! Over Here!" Flame waved at the two boys. Andrew and Chris walked up to Flame and gave him a handshake, "Hey glad you guys can come." Flame smiled, "Yeah! If it's for Ella of course we'll come." Andrew nodded.

"I can't wait to see how she's doing!" Chris said. "yeaH let's go you two." Flame takes the two to the elevator.

They stopped at the 7th floor on room 76. After exiting the elevator they are greeted by two hallways going left and right. Room 1-5s are to the left and Room 6-10s are to the right so they walked to the right hallway to reach the room.

Flame walked in first to the room to tell the others.

While waiting for Flame, the two participate in yet another small talk. "You know i just noticed something too." Chris said, "What is it Chris?" Andrew asked with a worried tone, "We come here with no flowers or anything. Like what should we give to Ella?" Chris asked. "You're worrying too much she'll be happy enough to see us trust me." Andrew smiled. Flame opened the hospital room door, "Okay you two you can come in now." The two walked in. Andrew shrugged and walked in first with Chris following behind looking kinda worried but understanding.

As they walked into the room, the vibe of the space is felt through the creatures furs. The room is lively and filled with joy, the walls are white with some brown in certain places giving off a cozy cabin vibe. Ella's bed is exactly across the room's entrance door and there are flowers next to Ella's blue hospital bed. Tali is sitting next to Ella in a brown chesterfield chair on the left side of her bed and they're talking to each other.

Ella noticed his classmate Chris and his friend Andrew entering the room, "Oh my God hi guys!" She waved in excitement, her worries and pale face from yesterday is almost gone. "Hey Ella!" Chris said with a smile on his face.

Chris and Andrew walked to her bed. "Yo Ella! How are you?" Andrew asked, "I'm doing better, a little more calmer now." Ella assured. "What even happened yesterday? I heard there's a fight but then what?" Chris asked, "Oh yeah you weren't there in the party Chris. Well so my friend Revolver which is the hyena from yesterday and this deer got into this crazy brutal fight in my celebration party and i ended up fainting from it." Ella explained. "Damn that's fucked up like where's the deer now though?" Chris asked about Jake, "He's actually in room 77 across from here." Ella points at the front door.

Chris looked at the room from across through the small window in the door, "Dude i wanna see this deer guy i've been hearing about. Let's go there." Chris asked Andrew secretly, "Sure i'm down. But be careful though he might accidentally fight you or something haha." Andrew joked, "Dude chill, you're bigger than him anyway so if he ended up fighting me we'll take him down!." The duo stands up, "Hey yall we gonna check out Room 77 okay, we'll be back." Andrew said as both of them stands up.

As the two walked out, Shawn who came to visit as well has entered the room. "OH SHawn you came too?" Flame asked in shock, "Well i have to come, gotta know how Ella's feeling you know!" Shawn said with a closed eye smile. "Wait tHen wHere's Scott i tHougHt He was witH you?" Flame asked, "Well he can't go to the hospital because he's under 14 so i left him in your house with Finn so he's good." Shawn answers. "OH tHat's good tHen." Flame smiled.

"Hi Shawn!" Ella waves, "Hi Ella how are you doing?" Shawn asked, "I'm doing better!" Ella animatedly said, "That's such a great news! Hope you can recover quicker and go home." Shawn said as he sits down at a chair next to Tali's chair. "Thank you Shawn." Ella thanked Shawn, "I wanna ask Flame about the whole situation yesterday so excuse me Ella." Shawn turned away to look at Flame.

Shawn and Flame ended up chatting with one another and Tali whispered to Ella. "Hey Ella do you know who's that donkey name is? I forgot." Tali whispers while looking at the door that leads to the hallway, "You mean Chris? He's our classmate how did you even forget his name haha." Ella chuckles a little and covers her mouth. "Ohh." Tali nodded, "Oh so that's his name, finally i know the name of my crush like how am i so stupid to not know his name by now??" Tali thoughts.

Meanwhile Chris and Andrew is waiting for someone to open the door to room 77, "So if the deer suddenly jumps and attack both of us we will like hold him back okay, that's the plan." Andrew explains to Chris, "Okay dude, there's no way he will just jump up and beat us up. He's in the hospital and if he do that he will be instantly transported to the jail!" Chris reassured. "Alright dude i trust ya." Andrew respond.

The door to room 77 is opened by the doctor.

A female deer with a more plus build.

Melissa Cole Jake's big sister.

Chris and Andrew stand still with a surprised face, "You two are Ella's classmate i heard that's coming here right?" Melissa said, "Yeah... We are." Chris answered. "Well Jake is sleeping right now so... You could still come in though!" Melissa said with a welcoming smile. "Yeah, come on Chris." Andrew slowly pushes Chris inside.

They entered room 77.

June 2 2023

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