C.61 To Tamarind Coral

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It is now night time, Chris is planning his routes to go to Tamarind Coral. It is a coincidence that Flame and Scott is planning to go to Tamarind Coral together so Chris can come with them,  "A one Hour ride and you wanna arrive tHere tHis morning? We gotta start driving tHere at 4 or 5am tHen." Flame asked Chris who's looking at the map on his phone. "No, i think we should go there around 3am even." Chris explained, "But CHris. WHy do we gotta be tHere tHat early tHo?" Flame asked, "To be safe. I heard that they can track you, that's why i made this plan so that we might be safer. I think it'll work." Chris said with a tired tone. "Well, get ready tHen. It's a 40 minutes drive tHere, i'm going to sleep now, i'm gonna tell Scott to sleep too. get some rest yeaH." As Flame leaves. Andrew, Ella, and Tali arrived at Flame's house.

"Chris!" Ella yells from the front door, Chris looked away from his phone for a bit to see Ella and her friends, "What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys don't wanna come." Chris still feels angry about earlier, "Dude, it's not that we don't wanna come. We're just worried about you, that's all." Andrew explained, "Yeah Chris, that creature who attacked Jake in the mall was brutal and he wasn't even the main target. I'm worried about what they will do to you!" Tali adds.

Chris only looks away in a disappointed face. "I really want to see him. I don't know why there's so many things blocking me to meet him. I don't get it, we were good with each other back then, what happened?" Chris vented. Andrew, Tali, and Ella sits next to Chris.

"He taught me how to use our dad's computer. He taught me how to use the keyboard. We played games together like the night doesn't end. But now he's just... Not even here." Chris is angry but too tired to show it. Ella pats Chris's back, "Chris... I think you need to get some sleep first. Maybe you're tired from all these crazy things that are happening right now. Just get some sleep first Chris. We're worried for you, so please get some rest and be careful." Ella advised. Chris looked at everyone with a tired face, "I think you guys are right. I'm gonna get some sleep." Chris finally calms down.

Jake is still at the police station being interrogated so Chris goes to Jake's room to go to sleep. The rest stayed at the living room couch and carpet to sleep on.

The drive there will take 45 minutes without traffic. Since they're going at 3AM, the roads should be empty.

Next Morning
2:46 AM

The windows projected dark dimly lit yards, with the moon showing full. A lot of the houses in Flora Complex is dark, except for Flame's house which is lighten at this time of day.

Chris woke up early and packed his bags that have snacks and water. Flame is preparing as well accompanied by Scott who still feels sleepy from waking up this early.

Ella woke up from her couch and noticed Chris who is packing his bag on the living room table. Despite getting some sleep, he still looks stressed. She asked him, "Hey Chris, how are you feeling now?" Ella answered while still laying down and half awake, Chris looks at the sleepy Ella, "It's pretty better, i think i shouldn't get overworked about this. But it's been too far down to go back up." Chris explained. Ella nods slowly.

But as Chris, Flame, and Scott was about to go. Ella stands up from her couch and stopped Chris before leaving, "Chris... You sure you wanna go there? After what happened yesterday?" Chris stopped and looked back, "Yeah, it's now or never basically. They're at their highest on trying to stop us, there has to be something there." Flame and Scott only looked at each other by Chris's response.

Ella responded with a head tilt and a worried look, "Chris i still feels weird about this, i don't even know what happened to your big brother and i don't want it to happen to you too." Chris looked away, "Ella, i'll be fine. I fought three bandits, compete in a lot of basketball match that have very mean dudes, be friend with someone as crazy as Geordie. I'll be fine!" Chris smiled.

Ella pours out a tear, "I just don't want you to go missing, or get hurt like the others, look at how you deal with your missing big brother. What happened if you go missing as well? How would we react???" Ella vents from all the emotions she got from yesterday until this morning.

"Aww Ella." Chris comes to hug Ella. Flame and Scott joins in as well, "I promise i'll be fine. I would leave a lot of my friends behind if i'm gone. I won't let that happen. I promise." Chris said while in a group hug, "YeaH Ella, i was just like you earlier. I don't know if we'll be safe but seeing How determined CHris is. I trust Him as well." Flame adds.

The four of them grouped hug for a while, but it doesn't last forever as they are about to go.

Ella gives farewell to the three as they drives off from Flame's house and into the long dark highways leading up to Tamarind Coral.

5 April 2024

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