C.36 The Negotiation

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As they did their first retake. Instead of being better at the lines, they just got worse.

"Okay and action!" Geordie hits record.

"Hey sir, how much is this guitar??" Chris asked, "75" Finn said with a more assuring tone. 

Chris was confused at the way Finn said his line that he ended up forgetting. "Wait, wait, what's my line after that?" Chris asked. Geordie stopped recording and grabbed their note book near him that have the lines written in it.

"Hmm, you speak 'Can you make it lower? Maybe 50$?" Geordie reads, "Ohh yeah, i negotiate. Sorry i forgot cus i was distracted by how Finn say 75." Chris looked at Finn, "Heyy, why was it my fault??" Finn gets slightly angry, "Well you suppose to say it like how a storekeeper say it dude. Say it like, it's 75$ sir." Chris confirmed. "Fine, fine, fine. Let's do another retake then we're done with this project!" Finn wanted to get this over with.

They are now doing another retake. "Hey sir how much is that guitar?" Chris asked, "It's 75$ sir." Finn said with a teeth grinning smile, "Ahh i think that's a little too much, how about 60$?" Chris negotiated. "Yeah i'm okay with that sir." Finn nodded.

"Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean you're okay with that? Isn't Finn supposed to raise the price higher?" Geordie stopped the two of them. "AGHH I FORGOT. Okay fine fine..."  Finn felt embarrassed, "I think i was supposed to say 50$ first and then you raise it to 60, it's my fault on that one." Chris said while patting Finn at the back.

"Okayyy let's do another retake..." Geordie records again with a slight annoyance.

"Hey sir how much is that guitar?" Chris said in a more tired tone, "Yeah it's 75$ sir."  Finn replied with the same tired tone, "Can i get it... Ummm.. How about 50$?" Chris almost forgot his line but have a way of covering it up. "Hmm, how about a little higher sir? 65?" Finn smiled, not because of the line, but because how good they are with this take. "Yeah, i can take that." Chris smiled as well, "Alright then, this guitar is 65$!" Finn slapped the guitar case. Chris gives Finn the money and they're finally done with their assignment.

"ANNDDD FIN! It's a wrap!" Geordie stopped recording, "AHHHH FINALLYY." Chris hunched down in relief. "HELL YEAH MATE!" Finn raised his hand to give a hi-5. *TAP* "Yeah ha. Thanks dude! And sorry if i say anything that hurt you, no hard feelings okay?" Chris smiled. "It's good dude it's good!"

While the boys were talking to each other about the project, someone knocked on the front door.

"Waittt i'm cominggg!" Scott who wasn't doing anything at the time walked up to the front door to open it.

Behind the door is Ella and she's not empty handed.

"Hey yall!!!" Ella greets everyone.

"Oh hey Ella, how's it going with you?" Chris asked.

"Doing better, and especiallyyy better after i got these!" Ella showed two tickets that she have in her hands.

"What's that??" Finn asked, "Well, these are two tickets to the legendary Coroso Kingdom! Who wanna be my second ticket??" Ella is excited.

"COROSO KINGDOM!?" Chris and Finn both said that at the same time, "Where did you get those tickets??" Chris asked, "It's one of the prizes for winning the photography contest, i actually got two prizes! The second place prize is a trip to Haven Beach which i get, and because Kelly didn't technically win, i also got the first place prize. The first place prize is the two tickets to Coroso Kingdom." Ella explained.

Chris and Finn looked at each other, "Wait, why not take Tali with you?" Finn asked, "Well she rather take the beach trip because she gets creeped out going to an old abandoned castle." The two boys nodded. "Well.... Any of you two wanna come with me??" Ella asked

"Wow... Coroso Kingdom eh? Ive been to that place before and it's sooo beautiful and harrowing seeing some of the remaining buildings. It's soo cool! I wanna go there again!" Chris said with an excited posture, "Heyyy i never been there and i always want to since i was a little young chap! Please take me instead!" Finn negotiated to Ella.

Ella looked at the two back to back, "Well only one of you can go with me, soooo i don't know who to pick..." Ella shrugged.

Chris stopped and think about how Jake was feeling earlier, he relaxed his shoulders and looked at the excited Finn, "Hmm, you know what. I think Finn should go. Cause he's never been there and i can go there again with my family someday." Chris said. "Wait really dude? You want me to go??" Finn looked at Chris with a face of joy, "Yeah dude, you should go actually." Chris nods. "Oh wow! I thought we gotta fight first to get the ticket but i guess not! Woohoo Coroso Kingdom here i come!" Finn jumps in joy.

"Alright then! It is settled. Finn you will be my ticket buddy for the trip!" Ella said while giving one of her tickets to Finn, "YIPPIE!" Finn does a little celebration dance while Chris and Ella smiled looking at how happy Finn is.

"Okay i'm gonna go home now and get ready, you should too Finn. We gotta meet at 8 AM tomorrow at the McDonald near the highway, and then we all gonna go there with the bus with the other passengers." Ella explained, "Aye aye Ella, i'll be ready!" Finn gives a salute.

"Okay Chris and Geordie, thank you mates for helping out with the project! I gotta blast now, cya mates!"

As Finn and Ella leaves the house to get ready, Chris goes to the couch to sit with Geordie and Scott.

"Chris you don't wanna go to the kingdom or?" Geordie asked, "Not really, i wanna go but i kinda feel bad about what happened earlier so i'm just gonna give the ticket to him." Chris said with a slight down tone. "Ohh i see i see, oh well i think it's okay dude. Yall did apologize right? So its good its good." Geordie pats Chris's back. "Yeahh it's good, hope he have fun in that trip." Chris smiled, "Mhm me too bud." Geordie nodded.

13 October 23

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