C.40 Sir Buckelaire

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"Wait... who are you??" Ella stands up from the ground and backs up to where Finn is.

"Don't be afraid. I am not here to hurt you." The deer raised both of his arms to show that he's unarmed.

"Okay you won't hurt us but. Who are you???" Finn joins in.

"Don't be shocked.  I am Sir Buckelaire, the Coroso's Kingdom trusted knight and the son of Sir Frank Forest." He kneeled in front of the two.

"Whaattt. I thought you died?? I always read the story and you died back then right??" Finn is confused. "Well, story's been told i am dead. But i don't even know my own true fate." He puts his hand on his chest.

Finn and Ella looked at each other in confusion.

"When those magicians put a spell on me, i thought that those spells will kill me. But few days later i awoke in the rubble of this burned kingdom. I am not alive but i'm also not dead. I am stuck in this limbo." Sir Buckelaire explains.

"So you're a ghost?" Ella asked.

"I don't know who i am..."

Ella and Finn starts to understand about who this mysterious deer is.

"Wait.. If you're the real deal can we ask you some questions about the kingdom??" Finn asked in a suspicious tone. "My pleasure!" He nodded.

"Okay... First of all, who actually attacked you?" Finn asked.

"I would love to tell the story but i want you two to come with me, to our hideout." Sir Buckelaire invites the two to a tower with no roof dimly lit by the sky.

The two hesitated at first but this time Ella walked first and Finn followed.

The two entered the tower that was used as the hideout for King Rabbit and his trusted people to discuss about the upcoming war.

"Marsh Kingdom, King Lunar the Snake. That was the kingdom that sent the attack on us. They declared war on us after an interaction that happened between King Rabbit and King Lunar during the Park Hall of 1787..."


"Dear kings of the lands. As the king of the biggest kingdom in this island which is the Sourtale Kingdom, we invite all of you to join me for a special meeting on Sourtale's Park Hall to discuss the ever growing problem in the land. ~King Solar." A message written on a scroll with black ink was given to every king in the land.

King Rabbit and Sir Buckelaire was reading the letter in their hideout which is the tower that is located more farther than the rest of the towers. The hideout is now where Ella and Finn are, covered in grass and broken down.

"Bucky boy... I need to go to this meeting but i am scared of King Lunar. Remember what he did two months ago with that attack. I don't want him to do anything bad to our kingdom again. So please, can you come  to protect me?"  King Rabbit asked his most trusted knight who is sitting next beside him. "Anything to protect the king and anything to protect Fiona's Father." Sir Buckelaire bows down as King Rabbit smiled in pride.

As the two gets ready to go to Sourtale's Park Hall and walk outside the castle, Fiona stopped Sir Buckelaire before leaving. "Sir Bucke... Where are you going with my dad?" Sir Buckelaire stopped and looked back, "Oh Fiona. We are just going for the meeting in Sourtale's Park Hall for royal business." Sir Buckelaire explained it simply.

Fiona responded with a head tilt and a worried look, "Are you sure you're going now? After the death of your father two months ago i'm afraid you will get into a fight or something." Sir Buckelaire stared at Fiona in shock of remembering what happened, "I'm good Fiona..." Sir Buckelaire looked away. "I won't attack anyone in that hall and i swore no one will attack us back, i promised. Even if someone did attack me and i got angry. I know your father will calm me down. We are seen by the biggest and most important people in this land and they will make sure nothing will go wrong. I promise, don't worry about me okay." Sir Buckelaire looked back with a promising smile.

Fiona pours out a tear. "I just don't want you to have the same fate as your dad. You're just a teenager... You lost your dad two months ago and you might be their next target. I just don't wanna lose you... You were like a brother to me, it's crazy how in this isolated kingdom life i found someone like you. I just want us to be normal teenagers..." Fiona vents.

Sir Buckelaire can only hug the stressed rabbit, "It will be good Fiona, trust me it will be good. In two years or so when everything is settled i promise we will smile together up on the castle." He said while hugging her.

The two comfort each other with that hug, but it doesn't last forever as Sir Buckelaire needs to go to the Hall.

They traveled at afternoon to arrive at dusk, the meeting starts at night and the travel there using a horse carriage will take an estimated time of 3 hours.

They traveled through empty fields on dirt roads with entering a small town here and there. The travel is filled with silence and anxious as they are anticipating some sort of an attack. Sometimes during the trip, the king will fall asleep but Sir Buckelaire will stay awake just to protect him.

After that long and anxious 3 hours, they arrived at the heart of Sourtale Kingdom at dusk.

"Here we are your majesty..." The horse carrier said. The king awoke by the horse carrier and the shining lantern above the Sourtale's skies.

10 November 2023

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