C.69 The Aftermath

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"Damn. What happened after that." Jake asked at the now upset Revolver, "I was just filled with anger at the time. I told Rex to go back to the train, i was reckless."

"They stopped their train at Kansas City and they were celebrating on a hideout train station."

They're all partying at their hideout next to the train tracks, inside are casinos with bystanders and guards that survived the train ambush. Jack is sitting at the throne at the far back of the station. He's overlooking all the people who are dancing, gambling, and drinking.

"Woo! Finally the trash has been taken out!" A minion of Jack joked about the murder of their enemy. "Yup, no more back pain from taking care of people like him. All he does is steal and ruin our economy." Jack said menacingly.


The entire room stopped what they were doing to look at the person who just slammed the front door. "No way!" One bystander said.

The 6 year old Hyena got the attention of everyone there, especially Jack. "No way boss, that's the kid! He shot two of our guards earlier!" The minion that joked earlier panicked.

Revolver walked towards Jack. The guards wanted to shoot but they don't wanna shoot a kid.

"Boss what should we do?" The minion was stopped by Jack, "Guards guards. Don't sweat over him. What's can he do? Cry?"


Revolver pulls out a gun and point it at Jack. The guards aim their weapons back at Revolver. He really doesn't care about living anymore, all he wants to is to kill the killer of his dad.

*trembles* *trembles*

Revolver is shaking and sweating.

"Hah! Look at him! He's shaking! I don't believe it that he would shoot that gun on me! A little kid like you wouldn't do that."



"That boy's gun jammed! Ha ha!" A guard laughed at him.

Jack stands up and walked to the scared Revolver, he's frozen in fear as the deer walked towards him.

"Kid, nothing in this world will be in favor of you. You're the kid of a wanted criminal and came illegally. I know for sure your life will be hell and i will make sure of it. Once you've become older we will hunt you down. I don't want a single blood of him walking on this earth and you are one of em. So quit it." Jack kicks Revolvers so hard that he flies off the exit door.

Rex quickly grabbed Revolver and take him away from there, "I heard what they say in there kid. I'll take you out of America okay. It's not safe here." Rex runs away with Revolver.

🎵 Sampha - Jonathan L. Seagull

"thats how i ended up here. Uncle Rex takes me to Fredencia Island. i was living at the streets back then but there's a rock band member that noticed me living on the streets so they took care of me for a bit. thats when i learned to play the guitar, just the accoustic one. they were very nice to me but i do learned about the harsh world sooner than any other kids because of them." Revolver ended his story.

"Damn, i guess we've been through a pretty harsh childhood huh. Sorry for misjudging you so much. If i knew sooner i would help you out instead." Jake feels guilty, "yeah it's good. you're better than those who just don't care though. that's a plus." Revolver calmed him down, "Yeah, but i beat you up pretty hard there." Jake said while looking at the badly beaten Revolver, "couldn't care much about these wounds, yes it hurts but they'll heal eventually right?" Revolver smiled, "Yeah. They will."


The two looked at the front door and they were scared at seeing who it was.

"Oh my God! Are you guys okay???" Ella arrived at her house. Tali and Lana was behind her.

"Oh no! You guys look badly beaten up! What happened? I gotta call the ambulance!" Ella was about to pull out her phone but Jake stopped her, "Wait don't. We don't wanna be seen by the public again. Just let my sister handle this, i'll call her later."

Ella stopped for a second, Tali came in to calm her down, "Take deep breaths Ella, don't faint now." Ella is slowly breathing, she paid attention to her messy house. "There's blood everywhere...." Ella finally got out of her panic to notice how messy her house is. "we're so sorry for that. we'll help clean up." Revolver stands up and started to clean slowly, "Me too, i can replace your broken window as well Ella." Jake said shuffling his wallet.

"Wow Ella... These boys are crazy but at least they're responsible huh!" Tali joked, "Yeah..." Ella was just shocked and surprised while seeing them clean up. "You know, knowing how brutal you guys fight. I'm glad the TV isn't damaged at all!" Lana smiled making the other smiles as well. "yeah that's a plus." Revolver smiled while cleaning the blood off the floor.

"It seems like after fighting they just made up... They finally made up." Ella said happily looking at Jake and Revolver who's working together to clean the house. "Yeah, i guess boys have their own ways of making up huh, and fighting in your house is one of em." Tali joked, "heh, yeah." Ella smiled as she helped out as well.

The house turned to night as everyone there helped out clean the house. Jake and Revolver now understands each other and will start to help each other our instead of fighting.

1 June 2024

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