C.30 Peace In Wolf's Park

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Some few minutes has passed and the sun has finally set. Since it's finally night time the lights around the parks are turned on. The skate park is illuminated by small sized stadium lights.

"Man where are those dog brothers? It's been 10 minutes and they still hasn't come back yet." The arctic fox girl said while waiting on top of the bridge. Her guards have gathered all the different skaters together in the public area to hear what Andrew have to say.

*Small Flashback*

"So you guys sure know what to say right?" The arctic fox asked, "Trust me okay we got this! It's a surprise though so you just gotta wait and see." Andrew winked before leaving the park with Finn.

"Ohhh what if their 'surprise' was to leave me here??? Screw those dogs!!" The arctic fox girl irritated.

"Hey what's the big idea here pal. Why are we here together?!" One of the skaters yelled at one of the guards, "You guys gotta get some teaching from someone who knows what they're doing!" The guard yelled back, "We don't need no skate education!" The skater fights back.

Before there are any more fights in the skate park, Andrew finally arrived.

"Oh finally you guys are here, where's your little brother? Or is it just you here?" Arctic fox said in a slight angry tone. "He will come later, i will be the one talking though." Andrew said. "Okay just do whatever your 'surprise' is and make peace with everyone okay?" The arctic fox said in a slight disbelieve tone, she don't know if the two new dogs on the street could safe an entire crumbling skating community.

Andrew stepped up the high bridge and looked down at the dozens of skaters who are gathered there to hear what he has to say.

Everyone on the ground stopped fighting with each other to look at Andrew.

"People of Wolf Park Skaters! I come here to teach you guys a little something. It's not a skating trick it's not a math equation but it's something more important than that." Andrew started his speech.

The crowd looked in confusion with each other.

"When i come here i had a lot of fun with my little brother, we ride and ride like the wind is ours! But at some point these three kids stopped us and started to attack us. They said that they claimed this part of the park and no one should be skating on them, and i think that gatekeeping a part of the skate park is something stupid!" The sea of skaters looked around in anger.

"Hey! That's stupid! I hate when people i don't like come up to my private spot and skate on them!" One of the skaters protested. Andrew hears his protest and strikes back, "That's the problem right there dude! This is a public skate park, not a private property. You should be skating together anywhere with each other. Not make territories and start a war." Andrew words seemed to be taken by some of the skaters and they started thinking.

Andrew showed his sliced paw to the skaters down below, "Look at this. Someone sliced me up because i was skating at their property. Ain't that wack? Do you really hate someone that much when they come up to you that you will actively attack them for trespassing a public place?" Andrew started to get a bit angry with his tone but kept his cool.

While some of the skaters starts to see the light in the tunnel that they dug, Andrew thinks it's time to use the surprise plan. "Hey Finn, bring in our plan." Andrew commands Finn who was standing behind him holding a basket of snacks.

As ordered Finn throws variations of snacks ranging from medium sandwiches to small chocolate bars to the skaters down under.

"Oh wow foods!" The skaters started eating the snacks that was given to them.

As the skaters eat together Andrew smile seeing them being peaceful and quiet, "Look at you guys eating together, isn't it much better if just skate together as one? You guys can share places with each other and help each other out too, that's what skating is supposed to be like. Free and fun!" Andrew taught them the real meaning of skating.

The skaters eat together as one, they even share some of their foods with each other without looking at their territory and groups.

Andrew and Finn can only smile from above from seeing what they just did.

"Wow guys i did not expect that to work somehow. They all just stopped fighting!" The arctic fox girl was shocked.

"Told ya it was a surprise!" Andrew smirked.

"You know i was legit thinking you guys are actually gonna kill them as a surprise haha." The arctic fox joked.

"Oh we weren't joking that's our second plan. We intended on gassing them if they didn't eat together." Finn said in a serious tone.

"oh what." The arctic fox stopped smiling.

"Of course we're joking mate haha!" Finn laughed.

The arctic fox girl can only just smile and roll her eyes at the two of them, "Thank you guys so much by the way. Couldn't done it without you two."

"Aww shucks no problem!" Andrew said while bringing Finn closer with his arms.

Because their job here is done, the two returned to Flame and Scott who's waiting at the picnic table.

The picnic area is now more dark with only the lights of the park lanterns and the skate park next to it lighting it up.

Andrew is getting treated of his slice wound by Flame, "So usually my big brother would calm me down with my favorite food right? So that's where we got the idea to just feed everyone our snacks! It worked surprisingly well! Guess if you got a problem a best way to solve it is by eating!" Finn told what just happened to Flame and Scott in an excited over exaggerated manner.

"Couldn't done it without you lil Fin, without you i wouldn't even think about using foods to calm them down." Andrew said while being treated, "But you did all the talking though so you're the true hero of today!" Finn complimented his big brother, "Thank you thank you but you're my hero in my story haha!" Andrew laughed.

"You know all these food talks making me hungry! So where's the foods?" Finn asked while rubbing his stomach, "You guys threw all of the foods earlier so we got nothing left..." Scott reminded them.


"I'm actually gonna buy some food from tHose stalls for all of us because we don't Have any food left. You wanna come Finn?" Flame looked at the hungry Finn, "Yes pleasee!" Finn wags his tail and put his tongue out. "AlrigtHy, me and Finn gonna buy some foods for us okay, you guys just wait Here i'll be rigHt back." Flame stands up and walked away from the table while Finn followed.

Now  Andrew and Scott will be waiting for them while they buy some foods.

September 1 2023

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