C.7 Roof Raccoon

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The street is hot right now because it's nearing high noon. The neighborhood is quiet with only the sound of some kids playing in the local playground nearby breaking the silence.

Rodent is running through the quiet neighborhood while Jake is still way far behind him outside of Flame's house.

Jake yelled at the top of his lung, "KID GET BACK HERE!"

Rodent heard him yelling and thinks that Jake is still mad at him, "Oh no, oh shit. I need to hide before he kills me!" He looks around on where to hide but then his raccoon instinct kicked in and he hopped onto a tree to get to a roof from one of the houses in the neighborhood.

Jake walks fastly to where he was and Rodent jumps from roof to roof trying to find a place to hide safely.

Jake looked around the place but he can't find Rodent so he just yell it out hoping he can hear it while hiding, "HEY! IM SORRY FOR BEING ANGRY!"

Rodent is hiding in the back side of one of the roof that is not visible from the main road. The roof is tilted in 70° and there's two long windows in the roof that you push to open.

Jake see two young cat sisters looking with a confused face at a roof from across the street so he went to them and asked them a question, "You two! Have you seen a teenage raccoon running here?"

One of the sister was about to say something but the other sister covered her mouth, "Ari! Do you remember what mommy told us! We shouldn't speak to strangers! Especially if they look like a rotten durian!"

The comment made Jake jaw dropped, "I LOOK LIKE A WHAT NOW?!" Jake stomped the ground angrily.

"Ahhhh! Now he's an angry rotten durian!" The cat sisters runaway crying.

"WHERE IS HE?!" Jake spins and look around the streets in anger of trying to find him.

In one of the roofs, Rodent heard all of his screaming and gets more and more scared.

"Aww man, i shouldnt asked him about his traumas." He thoughts.

A mother dog from the playground nearby comes to Jake, "Hey! You just made those two little kids cry! You should be ashamed of yourself mister!"

Jake didn't care about what she said and asked the same question, "You! Have you seen a teenage raccoon running here?"

"Oh i do see them! But it seems like he is hiding from you! You must be some child abuser!!"

Jake put both of his paws up near his chest to signify that he's innocent, "Hey! You don't get it! My friend is a babysitter and he's running away from me so i'm trying to get him home!"

"Well the way you made those girls cry i don't trust you!" She smacked Jake in the face with her purse real hard and runs back to the playground.

Jake lets off an angry scream while holding his face in pain, "GRRAAAHHH!"

Hearing his loud Scream Rodent is panicking, "Oh man oh man oh-" Rodent panics was interrupted with the sound of a window being opened right next to him.

A fox lady wearing glasses is peeking through the window and noticed the Raccoon hiding in the roof.

"Oh my what a surprise, what are you doing on our roof, raccoon?" She asked nicely.

"I'm hiding from someone! Please let me in until they're gone!"

"Ah! The crazy lunatic on the street is probably the one looking for you. You can come in through this window if you want but be careful!" She opened the window more so that he can fit in.

But as he stepped closer to the window, he slipped on the roof tiles and fall to the backyard.



"Oughhh." He landed at the backyard picnic table, breaking it.

"Oh my." The fox lady closed the window and runs downstairs.

Jake heard the table breaking from the street and runs to the house's backyard.

Rodent is still in pain from the fall, fortunately the house isn't that tall so the fall from the roof is not that far, probably about 300CM or 10 ft. The table makes the fall less worse too, even tho landing in grass might be better.

Jake hopped over the backyard wooden gate to see what's up, "Oh shit, are you okay?" He said with a much more worried tone while running towards the table.

"Oh no! Please don't hurt me!" Rodent put his arms in his face to try to protect himself.

"No! I just want to apologize for yelling at you. I understand that you were just curious alright? I just want to have some quiet time for myself. And i could've handled the situation better but the anger got into me. I'm sorry okay."

Rodent calmed down too and let his arm to rest, "Well, i'm sorry for talking about something that made you uncomfortable too. I should be more careful with what i say."

Jake now sits down at the table's bench. "Great, can we go home now?"

"Yeah! We made up now!" Rodent smiles.

Jake helped Rodent to stand up on the grass.

But the sound of the backyard sliding door being opened catches their attention.

"HEY! YOU PEOPLE NEED TO GET OFF MY LAWN!" An angry old fox is pointing a shotgun at the both of them.

"WAIT PLEASE DONT KILL US!" Rodent yelled as he and Jake raised their hands in the air.

Before things get bloody the fox lady from earlier has arrived at the backyard, "Wait daddy don't shoot! That kid is a good guy! But that deer is probably a crazy lunatic so just shoot the deer!"


Jake is kinda just there staring at them with a blank face and his hands in the air.

The fox lady pushed his dad's arm down, "Ohhh, you hear that daddy? It was just a misunderstanding. You could put the gun down now!"

"Alright it was a misunderstanding and all that! But who will fix our picnic table? And you guys are still intruding a private property! I can call the cops for that!" The dad yells.

"Wait! I can pay for the damages!" A girl yelled from the other side of the wooden gate.

Everyone on the backyard looked at the direction of the voice and see a teenage rabbit with a customized barret hat and glasses, she also wears overalls and she is waving some money to pay the damages.

Flame is there too with her because she is the friend he was suppose to pick up earlier.

"I take care of that homeless raccoon with my mother near our orphanage, i didn't know he ended up here but well that's just how he is!" The rabbit said with a smile and a shrug.

"Wait! You are the girl that takes care of me!" Rodent smiled.

"Yeah! I'm finally home from my photography work in the mountains!"

The fox dad walked to the wooden gate and takes her money, "3... 4... 5... Alright! This is enough money to fix the table. Now i want all of you to leave this house right now and never come back!"

The fox lady goes back inside and grabbed a key and went outside again, "Here, i'll unlock the wooden gate for you guys so you can leave easier!"


Now Jake, Rodent, Flame, and the rabbit girl leaves the backyard together and headed home to Flame's house.

1 July 22

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