C.17 A Fight Broke Loose

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TW: Violence, fighting, strong language. (I suggest skipping to the end of the fight if you don't wanna read it)

The kitchen is dark with only the patio lights shining some light in.

Revolver stepped closer to Jake with his fist clenched. As the two looked eye to eye, without saying a word, Jake sucker punched Revolver and knocked him down to the floor.



Flame who was watching the whole ordeal from the middle quickly reacted after the punch and runs up to Jake, "OH sHoot wHat tHe Hell are you doing Jake? THat's Ella's friend!" Flame said in complete shock and holding one of Jake's arms.

Jake without hesitation started to stomp on Revolver who's down on the floor. Flame held back Jake to try and stop him from fighting and he turned on the kitchen lights so he can see better.

Turning on the kitchen light causes the patio lights to be turned off and everyone ended up paying attention to the only source of the light which is the kitchen where the lights are on now, "Oh my God is that someone fighting in there?" A spectator said. Andrew who was near the kitchen window quickly runs to the patio door and went inside.

"Dude what's going on?" Andrew asked, Flame struggles to get Jake away from the kitchen by pulling him to the living room, "i don't know tHey just suddenly started figHting eacH otHer." The struggling Flame explained to the worried Andrew.

Despite being punched and stomped on, Revolver stands up like it was nothing.

While Revolver hold his face in pain he's still drowned in anger.

He focus his eyes on his detained target and rushes to Jake and pushed both him and Flame outside through the patio door.


They fell to the ground.

Revolver punches Jake while he's down and Flame moves away from them.

Since the fight now takes place at the dark backyard, everyone panics and some even runs away from the party. "Oh my God!" A panicked party member yelled.

Shawn could see the danger in the dark with some of his natural night vision, "Oh shit i gotta help them." Shawn stands up from his table leaving Rodent alone in the dark, "Waittt i'm still here!!" Rodent tried to call out for anyone but everyone was too busy breaking up the fight.

Due to the darkness, Finn shines his phone flashlight to try to see what's going on. He shines his flashlight at Revolver who is punching Jake over and over again. It also shows his big brother Andrew trying to pull Revolver away from the back.

"He's bleeding he's bleeding!" A hedgehog friend of Ella points out the damage done for the both of them. Ella looked around in the dark and panics. "No no no guys stop why are you guys fighting!!" Ella tried to reason with the two.

The phone flashlight is frantic, shining from one side to another. Andrew successfully pulled Revolver away and Flame did so too with Jake, since Jake is the more aggressive one he's much more harder to control and Shawn stepped up with helping Flame hold him too. "Can you two calm down please!!" Ella yelling in desperation.

The two seperated rage is having a time to breathe.

Revolver looked at the stressed Ella and he calm downed a little. He snaps out of his mindless rage. "why did you fucking punched me dude..." Revolver asked Jake while still being held by Andrew. Jake didn't say anything but growl and tried to reach for him, Revolver's face turned to disgust, "im leaving this place. im sorry ella..." He pushed Andrew and runs away leaving the party.

Jake is hyperventilating and started to lay down and closed his eyes. "He's bleeding! Someone call an ambulance!" Tali yelled. Ella's breathing is uncontrollable too and she's getting light headed, "why... why... i just... i just want to have a cool party with everyone." The remainder people in the party looked at the crying Ella. As everyone looked at her pale watery face, Ella can't even stand handling all these emotions and she fell down and fainted.

"Ella!" Everyone yelled.

~After the fight~

One of Ella's friend a british wolf called an ambulance earlier and now it arrived. Jake and Ella both passed out, and they're both taken to the hospital. "Wait! I'm her friend and i wanna get in and be with her!" Tali said to one of the paramedics, "Okay ma'am you can come in but you gotta sit in the front seat." The paramedic replied. Ella was put on the stretcher and they bring her inside the ambulance, Tali steps inside the ambulance too.

"Hey you guys! I'm gonna alert you guys on where the hospital is okay." Tali said. Everyone just nodded due to them still being in shocked.

Jake was taken in a different ambulance but the same hospital. Flame looked over Jake being put inside the ambulance but he doesn't follow him. He remembers Jake having a big sister who works at the hospital, judging by the ambulance he knows that this is the same hospital.

He pulls out Jake's phone that he dropped earlier during the fight and he calls Jake's big sister. Melissa Cole.

"Hello Jake what's the matter?" She asked, "Hey Jake's big sister. THis is His friend Flame." Flame replied with a worried tone, "Ohhh the lizard guy. What's the matter?" Flame sighs, "Welll, your little brotHer got into tHis figHt and now He just passes out, He's going to the Hospital you're working on." Her big sister is shocked but this isn't the first time she had experienced this, "Wait what? Again? I thought he's much better now. Fine then i'll take care of him later okay. I'm busy right now so i gotta hang up too." Flame sees the two ambulance leaving, "Okay tHanks Jake's sister." She hung up.

All the remaining party members are standing in front of Flame's house looking confused and scared, some are calling their parents while some are just talking to each other about what just happened. The once bright and warm party has turned into a cold dark confusion.

"Dude did you see that tho, i was like 'stop stop!' and then Flame was like 'dude calm down!' like that was hella crazy." Andrew talk to his friend, "Yeah that is crazy, it was like seeing the battle between demon and angel!" The friend replied.

"Excuse me everyone." Andrew chatting stopped because he's paying attention to Flame, "Hey guys sorry to botHer yall, WHat Happened tonigHt was clearly out of any of our expectations." Everyone listened to Flame and they all nodded. "I just wanna apologize for wHat Happened tonigHt, and i want all of you guys to just go Home safely alrigHt?" Everyone looks at each other.

Rodent tapped Shawn's shoulder again, "Hey uhh, can i come with you?" Shawn looked at Rodent with a blank face, "Sure dude, i don't want you to get near that deer again anyway." Shawn is slightly traumatized and still thinks about the fight earlier. "Okay." Rodent sits next to Shawn.

As the night goes on, Flame and some others helped cleaning out Flame's house while the rest go to their own homes.

Just in seconds, one of the best night ever has turned to worse due to a fight. How would everyone feel about tonight?

28 April 2023

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