C.70 Recovery

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🎵 Jack Stauber - Lynn

Chris is in the hospital still recovering from the wound he got at Elk Forest. He's playing Lynn by Jack Stauber in his guitar to reflects on the attacks that happened and all the things that leads up to it.

Forget to come home
Be attentive
Be unheard of."

"Swing with a soft decay
Don't go out of your way."

"Why are you marching?
Forget what you know
Be restricted
Count the mistakes."

"Swing with a soft decay
Don't go out of your way..."

Chris continued playing.

Shawn was heading to Chris's room and he stopped before entering. He heard Chris singing from the other side. Even though Chris plays an instrument in a band, he rarely sings. His singing voice is very unique. It's deep but he can reach higher notes, he also have a strong island accent when singing.

Shawn noticed him from the bedroom window but as he entered the room. Chris stopped playing.

"Hey why did you stopped playing?" Shawn asked while walking towards Chris's bed.

"Oh, haha. I was surprised so i stopped. I'm not that good at playing in front of someone. I usually play when i'm just alone." Chris explained.

"I thought you played in a band? But... You're shy to play?" Shawn asked again.

"Well, i got that confidence because i play with my friends. But when i'm not with them i'm not that confidence."

"Ohh, i see i see."

Chris was about to put his guitar down but Shawn stopped him.

"No no, continue playing."

"But i don't know a lot of songs. Well i do but not popular ones."

"I don't care about the songs. I just wanna hear you play again, and especially with that voice. Your voice is very calming." Shawn complimented.

Chris smiled and nodded as he put his guitar back on his bed.

"I think i'm gonna play this Jack Stauber song. I've been obsessed with his Pop Food album. I'm gonna play a slow song cause i'm just in that mood right now."

"Ohh Jack Stauber. I only know Buttercup though but i'll listen."

🎵 Jack Stauber - Koi Boy

Instead of playing the guitar melody on the song, he instead plays the bass notes instead.

"Can I wake up to you
Laying next to me?
Can I breathe you?
Can I breathe you?"

"May I hold your hand?
I'm the Koi Boy"

"Right beside you, I stand
Your Koi Boy"

At the solo part, he alternates between playing the bass and melody. Switching to the bass whenever there's no melody and focusing on the melody when there is.

"May I hold your hand?
I'm the Koi Boy
Right beside you, I stand
Your Koi Boy"


"Dudeeee, your voice is so hauntingly attractive! You should sing more." Shawn complimented.

"Haha, nah. I'll just let my instruments talk instead." Chris laughed it off.

"I love your mindset about that though. A lot of people usually focus on the vocals when it comes to songs, but the instruments are also important of course." Shawn talks about music.

"Yup, the instruments are what makes the song a song."

"Mhm mhm."

Chris stopped talking because he's still thinking about yesterday. "Hey, you seem... Nice. Can i vent about what happened in the forest back yesterday?" Chris asked, "I mean yeah sure, you seem to have such a smart mind. I wanna hear your emotions too, especially about a situation like that."

🎵 Jack Stauber - Lynn

Chris starts his vent, "I still feel very bad about going to that forest, i was warned multiple times by my friends but i didn't listen. Now here i am in this hospital, i got a kid shot by this evil snake guy, and i'm also badly beaten up. I thought by going to that forest. It will help me find the answer of what happened to my big brother. I did find answers, but it's bleak and ambiguous or uhh cryptic, whatever you called it. 

I don't know why my big brother really don't want me to meet him. 

Like does he forgot about his little brother? That he plays with a lot. Why does he need this big snake guy to beat us up so that i can't meet him. I'm so confused, i just have a lot of thoughts. The thoughts of me being careless, the thoughts of me hurting other people. The thoughts of that snake. My big brother. Ahhhh so many thoughtsss."

Shawn nods, "Seems to be a lot of big life problems you have there. How old are you?" Shawn asked, "I'm 17." Chris answered, "You're 17 and you're worrying about alll that? That's crazy, when i was 17 i was worrying about how to make my parents proud. Yes it's big but not as big as fighting snakes to find your long lost brother. "

Chris zoned out while thinking about it.

"Hey. I don't know how you feel or how terrifying the things you're going through, but i know that if you've been through all of that so far. I'm sure you'll strong enough to answer all the questions you've been asking. It's the process dude. Trust me you'll get there. After you're all healed up let's get to that point again. Don't fall and of course take rest. Trust the recovery okay." Shawn advise.

Chris smiled after hearing his advice, "Yeah, thanks dude." Shawn smiled as well.

"Wait what's your name?" Chris asked, "It's Shawn." Shawn smiled, "Yeah thanks Shawn." Chris thanked Shawn, "Yup, it's good it's good. Wish you a full and speedy recovery Chris. You'll do good."

7 June 2024

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