Your lake

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A long time ago, I never thought I would move on from my past.
I didn't think I would crush on anyone again, I didn't think I would grow as a person. I didn't think I would ever allow myself to try and love myself and someone new.
I know I can be consuming like the open waves of the ocean, crashing into your body and pushing on you to stay with me.
But I'm trying to be calmer, find myself in a new body of water.
You are like a peaceful lake.
Your body of water is mostly calm, your ecosystem is blossoming, you have flowers and creatures and many friends. You have social life.
Coming from a place full of chaos and depth, I'm trying to understand your simplicity and yet your overwhelming depth.
Everything seems to be right on top of your surface and yet, I know there is more to you underneath.
I want to grow to understand you, I want to learn about you and see how you've grown and changed, I want to explore your mind and see its depths.
I would never tell you this myself, and sadly I seem to be nothing but a passing stream to you. But I don't want to be. I am absolutely awful at making first moves, and after already trying and failing I'm not excited to try again.
But, what if you are worth it.
What if you change everything.
I wanna meet you.
I want to get to know you.
If you'd give me the chance to..

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