I am a Cosmic Soul

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I am a cosmic soul, I know this because having this human body feels wrong, and so gross.
Sure human life and human bodies can be beautiful, and artistic, aesthetic, and pleasing to look at, to feel, to try to understand.
However I know that this isn't me.
I used to be a cosmic body. Veins freak me out, thinking of things under or on my skin makes me crawl, and thinking of how the body works freaks me out. I get it but I don't get it, scientifically I know the human body, I know all of the basic parts, I know the insides, the outsides, I know how it all works, I know the cycle. But even though I know it, its like I don't know it, cause I still question so much.
I don't feel right in my body; now may that be the body disphoria, or maybe just something chemically wrong in my brain, I know that I wasn't human this last time around.
The personality that bleeds through, the knowledge I have no explanation for, the overwhelming splits between things in my mind, its like I've been transported to a whole new world, started over and stripped of all memories.
Some people relate and call these people "star seed".
I was once cosmic.
I still am. No one seems to understand me, but some understand my situation and my feelings. Maybe we are "star seeds", born from the cosmos where we fell onto earth like meteors in a beautiful shower of colors as we lit up the night sky along with our arrival.
We were all once cosmic.

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