Warmth Within

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Scents waft through the air, so thick that you can see them, the colors of blue and pink faintly swirling around the room. The gravity here in this room feels almost nonexistent. The room was bright white, but now its seems to be shadowing over, like night is upon us, though there are no windows here in this room, no light source that you can find or see. The room becomes dark but small spots of colored light float around the room and cast shadows on the walls as they shift past me. I close my eyes for only a moment and as I open them slowly it is now pitch black, except for the millions of stars surrounding me, the walls seemingly gone. I float calmly. I look down to my lap, a small blue light in my hands, the light and color being swallowed by space, only seeable in my arms. The space around me seems to hug me without temperature or true textured feeling, just a comfortably tight feeling as I hold onto this light in this space of mine. Gravity hits slowly and I begin to fall. At first, I try to grasp at nothing, but forgetting I almost let go of my light. I grasp the light tightly not wanting to lose it into the vast unknown. I curl up and through fear I look down to where I am falling. But suddenly just as I look down, I am in the room. I gently land on the white floor and see in front of me a two-way mirror, but I am on the side of the mirror. To me I am but an entity, a dark mass that I cannot make out completely. The blue light just looks like blue mass in my hands, I look in the mirror, but it has gone dark, almost black, but in the mirror the blue light shines brightly. I try to pass my hand over the light while looking in the mirror but there is no shift, as if I wasn't even there, just a ball of light. The glass breaks forcibly and in fear I close my eyes and curl up around the light to protect it, but I open my eyes when I'm not hit or cut and the glass floats slowly, it moves back into place, but this time I am on the side of the window instead of the mirror. There are faint lights behind the glass, but I can't quite make out the people inside. The glass is dark and its hard to see through with the room so bright. The room blackens and the two-way mirror shakes, the dark blackish film falling down. I look in this window and four horrifying eyes stare straight at me hauntingly close to the window. I skid backwards and the glass starts moving forward getting closer to me and the eyes follow in a floating matter, shifting in and out every now and again. Distracted I didn't notice the wall behind me had disappeared and I begin to fall as I see the black room slowly fade away from me, the eyes slowly disappearing with the distance. I land down hard. I close my eyes in pain and lay there for a moment my back aching. I breathe in deeply and smell the familiar scents. I open my eyes carefully and look around to see a beautiful land, a mass of water in front of me and trees surrounding the area far away, and a waterfall to my left connecting to the grand water mass. There is small musical noises from animals flying above. I lay under a huge tree that sit by itself, far away from any other trees in this huge area of land. I close my eyes and feel a warmth touch my leg. I sit up against the tree and see a deer lying their head on my thighs. I pet their soft ears and close my eyes as sun light bathes the land around me. For the first time, I feel warmth, and heat. I look above and only see leaves of the tree. I push thoughts of the room away and live in the moment of the warmth and the tree.

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