Chapter 1

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Now that I have said everything, LET'S BEGIN


It was summer and the lawn was lush with verdure. All was green like an alien planet. But I had to admire it inwardly though as I walked into Derick's apartment.
The atmosphere was a little bit tense. The kind of vibes that would make you uncomfortable and constantly churn through your belly as if a knife was constantly driven through it.
I tried as much as possible to walk around quietly in case he was having his afternoon nap so as not to interrupt his sleep.
He very hated his sleep being interrupted and he would make the most of his anger by endless nagging.
'Hey. Who are you' My heart seemingly ceased when a feminine voice called from behind. I could see a girl and I could see her on my shirt. My heart seemed to fail at that point. His threat was real.
She was the type of lady you would find in the crème De la crème magazine. The type that would hit on your self-esteem whenever she was around.
Though I was distraught by her presence, I couldn't help admiring how beautiful she was despite knowing that an onslaught was building.
"I'm his fiancé... who are you?" I swallowed hard my shock and belligerently asked with so much confidence but she rather looked intrigued by my answer

her eyes further lit up while she smirked. Her cold stare had gone and a sort of smile hovered, a smile more dangerous and sinister than the stare.
" Baby mama," she said with a naughty smirk on her face. Chills ran down my spine. I was mortified beyond words.
" You're his baby mama and not his fiancé" she said again, turned back to the counter indifferently and continued with what she was doing.
She dried her hands, looked up from her phone and walked slowly and menacingly towards me again with a smirk etched on the corner of her rosy lips.

" You know, he told me so much about you...I'm Marisa" she stretched out her perfectly manicured hands towards me and was expecting me to give her a handshake.

" You still haven't told me who you are, " I said, trying to stand my grounds with a stern face, after all she was the intruder in my man's house.
" phew...he didn't add being dumb to the list of things he described you to be"
A sudden spasm of shock sent shivers bursting through my spine. Who the hell was this lady? " Excuse me? What did you just say?" What lies must Derick have fed her with? I felt like a complete idiot.

" Excuse me! You see a lady in a guy's kitchen, wearing his shirt in his kitchen and you're still asking me who I am? Are you that dumb? " she had turned back to the counter again.
" It's okay love, I'll handle this thing" Derick intoned from the doorway, he grabbed the lady's waist and kissed her passionately. He actually laughed even though it was a strained mess of a sound while he patted her ass.
At that, I felt open in the light of sudden revelation. I felt a stab in my heart. But I kept my cool, I promised not to let any of them see how much hurt I was right then. To my observation, he looked a bit relieved with a dose of pride.
" you have to leave Lizzy, you're causing a scene here."
" Derick, I'm causing a scene? " I asked, why was he treating me this way? Was this some sort of joke?
" yes you are" he said as he let go of Marisa and walked towards the door. He opened it and turned to face me. " Lizzy please leave my house"
" Derick? "
" Leave now" he screamed, walking towards me angrily.
This made me gasp in shock, but he ignored me as his eyes remained on the woman . I expected him to answer, but instead, they laughed -long and hard until tears were forming in their eyes.
" Crazy sure loves company." She beamed and twirled her hair in her hand.
When I slowly nodded, she giggled and lifted her arms up like a conductor ready to lead an orchestra.
"What a better way to prove your worth than by letting the world think you're a little whore. After all, if you're nothing to fit in, you might as well enjoy standing out. "She smiled a hard, soulless and cold smile.
Her words shocked me, and yet they felt like the best words of advice I'd ever heard. I gathered the courage to speak before she could retract her ass from his groin.
I picked up my bag, trying not to let my tears spill, I needed to be strong. Thankfully enough, I was.
"Fine. I'll leave" I managed to mumble between a growing whirlwind of emotions while gazing intently into his blue cold eyes. " no need to shout please. I'll leave."
Marissa smiled triumphantly while she watched me being ordered out like a child.
Frozen, I walked out of his house and headed towards the elevator. I pressed the call button and waited for it to come up. The elevator door opened and I immediately regretted why I didn't take the stairs. I just needed a few minutes for myself to think things through and if possible, think straight again. I walked into the elevator after so much hesitation, from shock and confusion. A young man in a rather expensive-looking suit was standing by the side so I just moved to the other end trying as much as possible to remain calm and strong.
My mind drifted back to Derick. I remembered his reassuring statements years ago as he gazed intently into my eyes, intermittently snatching a couple of kisses.

We were young in love then because it was all that mattered. He promised to make things right between us, he said he would be there for my child and I, he gave me hope.
My name is Lizzy, I'm a 23 year old mother to a very beautiful child named Stormi. Yes, we named her after the famous celebrity's child. She and Derick are my world or rather, due to the state of things, were my world. Well..... I love my man and we were about to start a family together you know. Our beautiful daughter Stormi made us grow a little bit apart but we quickly realized how stupid we were and made our love wax stronger.
Derick and I have been going on and off but a month ago, he came up to me and said that we had to make things work out for Stormi's sake. I was most delighted, I was happy that he finally saw the need to start the family we always wanted to have since we were kids. We at least jumped back together and swam back from the wreck we made.
Derick and I grew up in the same neighborhood, we fell in love during my last year in college, he was my first love, my first everything, the man of my dreams but what came over him ever since he got a job at the biggest tech company as their accountant is what, even at this point, I can't explain.

My first shock came when he began telling me that I did not belong to his class any more, he started seeing me as a despised thing. But that didn't change the fact that I was ecstatic beyond words when he came back again and explained we should start all over again with our 2 year old child.

But he never changed, the cheating and prevaricating man in him never altered. Where did I ever go wrong? Was I not good enough for him? Was I not beautiful enough?

Author's note:
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Also, Check out my new book " Trades and Orgasms"
It's spicy ❤️❤️

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