Chapter 6

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“ oh” she said looking hurt ‘I mean that doesn’t sound professional, does it' she muttered out a laugh.
” My baby just started the whole management thing and she wants to tag along with you so she can learn a couple of things from you, “ her daddy follows suit.
Don’t they get it? I don’t want their creepy child close to me or worse following me about.
“ I don’t think that that is a good idea sir, as I will be very busy and I am not in the capacity or position to teach your child anything . I can give her the number of my assistant and she will get any useful information from her “ his face falls immediately but I seriously didn’t care.
“ Honey you can at least spare 30 minutes of your lunch break with her it will help” my mum said
“ mum, it's called a lunch break for that reason, I need to rest before I break down soon” I answer
“ Yes ma, he needs to rest, “ Janice says, resting her hands on mine. I quickly pull my hands away from hers. My mum caught the gesture, she frowned but didn’t say a word.
We all eat in silence after that. The workers clear the table and bring in the dessert I brought with me. Mum announces that she is about to retire to the patio and asks Jane to come with her, dad equally stands up and invites Mr. Knight to the study leaving Janie and I together.
I bring out my phone from my pocket and start texting Lizzy.  We spoke earlier today and she talked about designing her new collection since she plans on expanding her small business. Every day she keeps clearing the doubt and uneasiness I had about her and the kind of person she was. I haven't seen Stormi yet, which was at the top of my list. I wonder who she looks like. Lizzy has refused to send me the pictures, she said something in the line of building suspense.
Stormi’s birthday is in two days and I have gone all out for her. I want the girl to have an amazing experience even though I never had  a child of my own, I just want to put a smile on the faces of other kids.
Janice clears her throat beside me and I mentally roll my eyes, here we go again “ so Mark, when will I be able to see you outside the confines of your boring office “ she said
“ I’m not free” I replied
“ oh don’t be such a show spoiler “ she said, slapping her over treated fingers on my thighs gain. I hate being touched unnecessarily and she was pissing me off for real “ let's meet in the club tomorrow night and have some drinks, a handsome man like you shouldn't be alone even after what that awful lady did to you”
I stiffened immediately and clenched my fingers. I’m trying so hard not to snap but she keeps pushing me and I don’t know how long I will be able to keep shut.
“ Can you just let me be Janice? ”  If she doesn’t get the silent message I might as well give her a spoken version of it.  “ I don’t know what my parents have planned but just know that it won’t work. I don’t like you and I never will”
“ But you’ve not even taken the time to get to know me ?
“ she says as tears of pretense formed on her eyelid
'Who dear, what did he say to you?’ I hear my mothers sickeningly sweet voice ask her. Guess I’ll get some scolding tonight.
“ He doesn't like me, “ Janice cries out . I get up from the chair and walk to the guest parlor. I settle in there and continue chatting with Lizzy.  Someone burst through the door an I lift up my head to see my mum looking down at me angrily
“ what was the meaning of what you just did” my mum said, I looked behind he and I saw my dad giving me the worst look in my whole 28 years of existence
“ Answer your mother, “ my father said behind her .
“ nothing” I just told her that I won't be free to be her tour guide and that's the truth. I’m too busy running the company that you both handed over to me so I really do not have time for any extra curricular activities  “ I said, picking up my phone from the table.
  “ What do you mean?I forbid you from doing any other thing except making it up to that young lady. Do you know how much marrying that girl can do for you in an hour company?”  Now this is it, I just knew that my father wasn’t after any other thing but the growth of his company even if it was compromising or dumping the priorities of his family especially his son. That has happened before and will not happen again.      
“ Listen mum and dad” I said, gathering everything handy I came with ‘ I have sacrificed my whole trying to satisfy this constant craving of being that perfect child for you and your so-called company. I have made sacrifices, bent my own rules, married a woman I never loved, accused of being impotent, been through a divorce, been through a scandal that brought down my personal company, and even after all these you guys won't let me live my own life by my own detect? I’m 28 for Christ sake cut me some slack. I live my life for you guy, breath for the company, sleep for the company, have sex for the company, eat for the company I might even die for the so called company. I’m tired dad and I need all of these to stop”
“ it can only stop when you decide to be useful and bring us a lady that will add value to this family and of course the so-called company,” my mother said.
“ I’m leaving” I said walking out of my parent's house
“ listen to me young man” my father said, I turned to face him
“The ball for the Mac-Gregory Children foundation is two days from now.”
“ okay dad”

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