Chapter 21

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Mark's Pov...

"I'm still shocked," I told my father "I have tried seeing her but she's pissed. I wonder what happened. She suddenly changed and has even refused to talk to me."

"That's very bad. Are you going to see her today?"

"Well that's where I'm going now," I said with a rueful smile.

"Let's hope then," he said while clapping me on the shoulder. I took a deep sigh and made for my car, thanking him once again.


"Why couldn't she even give me a chance to explain myself. That means she doesn't even trust me" I wanted to know next

"Mr Noble" she began.

"Mark" I corrected, my eyes never leaving her face.

"Mark" she began to speak. " look I tried all I could but this is way too bad to seek an explanation at the moment. I don't think I'm in the right position to tell you that."

"why wouldn't you be?" I asked "you are her closest person of course"

"What exactly do you intend me to do when you're married to another woman?

I nodded. "Believe me if there is a serious error somewhere. But honestly, I never intended to hurt her. You know I would never do that"

"Of course" she nodded, looking expressionless. She started again "you can say that again. Nothing else is going to make sense if I don't tell you how hurt she is."

"Do you think she's merely sulking or that she's annoyed?" she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Honestly Mark, with the way things are. I believe Mark, it's over"

I was stunned over this. She kept looking at my expression, waiting for me to say something. it looked as though she wasn't sure if I was hurt by the statement. The blood beat in my brain.

"Ok tell me. What else do you expect? A woman from nowhere shows up and lays claim over you. With a glaring proof that she's married to you-"

"And do you believe that would ever happen Bella" I put in softly?

"Of course not. We always trusted you, but not until now" she agreed, sighing noisily. She tipped back her head, seemingly thinking. I wanted to ask a question but I bottled it up immediately, seeing her that way.

"Look Mark I respect you..." she said "or rather I used to respect you. How could you do such a thing to her, having heard about her painful break-up? Mark for God's sake she was kicked out and you know how that hurts. Why would you add salt to the injury"

"Everything isn't as it seems, Bella. I can explain. I know she was very hurt but-"

"But what?" she cut in "were you expecting her to be happy after all you both have been through. Was that what you expected? I'm afraid there's nothing to explain, the only solution is to let her calm down and..." she sighed

"And then what?"

"What do you mean? Move on of course. Count yourself a lucky man if she will ever want to see you again. You should have thought about the whole thing before you did it" she stopped and sighed " just go Mark, you never knew how much she trusted you. Mark, she loved you so much and proving to be her only light when she was in darkness and pain was the happiest thing that had ever happened to her in a while. Now you screwed up the whole thing and you expect her to throw herself back to you. You are just wasting your time being here because there's nothing that can be done. I shouldn't be talking to you in this manner. My anger is great but I have held it down to reason things with you. Deep down I'm very angry at you"

"Of course, something can be done. Bella, what if I told you that I'm not married"

"There you go again. I am not buying that old crap" her tone changed. I'd never heard her speak in such an acidic tone.

"Trust me ok? I am not married, rather I was divorced."

Her countenance softened as she looked at me. I slowly nodded my head as if it would factor in convincing her. She looked shocked at the same time, a wan of a smile found its way into her face.

"yes...yes I am not married but I can prove that to her if she can come out so we can talk"

"And how would you expect her to believe that? She's been greatly hurt so it might take some time and some doing. This better is true Mark" she walked away towards the door.

Hey one last thing, please. I sent her an email yesternight. it's attached to my divorce papers. I want to make her see reasons why I would never hurt her. And please let me know when to talk to her" my mouth tightened a bit as I shook my head.

"Thank you," I said at last, as she stared at me

"I'll first talk to her about it. I will believe you on one condition and that's because I trust you. Make sure this is true. Because she never expects me to lie to her but be sure I'll certainly tell her everything right away. if everything works out, I shall let you know immediately. you should surely come and see her even though she might have made the mistake at first. One last thing Mark. Know this, she hates competition. Explain everything to her and make her understand. Don't forget to follow it up with an example"

I kept staring at her not knowing what to say.

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