Chapter 15

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Nina's Pov.

Dinnertime came and went but I was too angry and anxious. I'd lost my appetite. I was hungry and aching but my worries were far much bigger than hunger. I suspected they must have had something the previous night.

She didn't look composed and was very awkward. Moreso, Mike's unmistakable Aura was all over her. My head seemed to swell. Had I lost this battle at the beginning?

I could not say any more. I reasoned going to his room, but that would be extreme. I don’t know why he'd turned his back against me and had gone astray.

But I had caused the problem at first, I'd pushed him to the wall, and he bounced back. I'd inadvertently made the wrong choice for him by making him marry Susan.

And she'd treated him like shit. But that was not a guarantee to shun me and completely regard me as nothing. We'd not talked like mother and son since the ball and I therefore never knew what he had in mind.

At first, I was scared something might have happened between them, but I was happy to hear that their relationship was simply platonic. But with what happened the previous night, I'd better stopped assuming such.

Mark had surely taken matters into his hands and had acted either out of anger or revenge, but such actions usually end up in regret, and I did not want such to happen to him again.

Either way, I would be blamed for the cause of his misfortune in finding the wrong woman. Something was going on between them. I was shocked.

I sighed while gazing into the space before me while I sat on the edge of my bed, thinking. I was both confused and angry. At last, I thought about calling Susan.

I called her a couple of times but she wasn't picking. I guessed she was busy with her boyfriend. This unnerved me greatly as I spent most of the night thinking.

But Susan called back later. And I was relieved at that instant. It seemed as if she was the only person who'd be able to stop it all.

I roved my eyes and went towards the door to open it and make sure no one eavesdropped.
"Hello" her unmistakable cat voice came through.

"I don't think this is going to work out Susan. Anything might have happened and.." I whispered.

"What do you mean?" I heard a grunt.
"I just met that slut. Lizzy or whatever you call her, I met her downstairs when I came back. And I hope you have an inkling of what that means"

"Are you suspecting Mark to have slept with her"

"Don't be so dumb. Of course, he did. What else would you expect, a woman leaving the house by this time of the night"
"Then she should have passed the night then. Don't you think so?"

"Her countenance and her composure could tell you the whole story. She looked shaken and couldn't quite get out her words. You know, that expression one has when they're hiding something from you or when they are guilty. Shit, this is going to fall through. Don't you think we should go for plan B and forget about the whole damn thing "

"Listen Mrs Nina. Listen to me. Whether he slept with her or not. That does not change anything, our plan is inevitable as long as we make it look real and that has been taken care of. I don't intend you to take any impulsively drastic action towards her. That will only earn you disaster and you know what that entails. I urge you to cool down so we can take things slowly. We must surely succeed" her voice was reassuring but she'd have been physically shaken if she'd seen Lizzy leave the house in the manner she did.

What the hell was happening! This meant so much to me, he wasn't just going to marry a random girl to avenge my wrong choice.
Sighing, I lay back in the bed and dozed off.

I woke up sore.

Since I had disagreements with Mark, he'd always shunned the dining table. It was sad that behaved childishly in some sense despite his status and position. I walked to the dining once I was feeling a bit better.

Everything was already set before I reached. The table was covered with pastries, yoghurts, berries and bread. It was as if the table had been prepared for ten men, it was more food than three people could eat but my husband had always insisted we were served that way. Too much wastage, I thought.

Just like every morning, I sat there alone, sipping slowly at my tea and thinking. I inadvertently tapped the edges of the table with my fingers while thinking about which way to go next. At times, it is advisable not to base your trust solely on one source. This meant so much to me and I'd not let it go by. That girl needs to be thrown out, no matter what it'd take.

Sometimes I reasoned talking one on one with Mark but he'd not pick up my calls, he wouldn't open the door when I came knocking, and he completely shunned eating with me. Most times I felt angry, sometimes I felt sorry, other times I felt okay and never gave a crap whether he brought in a nobody or not. But my mind would never be at ease.
She'd pulled a stunt, now my son was getting to be my enemy.

Just like how an old woman grows uneasy when dry bones are mentioned, I grew uneasy hearing that name, Lizzy.

Despite being of the average class, I simply felt a foreboding when her name was mentioned.

And I'd always tried in every way possible to warn Mark about it.

Yet he shunned me most coarsely and viciously, judging from the fact that I was his mother.

This was all because of the woman he'd brought into the family. She was tearing us apart and I'd never let that happen.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading my story ❤️
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