Chapter 44

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I scowled once more. 

"As if I'm going to believe it. 

Listen, I'm not going to accept your oh-so-generous offer. job offer and be available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."

"You must and will do so.  Please don't make me carry out my threat." 

He spoke in a cold tone.  He'd been there for a while.I was about a foot away from him.I gave him a chilly stare. 

"You used to be a manipulative jerk, and I see you haven't changed. 

I wish I'd done it sooner.

I've never met you before." 

I let forth a nasty spit.

His deep, dark laugh reverberated across the office. And that sounded sexy as hell.

"I'm just trying to make a difference.I respect your view of me, but I'm afraid you'll always be so damn judgmental."

"And you think forcing me to work for you will make a difference?


He was always able to bring out the worst in me.

He took another step closer, bringing us face to face. 

"Of course when I gave you what you needed,  you never complained. When I made your toes curl and made you writhe in a puddle of sheer ecstasy, you never"

"Please stop it, Mark"

A blush crept all the way up my face,That was just below the belt and utterly embarrassing.

"Bastard," I muttered under my breath.

A flush crept up my cheeks, giving me the appearance of a tomato. 

That was only a smidgeon below the belt and lewdly humiliating

I whispered under my breath, "Bastard."

"Ms Moore, that's Mr Bastard to you." 

He flashed a triumphant grin. 

He walked backwards after turning aside to my office.

"Working as my personal assistant is quite tough. 

I demand nothing less than perfection from all of my employees and staff. You particularly.  Screwing things up and tardiness irritate me greatly. 

You'll be here every morning at 9 a.m. on the dot, or earlier.

At 9 a.m., I anticipate seeing a scorching hot cup of black coffee waiting for me.

You can have a cup of coffee at my desk and tell me about your day. 

You'll be in charge of scheduling my meetings, keeping track of my mail, composing my emails, and many other stuffs that you will see as we progress.You will receive a weekly salary check of 5000 dollars every week.." 

By the time he'd finished with high so-called informative speech, he was sitting at his desk, staring at me, ranting.

I felt compelled to say it, but this job pays quite well. 

It is an enticing proposition, except for the bit about being forced to do it. I finally let out a defeated sigh. 

"Fine. I'll take care of it."

He gave me a friendly smile. 


You can begin by looking at today's agenda, which can be found in the agenda section.You have a PC on your desk.  I'll send someone to take you on a tour of the facility. 

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