Chapter 52

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She wet her lips and laughed shortly. "Sure. It can't follow us. But let's go home anyway, all right? Unless you feel like spending the night out here."

Some unnameable feeling shuddered through me.

"Not tonight, thanks," I said. I put an arm around Bella, who was still sniffling.

"It's okay, Bella. We're safe now. Come on."

Bella was looking across the river again.

"You know, I don't see a thing back there," she said, her voice calmer.

"Maybe there wasn't anything behind us at all; maybe we just panicked and scared ourselves."

We said nothing as we started walking, keeping very close together on the dirt path. But I wondered. I wondered very much.

Miraculously, I found my car parked at the exact spot where I had left it.

The keys were still intact. I had just entered the car when we saw a very bright headlight probing the sky. It was at that moment, I knew, that we'd fucked up.


We deserted the car once it stopped. We were not going to wait. The bullets continued to whizz past.

I was nearly had when a bullet smashed the windscreen.

Bella and I cane out of the car, terrorised. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, leaving Bella behind. I was panting.

Even though I felt tired a few minutes ago, the pang of panic and fear revived the strength in me and I ran, without looking back. They were hot on our trail. It was more scary be ause they were in a car.

I simply ra and ran and ran.

Thank God we were near town. After five minutes of running. I stopped dead on my tracks when a police siren wailing towards me.

A ray of hope surged through me and flooded me with relief. I had never been the sporty type ever in my life but at this moment, I was forced to become sporty to save my life.

The car was now approaching. I managed to keep running towards it. There were three police cars racing towards me, all sirens walking simultaneously. Surprisingly, they raced past.

I picked my pace and continued running. At least, my safety was assured. I saw a large building from afar.

There seemed to be an important activity going on in the building. I ran with all my might towards the building.

I was already near when something tripped me. I fell and stood immediately. That was when I heard a grunt behind me.

I started again towards the edifice but something pulled back my hair. I screeched and fell flat on my back.

I turned back and to my horror, I was staring at the sweaty face of Susan. The gun she was holding had fallen off from her hands and was a few meters away from us.

She stretched her hands to pick it but a blow was enough to stop her. I didn't care about the gun. I continued my running and she came after me.

I finally reached the facade of the building, it was a large restaurant and there were many people outside. I was about to run in when I heard a startling command.

"Stop, right there!!!"

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned, horrified. Susan was pointing pointing gun at me. A wry, bitter smile spread across her lips.

This was going to be the end for both of us, I guessed. With the murderous look on her face, it was clear that she was going to shoot.

We were in that position for around a minute. The people stared at us, dumbfounded. My hands were now raised in submission. I knelt down, sniffing and wiping the sweat out of my face.

"Susan, you don't have to do this."

I swerved my head surprisingly when I heard the voice. To my amazement, Mark and his mother were standing there, with Mark covering Stormi's eyes with his hands. Children of her age weren't supposed to be exposed to such violence.

A bitter smile escaped my lips.

"Don't you dare talk to me. You cannot order me around any longer. I decide what happens to her now. You husband-snatcher" she turned again towards me, furiously.

"Susan please. Just keep the gun down." Mrs. Nina pleaded.

Susan snarled at me as I came closer to her on my knees.

"Don't fucking talk to me. You paid me to do this! And I'm going to take my revenge how I want it. She doesn't deserve Mark. And if you dare say any word from this moment, I'm gonna send you home before she joins you."

Mark's face was wreathed in shock at the revelation.

"And I'm commanding you to stop it. Just end it! I don't want the revenge any longer."

Susan's breath came out in fast gasps. "Don't you dare come any closer" she snarled at me.

Then like one possessed, she turned furiously towards Mrs. Nina, cocked the gun and pressed the trigger.

There was no more time I threw myself at Susan with every ounce of strength I had left, ignoring the white-hot pain that coursed through my ankle.

I caught her off-guard and in the fraction of a second she needed to regain her balance she drew the gun for her holster and rolled away from me as she stuck out at me with her left fist bringing a weapon up between us, she fired point-blank.

I staggering several feet back. The bullet caught me in the left shoulder.

She tried to steady herself and fired again but her marksmanship wasn't equal to her desire to kill.

The next shot went wide, she tried to fire again too quickly and the slide jammed, a cartridge stuck halfway between magazine and firing chamber.

Susan looked at me anger blazing in her eyes, blood running down my left sleeve.

"You stupid b****" she snarled, raising her right hand with the gun still in it " you are going to pay for that" I looked her in the eye. I had failed. I only hoped the son of a bitch with bleed to death.

What I regretted most was that so that Stormi would suffer even more. "You're probably right," she said quietly as much to herself as to me.

Her voice was level. There was no fear in my eyes even though my mind and heart are soul were railing against the thought of dying. I wanted to live. God how I wanted to live!

But there didn't seem to be any way for me to accomplish that feat. She

She took a deep breath and said "Get it over with you bastard."

For the briefest of moments, I paused and then the gun echoed again with the sound of the gunshots

I was just in time to save the bullet from hitting the woman, but in order to do that, I had to take the bullet.

It got dark suddenly.

And it felt like death.

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