Chapter 25

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Nina's POV...

I sat in the cabinet, my brain slightly numbed by wine. I feel a certain heaviness rest on my eyes while I close them and open them again. I tap the wineglass a few more times while I bend my face, supporting my forehead with my palms.

I was finding it hard to forget the mark I'd seen etched on Stormi's belly. It seemed to draw me towards it.

It was a strange kind of force that kept me thinking. It was exactly where Mark's birthmark was. I'd thought of it as maybe a coincidence but no! At times I gave In to the resolution that it was a mere coincidence, but later on, something struck my mind, persistently nattering that it wasn't a coincidence at all.

But I didn't want to think in that direction, pessimism was what mattered. Not when Lizzy was involved.

Yet pessimism didn't matter that much, considering if it was likely to be true. All that mattered was finding out if Mark had had something with Lizzy before now. A strange chill fell over me, what if Mark had known Lizzy before now? I was only left with illusions.

When the soirée ended, Mark drove Lizzy and her child, along with another girl I didn't get to know. But Mark probably knew her. The connaissance that lived in the bright smiles gave a vivid account of that. I wondered how crazy fate could ever be if this was to be true, if the little child was ever discovered to be Mark's. Where did that thought come from? Certainly not! I berated myself.

I tip back my head to allow the air to grace my skin. The feeling is almost heavenly.

I gaze with unwavering uncertainty at the façade, the skies wouldn't just merge in the background.

The sun was definitely rising and very soon, in a matter of hours, the city would get back to its ritualistic bustle.

Mark must have been very fast dropping them off, probably because he had work to do. I heard the sound of his car die down moments later.

I heard the door of his car slam close and the thud of his feet as he climbed up the stairs.

It took some time before he came up, I sensed he was in a conversation with someone downstairs. Probably the gardener.

He entered very soon after that, very much at ease with himself. I tilted my head in his direction as his countenance gradually softened into a sort of perplexity.

"Mum? Have you been drinking?"

I roved my eyes away from where he stood. Looking back at him again, I kept watching, ignoring him. His face was full of concern.

He came forward to help me up but I gave him a slight rap in the arm and waved him away , to which he playfully feigned pain.

"I'm okay " I said, still fixing my gaze on him. He tried again but I do the same thing and reassure him that I'm fine.

"I'm fine Mark. I'm really fine. What were you both talking about at the rail yesternight. You and Susan."

"Oh!" He sat on a seat next to me "she was asking if I still wanted her. And she was sort of confident that I still wanted her back" he chuckled and looked in my direction.

"And what was your answer"

"A restrained slap. She was very lucky to have kissed me. Only God knows what I could have done within that second"

"But mother," he continued "you don't like fine. Look what you're doing to yourself " he was almost shouting.

I began to chuckle. "Son, something has really been bothering me. It has sent me thinking ever since the soirée was over. I'd like to talk to you about it?"

"In this state?" A sort of smile hovered around his lips. "Mother, we'll talk about this when you're okay. I thought you said you'd stop excessive drinking? Please right now, you need to rest"

"Are you saying I'm crazy? Are you insinuating that I have lost my senses? Look, I'm really serious about this" I fired back at Mark, my owing at that point that I'd allowed the effects of the wine get the better of me this time around. I wanted to shout the way I did. I watched him regard me suspiciously as he stood.

"It's about that Lizzy" I prop up my seat and sit up straight.

"There you go again mother" he sighed "what about her now?"

"Not exactly about her but her child. The little girl" I croak while closing my eyes, the effects of the wine hit more hard than I could imagine.

"Mother, its obvious you're drunk. Let's go inside , okay?" I heard Mark say. He chuckled and helped me up. This time, I let him.

He supported me for some time but carried me to bed when he felt I couldn't move any step further. He draped the bed sheet over me and kissed me on the cheeks before turning to go.

He turned heavily away, and a moment later, he glanced back over his shoulders. I'd not gone to close my eyes, but I kept watching him. That same terrified, look in my face and mind

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