Chapter 12

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It was on a Tuesday night and I'd come back from work.  I'd been out of the shower for only ten minutes when the doorbell rang. Peeking through the peep-hole, I'd surprised to see Mark.

I'd like to wipe the smile from my face before opening the door.  His cologne was fragrant and his gaze was tilted down at me.

"You never told me you were coming " I asked, not being able to repress the smile.

"Is that how you welcome people to your house?" He was all at once uncomfortable, exaggeratedly that way. He roved his eyes on the small passageway and nodded slightly. "Not bad"

I tried not to smile at all, but a constant force kept drawing my lips apart.  With a laugh, I beckoned him to come along "welcome"

The silence was only broken by the sound of Stormi's electric toothbrush which hummed, and died. The tap-tap of her footsteps stopped just in the doorway. She was expecting to find me.

I looked into his amazingly blue eyes and wanted to melt, but doubts dashed in rapidly. Without even my permission, he scooted past me and into the living room. He looked around before turning to me.

"Is there no furniture?" He inquired, regarding the room which was neat but almost empty.

" I have a chair, and a mattress " I responded. "I'm getting new ones next week. Took it out on Monday"

" With or without a frame?"

"Without "

Mark looked at me, his brows tensed, but I didn’t let him say anything.

"Spoilt child, you've lived in luxury too long for your own good." My chin tilted stubbornly as I told him this. "It'd do some good to find out what you can do without "

He smiled again at me and turned to look around for a second  time.

"So...what's for dinner?" He asked, suddenly.

"Was already in the kitchen when you knocked. Just got back from work a few minutes ago, so I haven't gotten that far with cooking. Will you excuse me?"

"No, I won't excuse you" I turned sharply at him, surprised by what he had said. He began his derisive laughter again.

"Why not pick something up for us? If I remember, you loved those peaches I picked at the mall"

"Do you still recall that? "

"I can only forget very little about you"


"Don't know. I thought you were such a sad, shy little thing back at the ball. I wanted to see you laugh "

"How is work?" This was a way to escape the personal comments.

"Been pretty good. But very stressful"

"And your assistant Mary, I miss talking to her. It's been long"

"She liked you too"

"Really? How'd you know that?"

"Don't forget she's my personal assistant. Well, a certain frumpy little employee, who happens to know quite a bit about business, might be replacing her any moment henceforth"

"Lizzy" he continued "how about we go out and spend some time together, at the Spa"

"But as you can see, I'm not a bit dressed" I tilted my head down to my clothes.

"That's not enough reason. It's the Spa"

I hesitated for a moment, but he fixed his gaze on me. Which allowed me little space to think straight.

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