Chapter 29

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-Mark's POV...

Someone tapped my shoulders while I turned. It was the flight attendant. I watched her unwavering smile as she handed me a cup of tea.

I smiled back while I took the cup from her hand, thanking her as well. "Thank you," I said.

"In twenty minutes or so, we will be landing. So let me know please if there is anything you need."

I shook my head " No, thank you so much"

Walking away, she sat on a seat just in front of me. I watched the spectacle just through my window. In my many years of travel, I never got tired of the clouds.

It'd been a very exciting week in Paris and I was returning home in my private jet. I was returning to the ones I loved and cherished most. I kept wondering how happy Lizzy would be seeing me. I missed her so much.

My assistant, Mary, who was always concerned, stood from her seat and came to where I sat. Smiling, as usual, she sat next to me and began.

"It's been tiring though" she began "I've been working on it but ..." she sighed

"Don't you think we should cut ourselves some slack? For God's sake, I'm damn tired. I'm exhausted and I don't think I'm recovering from this stress sooner"

"But the good thing is that I have made it work-"

"Either ways dear, I don't think I'll be able to leave my room again when I finally get home"

"Just a quick recap. You've got very important meetings with Etihad and the rubber company. And I have spoken with Eric. Thankfully enough, he's been working on the problems. He's still trying to gather the data and correct them as soon as possible"

But I was somewhere far-away with Lizzy, with Stormi's tiny arms wrapped around my leg. Mary's voice faded to the background. I couldn't hear what she said, despite being very near to me.

"Can you leave me for some moment?" I said to her and she meekly obeyed.

The business meetings and contracts were really good. But even though they brought much money, they as well brought too much stress with them considering the formalities involved in each.

But despite the amount I made, it wasn't just enough. I needed to make more and more. It was just something that couldn't be stopped.

"Are my fears confirmed? Are the rumors true?" I shouted over to Mary who turned.

"What rumors?"

"That Derrick is cashing in. Haven't you heard about that?"

"That's his problem. I wonder what must have prompted such. But I've been hearing lately that he's in a lot of debt. But I don't care though, that suits him" she bit her lip and turned away.

"Will you be able to do something for me please?" I asked her.

"Sure. Anytime. Anything the problem?"

"When next you see me after a handsome, rich and popular man, turn me away" I started "I just hate competitions. I'm done with all of that. I will never make the mistake of being in that kind of contract again. I just regret ever knowing him. We are lucky to have survived his evil schemes"

"I warned you about him at first," she laughed.

I sipped again, my thoughts going back three years ago when I had first met Derrick. He was from California, so egoistic and dangerous. And I'd nearly been defrauded by him. One that would have crippled me financially.

Primarily, I was deceived by his lifestyle only to discover later that he was a white-washed tomb. It'd been exciting doing business at first with him. It was exciting when we kept making huge profits until he tried to make away with half a billion dollars. Luckily enough, we had him caught.

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