Chapter 14

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Our plan was thwarted, pleasantly though. In some twisted way, I am very surprised that I am inadvertently acting against my resolution.  I was sort of angry with myself, but with the inevitable blushes that crept up my face just by the thought of him, I knew strongly that I was falling for him.

Somehow everything is happening without my consent, yet I can do nothing about it.

I stared vacantly into the space before me, in oblivion of my name being called. I was jerked off my thoughts when someone tapped me.

"What are you still thinking about. It's been like five times I called you " Bella's voice was low, barely perceptible

I sighed " He's asking me out again but.. " I pull the pillow out from under my head and cover my face with it.

"But what?" She yanked it off and put her hand on her hips.

"I don't think this is heading the right way, I'm just afraid history might repeat itself"

She scoffed " History my arse. Honestly,  Lizzy. I can't believe you'd even be thinking about this.  It's obvious this will go beyond a contract.  Mark loves you so much.  And here you are, persistently fighting the blessing coming your way. Now, but what?"


"He asked you out on another real date I guess, what was your response "

"I dunno" I sat up and looked at my little girl. I looked back at her and shook my head, static from my comforter which made my head tingle.

"Walk out of Mark's life, and I guarantee that you will never find a better man "

I turned around and my brows furrowed in a frown. Why would she say such a thing?

"That's gross. Why would you say that? You can't say that!" I feigned annoyance

"I can '' she said in a matter-of-fact tone " of course, I can't just watch you do what you do. All because of an idiot that took you for nothing. As a piece of advice, you need to stop being cynical. Mark's type is rare. Look, I get it that every man may appear as stinkers to you but its high time you gave them a chance."

"You think Derrick wasn't that way. They're tamed and sweet at first, but they become beasts once you give them a chance"

She gave me a cold stare " then forget it, I have no more to say to you"

"Don't misunderstand me please, it's still hard to accept the fact that he threw me away like a piece of trash "

"And you think that giving your whole thought to it, to the extent of not knowing what's happening around you, will change anything? What if you got married to Derrick?"


My workday went well, considering that I resolved to repress the reflection on Derrick.  I got a lot done, stayed late and came home when Stormi had gone to bed. I'd resolved that I might as well go full-steam ahead. I drag in just in time to shower while Bella fixed something for both of us.

I stood under the hot spray of the shower longer than necessary. At times, things like reality can't be washed away. Leaning in under the big round bulb, I stare at my face in the mirror.

I pulled up under the front entrance breezeway. As I approach the semicircular reception desk,  I force a deep calming breathing step up to face the pert little blond with a smile.

My heart strikes a compromise with my mind. The deal was to make sure we never progressed beyond friends. Though

"Hi" a deep voice intoned from behind.

"Hi" I turn to face Mark. Handsome as always. He was in a chequered dress which was rolled up at the only made him hotter.  His jaws were neatly cut, his smile giving a vivid account of his maker's talent in glorifying the male body.

I wanted to hug him, but I forced myself to stand still. At this point, I'm not sure that I'd let go if we came together in a hug.

He smiles and kisses me on the cheek, still the quintessential gentleman.  I feel sort of like I did when we nearly kissed back at the ball. I clutch my hands, still held by his gaze. He looked distracted.

"Anything the problem?" I asked, regarding him carefully.

"Yh, I'm a bit hurt" he smiled, he didn't look hurt.

But I grow apprehensive, just as I am wont to do, on occasions like this.  More so, when I'm his wife in some sense.

"How? Where?"

"I'm hurt you didn't hug me" he grins

I force out a smile. Hopefully, he never knew how close I came to doing that. "Dream on"

This time, he reaches over and takes my hand. And I let him. His hands are so warm. They are so wide that my both palms can comfortably fit into them.

This time, he squeezes my hand while gazing into my face. Well, I squeeze back. I don't wanna let go, but I do just as a blush creeps up my face.

I was falling for this man, and I could do nothing about it. Maybe it was okay just to play along.

"I appreciate your coming" Mark smiles and his eyes are on me and me alone.

"Thank you"

For a moment our eyes held. For a moment we were unaware his father entered the room.

In order to cover my slightly pink face, I got up to greet the old man.

Mark walked me inside, as soon I was done talking with the man. Much like before, he slipped past me and went inside. I shut the door and watched him.

"I have been thinking about this for some time now. Why don't you move in?"

"We already talked about this Mark. How the hell do you expect me to do that?"

"I told him about it and he said no problem"

Downing a bottle of water" he hasn't mentioned Mark. And even if he does, I'm not going to. Just let it go"

"On one condition then"

"Which is?"

"That we have a real date again.  Next week. Just the two of us"

"Then you'll buy me a new dress. How dressy are we talking?"

"I'll be in suit"

I thought about this. For the first time in many years I would have an amazing dress "

"A black dress would be perfect" he came close, gesturing with his hands how perfectly it'd suit me.

I thought for a few moments longer. If I was to keep Mark at arms length. Surely, I'd never be hurt. But at the same time, an invisible force kept pushing me closer to him. Just as it was doing right now, the proximity between us was gradually snapping and his lips were nearing mine.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading my story ❤️
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