Chapter 5

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“ Mr Macolva “ my assistant Mary called out from the door, I dropped the document I was assessing.
“ Yes Mary, what is it? ‘ I asked, irritated that she had to interrupt me just when I was finally understanding the whole contract that was sent to me for my new project.
She straightened herself and raised the notepad in which she obviously wrote down my mothers instructions. “ your mother called and said that I should remind you of the dinner at their residence by 7pm, she also said that you should dress properly and not be late” Mary replied.
“ Is that all? ” I asked hoping my mother doesn’t make another absurd demand
” yes sir”
“ Alright, you can go now,” I said, dismissing her. I wonder what my mother had up her sleeves this time around. Last time she invited me to dinner, she tried hooking me up with the daughter of the CEO of Lanza group of companies. I’m tired of her trying to bring girls my way, it never ends well, at least we both have seen the results of one of her matchmaking. I quickly surveyed the contract one last time before I started to sign everything. I double check to see that I haven’t signed off my company yet cos most of the mergers are always a big scam, or rip off.. I quickly finished what I was supposed to do and picked up my phone to call my driver.
Few minutes later, I was standing in front of my parents house. Even from the garage, I already knew we had visitors. With the occasional uproar of laughter oozing from the window, one would know. I rang the doorbell the second time, silently praying that someone shouldn't open the  door so I have a perfect excuse to run away from the disaster I’m about to put myself into .
The door noiselessly opened  and my mother poked her head through the door. Her face lit up once she saw that it was me. A very perfect replica of that very smile she had given me the day she tried hooking me up. I was thus unsettled but had no other option than to resign listlessly to her scheme.
“ Hello mom.” I gave her a hug and handed over the basket of wine and pastries that I bought at the supermarket.
“ the guests are already at the table “ she winked while whispering and dropping the dessert on the kitchen counter. I proceeded to grab some wine glasses before heading over to  the dining  table to meet a family of 3 sitting down and drinking or sipping intermittently from the already filled glasses. The air was heavy with the scent of food and wine.
The daughter of dad’s business partner I guess winked at me. Jeez, that already defined who she was. I only managed to put up an insincere smile. I was just wondering why dad invited them. This was because the father I had grown up with never invited people who were not beneficial to him. It was strictly business or no business.
My mum pulled the chair close to the girl and motioned for me to sit there. This was her trap.
I settled down into my sit avoiding any form of communication with my neighbor
“ Mark darling” my mom called my attention, meeting Mr. Lawrence Knight and his wife Jane and beautiful daughter Janice.
I could only assume the man who gazed so intensely at me was her father by the similarity in their eyes
“ hello “
“ How are you son? ” Mr. Knight ask
“ I’m doing great sir”
” and the company?” he asked
“ it’s growing perfectly”
“ That's true,” he said nodding while inspecting his wine glass. “ I’ve been following up on your results in the news and I must say you’ve been doing a great job with the company. I’m impressed “
“ thank you, sir” if he has been following the results of most of the deals then why was he asking me how the company was? Older people and their form of small talk.
The food arrives and we all start digging in. The meal is good and I
I almost choked when I felt someone’s hand creep up my thighs. I pulled off her hands and coughed out the spit stuck in my throat “ honey are you okay ? '' My mom asked before passing me a glass of water . I quickly gulp it down.
“ I’m okay now mom” I replied.
I hate it when girls do things like this . Does Janice think that grabbing my piece of steel will make me like her? Damn girl, get some self respect, I can get that from anyone anywhere I want to stop behaving like a generous woman.
I hear Janice clear her throat beside me, here we go again “ so Mark” she said smiling like she just won a lottery “ my dad just opened a new branch of our company close to yours so I’m still kinda new in that side of town so can you show me around a bit, so settling down can be easy for me?” she said baiting her lashes at me …mm does she think pouting and running her lashes like that will be effective in any way?
“ No” I said dismissively.
if this is how my evening will be then I might as well brace myself for it

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