Chapter 40

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I quickly jogged into the nearest building. Most of the street shops were closed and I had just found one.

I swore at the rain as I made my way into the building. My reason for being angry is because I had had a rotten day, and drenching in the rain just made it worse. I put off every hope in me.

I realized, as I entered the building, that I was heavily soaked. A man was generous enough to lend me a towel.

I looked around, only to discover that the people were gazing at my dress. Not at my dress actually, but through it.

I sighed. They could gaze.

The past five years of my life have been a screaming bore. And I couldn't put up with the constant and renewed torment it brought each day.

For the past five years I have been searching for a job to sustain my mother and I. I had to settle for my present because a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

In more simple terms, the money I got from my present job was as good as nothing. Not many qualified people like me would go into that kind of job, but I had to.

Today I went looking for another job, but it seemed to have drained life and hope out of me. I let myself sink on the dark-brown mahogany chair.

I took a look at my surroundings and saw how beautiful it was. Enormous chandeliers were hanging down the ceiling, slightly shaking.

All I wanted to do at this moment was to get back home and sleep. But I swore again when it struck me that I would be going back to work tomorrow.

I stood up from where I was and approached a colt-bald man who stood on the other side of the table. I ordered a toquilla.

His face disappeared when he bent down, searching for what I had ordered. What I needed at this point was to get my body warm.

I gave into introspection in that fraction of a second. I thought about my life from the first day I came to L-A straight after high school.

I had my college at the university of California and graduated with honors.

Why then, I cried in my heart, couldn't I get myself a decent job? Maybe I had to persist for a second longer.

That had been my everyday maxim but that second turned to days, gradually graduated to months and became years.

I sighed and yawned before looking around again. I grabbed the miniature glass and drowned down the contents.

Soon it began to settle and the dizziness in my head began to clear. The world grew cheerful once more.

I turned and began to walk back when I bumped into someone.

I apologised immediately even without looking up. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to d-"

Our eyes met and my brows came down. I knew that face. I squinted as if I was staring at the sun.

My eyes widened as it occurred to me that I was staring at Mike. I gasped.

His own eyes widened when it met mine. We watched each other in that way for a while until he was able to speak.



Then I lost it.

"If you must know, my friend, I'm not doing so well. I don't have a job right now. My boyfriend, just like you, suddenly dumped me. I went looking for a job today because I'm broke as hell, and guess what? I came back empty-handed. Nobody wanted to employ me because I have no experience. How does that sound to you, sheepl?"

My chest heaved in rage as I spat before I grabbed the bottle of beer right in front of me and gulped.

"You're gonna stop. OK?"

"What? Now what?"

He was speechless as he sat there.

Something else flashed in his eyes, but what was it? That was the absolute last thing I required of him.

"I-" he started, but I cut him off by raising my hand.

"I understand your apologies. However, apologizing isn't going to help. My life has been a shambles since high school, and seeing you today has only worsened it. I know I have forgiven you, but seeing you again hurts too much. I can't just forget it"

With that, I sprung to my feet and made for the door, only to be grabbed by the elbow by Mark just outside the cafe.

"I know I made a huge mistake. I don't know what else to say except that I'm sorry. I'd like to correct my errors-"

He let go when I tried to shrug him off.

"Don't waste your time.

My life is simply too messed up to be repaired."

When I turned to walk away, he had my arm in his hand.

"At the very least, allow me to drive you home.

You don't have an umbrella and it's raining."

He wasn't entirely wrong.

I'd most likely be soaked by the time I got to my apartment building.

That's the only reason I let him walk me directly outside the cafe to a slick, black Ferrari.

I just stood there staring at the dark beauty for a few moments.

"Come on, get in the car or you're gonna get wet out there"

He stared at me with a grin creasing his lips.

"Will you please get in the car?"

For a moment, I thought that I just couldn't stop starting. It appeared we were diametrically opposite financially.

I slid into the car, heeding his advise, to avoid getting drenched.

The interior of the car was very stunning.

I couldn't even begin to guess how much the car cost. Hundreds of thousands, I proposed.

It's most likely worth a lot more than all I own.

After we'd sped away, Mark ignited the engine and sped into the asphalt.

"Where are we going?" he said without turning, his gaze was intent on the asphalt.

For a while, I debated whether I should tell him my exact location or just have him drop me off near my building because I didn't want him to see the disgrace where I lived.

I reluctantly told him my address, which elicited a grimace from him. It seemed, from his grimace, that he was familiar with 

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