Chapter 2

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" Hey, come here" I heard a voice say to me as I turned over and saw the young man in the elevator.
"What?" I asked confused
" err.., the power is out and you had tears in your eyes so I thought I could just let you cry if that would make you feel better' he said.

He looked genuine. His hands were still stretched out. It doesn't hurt right? Without even wanting to think. I walked over to him and wrapped my hands around his waist, inhaling the source of the cologne which wafted around the whole enclosure.

He pulled me closer to him and stroked my hair and with one hand he wrapped his free hands on my back. I felt safe. Why couldn't I feel this way with Derrick, where did I ever go wrong.

A lump settled on my throat and my breathing became haggard and kept coming in fast, convulsive gasps. I was trying so hard not to cry out and the damn elevator chose now to go off trapping me in here with a complete stranger.
He stroked my head gently in a rhythmical way so that he touched more chord with me" you can let it out" he said showing that he knew I really wanted to cry " just cry it out love, it will help"
Tears rushed out like a fountain, I couldn't hold it any longer.. " but where did I ever go wrong'
" You'll be fine," he replied, still running his soothing fingers across my hair.
" I've tried my best to make things work between us but it's never been enough for him" I said, burying my head into the stranger's chest. " can't he just love me? Am I not beautiful enough"
My scattering continued until he lifted my face off his chest so that he could screw his eyes in discerning my visage once more in the darkness " Who are you?. And what is wrong?' he looked bemused by my rhetorical outbursts.
Why was I saying this? How did I even get here?
" But even if he doesn't want me anymore can't he just accept his own child?"
The stranger used his thumb to wipe the tears that started rolling out of my eyes again. " You are a beautiful, strong woman, I know we haven't met for long but seeing you break down this much because of a man doesn't want to be in your life hurts me so much. I don't know what might have caused this issue between you and the father of your child but sometimes not everyone is meant to be in your life, they are just there to either break you or make you stronger, make or even mar you. If he doesn't want to be in your life any longer then kick that into the long grass. Remember that you still have a kid who's looking up to you" He let me go and pulled out his jacket spreading it on the floor
" Let's sit," he offered, holding my hands and helping me get to the floor of the elevator.
" what's your child's name "
" Stormi" He raised his eyebrow up in confusion

" Stormi as in Stormi Kylie Jenner" he asked

" yes" I said, wiping my nose with the last tissue from my purse .
" That's a beautiful name," he said. " So what made "Him" leave you "
I contemplated telling this man I just met my life's issue but what was there to lose after all. We may never see each other again after today. " Well, he claims he isn't the father of my child," I said and immediately his face darkened. Oh shit!
" Why would he say that? " He was fuming.
I adjusted my legs and folded them so I could get more comfortable " he keeps saying the same thing, I'm just confused" I sobbed.
" Have you got something to do? How are you going to take care of her? " he asked, not taking away his gaze from me.
Sometimes it was just soothing to let it all out to anyone who cared to listen.
" Stormi will be 2 by next week . I have my small business that I use in taking care of my bills. Just downtown before the canella." I answered " I went to his house in hopes that we will talk about how Stormi's birthday will be '' my voice had gone hoarse now.
" So what really happened that you came down trying so hard not to cry? " He asked, then pulling out his handkerchief from his pocket, he wiped my face with it. It was a gentle gesture and I liked it.
" Saw a lady in his apartment in the shirt I bought for him just last week. She's kinda model or something like that " I answered trying hard not to start crying again before I scare the young man away
" Then let him go '' he said angrily. " If a man doesn't want to be kept then he can't be kept. If his primary attention is to lay all the women in bed and leave the woman who stood by him from his little beginnings then I'm sorry to say this but he is a coward. You're beautiful and from your ordeals, you're as well a devoted and dedicated woman"
I looked at the man before me and knew that for once someone has told the truth to me. He made me see my self in a way that I have never seen. I observed his features, sharp jaw bone and blue eyes and blonde curly hair. HE looked like someone in his Late 20s or maybe 30yrs old. Even in his shirt, he looked ripped, probably he has been working out every day of his life. He was definitely handsome... and fit. His suit looked expensive and for once I wondered who this man was and where he worked. From his attire looked like someone that was earning very well.
" Can I ask you for something ' he said looking at me intensely. I wondered what this man would want from me.
" go ahead " I said , nodding weakly in his direction and mentally crossing my fingers that it should be something I can do.
" I want to celebrate Stormi's birthday for her"
" what?! you don't even know me " My head jerked from the wall as though I had been stung.
" I don't need to know you before I do something for you as long as you're genuine enough. And she's still a kid, she needs to have memories that she would look back and smile at. I did not have that opportunity, and I regret it till this day. getting the birthday party she deserves" he said, pleading for me to accept with his eyes, he then held my tiny hands in his massive palms " please just let me do this for your child. Just this once"
He looked genuine but one wouldn't go about trusting people simply because of corporal features or endearing sentiments, not even at this point that the was hazed with Derrick's heartbreaking change
" What's your name?" I heard myself ask.
" Mark? " he asked, looking down at me. His face was smooth with no spec of imperfection bumped into it.
" I'm Elizabeth" I flushed tomato red from the intense stare Mark was giving me.
He pulled out an iPhone from his breast pocket. It was probably of the latest brand.
" Let me have your number please" he said, stretching it towards me. Everything was waxing like a dream, but I was damn tired to show the gratitude I owed to the unfolding prospect . I heard my phone ringing and I pulled it out from my hand bag.
" that's my number save it please"
I typed in his name and saved the number immediately. The lights in the elevator came up and it started rumbling, probably trying to kick start again. Mark jumped up immediately and stretched out his hands for me, I held it tight and pulled myself up coming face to face with his intense blue eyes.
Damn, they were captivating.
The elevator came to a stop and opened on the ground floor. He still held my hands and I tried wiggling out of his grip but he held my hands tighter.
He kept looking at me " we are leaving this elevator now but I don't want us to be strangers after this , try and pick up when I call you."
"I will" I said, brushing out the last, minuscule balls of tears. We both walked out of the elevator and parted ways.

I wasn't sure of what will happen after this strange meeting but I will not hold back. I'm taking everything that will be a product of it. I'm done being that girl.

Author's note:

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