Chapter 18

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I arrived at the hotel with Lizzy, holding her hand. I knew that the other men, all my friends who'd whispered behind my back, would be whispering even more loudly to watch how I would act in front of them. Fine, let them!

I was prepared for all this but I wasn't prepared for how beautiful Lizzy was, as she stood in her mesmerizing and in-vogue velvet dress. It was black and tight. Her fingers rested possessively on my arms.

I was not just prepared for the look.

I turned to her and saw the way she looked at me, the way her mascara made her eyelashes look so thick.

We were in a kind of soiree with old friends, hosted by the Ambersons.

The Ambersons boasted that they could hold its own with any fine hotel in the whole territory. This day, the management had attempted to outdo themselves in providing the very best. Wines were hauled up from the cellars. Whole sides of beef, smoked salmon and fresh river-caught fish, and chickens were all prepared for the guests.

The chandelier had been taken apart and polished before hung again,  floors and tables had been scrubbed until everything shone.

We spent the rest of the day strolling and talking. And it was indeed a perfect day for walking. The path was a beautiful carpet of vibrant green and golden leaves. We both ambled towards the meadows, discussing.

Soon, we were  back home. I coerced her into eating a bit with me, and after that we both left for my room.

It was tempting seeing Lizzy dressed this way. I felt I was letting my guard down, and I couldn't do anything about. She was very hot in her body-tight black dress.

I got hard immediately and it continued to tense the more whenever I saw the slight, inviting jiggle her ass displayed. Thoughts came rushing in and I tried to wade them off but it didn't stop.

At last I gave in, I imagined what it'd look like having her.

On two occasions, I found myself staring dreamily straight at her. At times, she'd ask if everything was ok. I'd always responded positively, but I found myself moments later, Staring at her again. She was so hot.

Her eyes had become  unusually calm and I liked it that way. I wished we were moving in the same direction. I walked closer to her and motions to kiss her but she doesn't stir.

She only gazed right into my eye. It felt as if everything else had hung limp and it was only the two of us, only the two of us.

Her heart starts to race faster at our closeness.

Her eyes stood out so beautifully, and the black dress she wore enhanced its vibrancy the more. Her full lips were inviting.

I couldn't help but stare, and stare. Tensions were running high. She wanted me, and with the way she looked tonight, I wanted her too.

I leaned forward to kiss her but she flinched and gasped. She had surprise written all over her. Soon, she looked troubled.  I was obliged therefore to know what the problem was.

"You're not telling me something Lizzy, are you?"

"It's about your mother, what if she finds out I am here. And you know that she obviously hates me so much"

My brows  came together and grew darker as I spoke slowly. “Do you think I’d be much of a man if I let any person tell me how I should live my life”

“I get it how your mother thinks about things. But she has never spoke unkindly or dictatingly about you. Every woman is wont to behave that way. I'm sorry Mark but inasmuch as I try to force it out, it just doesn't work. Things always get in our way and I think it's time we told ourselves the truth. Can we just forget about this whole thing and…" She lifted her hand in protest, and her face was so touching that I forgot my rising anger. I took her small, troubled hand

“Lizzy,” I said huskily. “Are you aware that I love you?”

“I'd always thought so.”

“Don’t you love me?”

“Of course I do.” She was close to tears.
“Then why would you try to let anything come between us"

"Understand me Mark, we can't keep doing things like this. Don't you think it's time we parted ways. If we insist, we are going to face greater challenges. Everything might look easy to you because she's your mother, but…"

"But what?"

"But I can't. I can't fight it"

“Certainly not! I don't care about whatever she says. All I know is that I love you so much Lizzy. Don't make it look as  though I can't make my own choices. Did she threaten you or something?"

She shook her head as her gaze wavered; she began to blink; then suddenly she sank on the bed and began to sob, yet she claimed no one had threatened her or hurt her. Maybe, it was impulsive.

"Please don't” I hugged her and slowly patted her on the back. But instead she cried out the more, her voice indistinct with the wetness that bubbled into it from her tears.

" I love you, you know that?"

"I have always known it. I love you too Mark.." she fixed her unwavering gaze on me. It was filled with determination and growing strength.

I lowered my lips to hers once my throat grew tight. Her mouth was warm and yielding. She softened as our kissing progressed, and took me deep.

Looking deep into her eyes, I cupped the back of her head. My features went taut as I carried her up and entangled our lips in kisses.

Despite our differences,  I loved her so dearly and I wanted her so much. And judging from the way her body responded to mine, It read that she desired me as well. She used her body to tell me she wanted it.

But I pulled free from her and spoke to her with a gasp.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"I'm all yours if you want me"

I didn't hesitate anymore. We both fell into the bed, without the preliminaries for kissing. She wriggled out of her heels and watched me undress her.

Damn! She was beautiful.

A few moments later, we were both spread on the bed kissing and touching. She took off the pin which held her hair at a place and allowed it cascade freely down her shoulders.

She moaned with pleasure when I took a nipple down my throat. It wasn't long before her hips began moving to the rhythm of my tongue.

She quaked when my hand slipped down in front of her panties. She gasped as I kept going. She was ready for me, slick and wet.

She settled, breathing hard when I'd finished removing everything she wore. The undulating movement aroused her all over again. 

She finally spread her thighs and I slid into it as though that was where I belonged.

It continued that way, till we were caught up in the feverish and frantic rhythm of lovemaking.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading my story ❤️
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