Chapter 26

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Lizzy's Pov.

It'd been a very sunny day. And I spent most of the morning doing the dishes and laundry. It rather came as a surprise that Mark had not called to know how I was doing. I found it strange because of the fact that Mark had not called to know how I was doing. I found it strange because he always did call, even at moments when I still tossed and turned in the bed.

He never allowed an awkward silence between us, he always had something to say. And he seemed to know everything, my every mood even on the phone. Even when I tried as much to conceal it beyond discerning.

Stormi spent most of her morning sleeping. I'd early checked to see if she was sick or something but she wasn't. Just tired from yesterday's activities. She slept off in the car while we were on our way back home and had to look around when she woke, with a confused look on her face and an amused look on mine. My great friend, Bella, who was baby-sitting for me all this while had gone back to her house to take care of a few things.

Amidst her pregnancy, she was searching for a job. I'd earlier advised her against that but she insisted. This morning, she'd gone back to prepare her C.V for an upcoming interview in ten days or so. But she'd first gone to the mall alone.

Everything was just right. I proposed to call Mark as soon as I was done. At intervals, I was tempted to call him but restrained myself.

Yet a part of me was slightly nervous, what if he got angry. Well, he shouldn't be. I felt that doing the calling this time would demean me.

Our relationship had gone beyond what it was primarily meant for and we were both caught up, leaving us no room for escape. It was like a dream. But here it was facing me.

This time I could hardly stop thinking about him. Not actually because I loved him now, but it was because of what we had together.

I couldn't help but stare vacantly into the space before me at intervals. Just like now, I recovered again from my foolish stare.

The effect he had on me had only skyrocketed the previous night, especially when we'd kissed right in front of Susan.

Judging from the way I felt now, I'd not want to stop this contract. If it was still a contract anymore.

Once I was done with the chores, I helped Stormi with her wash up and nursery rhymes after I'd made her something to eat. I picked my phone and called Mark.

He didn't pick on the first ring but I was surprised when he hadn't picked the call. It had a hit on my pride. I shouldn't have called him first, I regretted staring at my phone.

But he called back almost immediately. It was past eleven by now. I didn't pick on the first ring, nor on the second. But I am on the third. His voice came through.

I sighed and kept quiet. What did that entail? What would he have been doing?

"Hello." He continued after i’d not responded.

"I'm sooo sorry Lizzy. It's just that I'm in a crucial meeting" he spent the rest three minutes apologizing. But all along, I kept quiet.

I did a good job not to burst out laughing.

"So your clients are more important to you than I am"

I heard him sigh heavily on the other end. "Of course not!" He said and sighed again, seemingly not knowing what to say any more.

I cut the call, smiling. Leaving it on the couch, I made for the bathroom to have a bath. Stormi screamed my name later, saying someone was calling.

I told her not to worry about it as I smiled to myself, knowing it was Mark.

I came out after what seemed like a year. I was exhausted, so I took my time. Mark called soon again and began his endless stream of apologies again.

After that, we talked about the previous day. I didn't have the balls to talk about it but drifted smoothly along when he brought up the topic.

It only made me want him more, it made me want to be always close to him, holding him tight and making sure he never let go because he, just as Bella had envisaged or prophesied, was a rare type.

There was just something he had in him which most men didn't have. The smile, the cheer, the air of charisma that surrounded him, his gentleness and humility. It all made him perfect.

It'd been a major reason for what had happened the previous night. Our kiss went beyond kisses. We both went crazy. Going into his room, we both had a quickie before returning to the small party feeling as though I were his wife.

I was a contract wife anyway.

If such a chance would ever come up now, I was ready to grab it with both hands and never let it go. And for the first time ever since I'd known him, I began to play along just as Bella had counselled.

The rays of the moon were quite meaningless considering the bright lights that shone everywhere. He had the hands that were meant to grab a woman, his lips knew the right places to kiss.

It made my toes curl whole. I writhed In a puddle of sheer ecstasy. He fell on the bed once we were done, weak from love-making.

Ashamed but not quite ashamed, I put back my clothes to leave immediately.

That was when he stirred and made to say something to me. But no, I made my way through the doorway and left as fast as possible.

I ignored his nakedness when I turned back to grab my purse. My heels echoed as I left, my insides still writhed in the aftereffects of Mark!

And for the second time this week I bumped into Mark's mom again. She seemed to hide behind the shadows while coming towards Mark's room. My heart leapt. I only mumbled out a greeting and went downstairs hastily, saying a short prayer.

"Where have you been Lizzy" Bella called while Stormi ran full out towards me. I carried her and brought her down immediately, joking that she was getting fat.

"I was with someone "

Her expression became inquiring. She gave me a meaningful look.

"I can only imagine."

"I have something to discuss with you Bella" I said with bated breath.

"Before then!" Someone has been calling you. Someone special.

"I have only two people dear to me and they are right in front of me. Who must this be"

She chuckled mischievously. "It's Derrick," she said. We both began to laugh, even Stormi who didn't know what was being talked about joined in the laugh.

Mark's voice jerked me off my thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"Of course," I answered.

Yes, I loved him, and I was ready to walk the whole length with him and to fight whatever that prospect might present, praying as well that prospect painted pretty pictures.

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