Chapter 51

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knew deep down that had been tortured beyond recognition even though there was no mirror to see how I looked.

I also knew that from the way that Susan regarded me wickedly.

"Bitch!" She would always scream and scoff.

She acted as if she was mentally deranged.

It got to a point where she wanted to scarre my face with a knife but Derrick restricted her, muttering something into her ears.

She nodded her head and left me, leaving the blade behind. I never imagined Derrick could do this to me, despite his status.

I never imagined he could be this shameless, that he could stoop so low.

I wondered what was going to be my fate when the video would be aired. What was Mark going to say?

I knew this because they discussed it right in front of me. They wanted to see me break down, and I did.

I listlessly resigned to fate. And somehow miraculously, Derrick didn't touch me. He went home that evening to answer someone.

Susan couldn't wait. She was growing impatient and neede things to be done right away.

She'd even attempted to force one of the rogues on me but she stopped him, one second thought.

My heart was beating frantically even though I remained cool.

I cried, wondering where Stormi would be at this time.

Susan who was very angry at me forgot to take the blade she had dropped.

Night came and everybody soon fell asleep. Bella as well was fast asleep.

That was when I took the knife and cut the rope that bound my hand.

I restricted Bella from screaming when I cut hers.

She woke up thinking she was going to be stabbed.

She was thankful when I had cut it. Thankfully, there were no doors, so we had to sneak out quietly.  And we did.

I had hidden my cell phone in my pants, just as if I had known what was going to happen.

I took it out and put a call through, once we were within hearing distance.

Despite being here for the first time, I could make out the way to the street.

The call with the police was successful. We were still looking for a way when we heard something stirred behind us.

Our flight instincts alerrted us and we fled for our dear lives.

It had been Twenty minutes since I called the cops, yet their was no sign.

I prayed within that the other guys hadn't noticed yet.

I wondered how Susan and the other guys had forgotten the blade.

Thankfully enough we set ourselves free and sneaked without alerting the attention of the rogues.

The ruined church was a black silhouette behind us now.

The narrow path led between the lichen-encrusted headstones, many of which stood taller than Bella, despite her height.

Big enough for something to hide behind, I thought uneasily.

Some of the tombstones were unnerving, like the one with the cherub that looked like a real baby, except that its head had fallen off and had been carefully placed by its body.

The wide granite eyes of the head were blank. I couldn't look away from it, and my heart began to pound. 

"Why are we stopping?" I asked Bella.

"I just... I'm sorry," I murmured, but when she forced herself to turn she immediately stiffened. "Bella?" I said.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Bella was staring straight out into the graveyard, her lips parted, her eyes as wide and blank as the stone cherub's. Fear washed through my stomach.

"I can't run any longer. My stomach!" She complained.

"Bella, stop it. Stop it! It's not funny." Bella made no reply. "Bella!" I shouted. We had to get away and she was getting tired.

We whirled to start down the path, but a strange voice spoke behind me, and I jerked around. Thankfully it wasn't a voice. It was just the whisper of the wind.

I never quite knew what happened in the next few minutes.

Something seemed to move out among the dark humped shapes of the headstones, shifting and rising between us.

I screamed and Bella cried out, and then we were both running, and Bella was running with me, screaming, too.

I pounded down the narrow path, stumbling on rocks and clumps of grass root. Bella was sobbing for breath behind her, and I, calm and cynical Lizzy, was panting wildly.

There was a sudden thrashing and a shriek in an oak tree above us, and I found that Bella could run faster. "There's something behind us," cried Bella shrilly. "Oh, God, what's happening?"

"Get to the bridge," I gasped through the fire in my lungs. I didn't know why, but I felt we had to make it there.

"Don't stop, Bella! Don't look behind you!" I grabbed the her sleeve and pulled her around.

"I can't make it," Bella sobbed, clutching her side, her pace faltering. "Yes, you can," U snarled, grabbing Bella's sleeve again and forcing her to keep moving.

"Come on.Come  on!" I saw the silver gleam of water before us. And there was the clearing between the oak trees, and the bridge just beyond.

My legs were wobbling and her breath was whistling in her throat, but I wouldn't let herself lag behind. Now I could see the wooden planks of the footbridge.

The bridge was twenty feet away from us, ten feet away, five.

"We made it," I panted, my feet thundering on the wood.

"Don't stop! Get to the other side!" The bridge creaked as we ran staggering across it, our steps echoing across the water.

When I jumped onto packed dirt on the far shore, I let go of Bella's sleeve at last, and allowed her legs to stumble to a halt. I was soon bent over, hands on thighs, deep-breathing.

Bella was crying. "What was it? Oh, what was it?" she said. "Is it still coming?" "I thought you were the expert," Bella said unsteadily.

"For God's sake, Bella, let's get out of here."

"No, it's all right now," I whispered. There were tears in my own eyes and I was shaking all over, but the hot breath at the back of neck neck had gone. The river stretched between us and it, the waters a dark tumult.

"They can't follow us here," I said. I stared at her, then at the other shore with its clustered oak trees, then at Bella.

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