Chapter 28

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Anything could happen but it wouldn’t slow me down. I made the journey into her tight cunt, grabbing her hip and pulling her down, forcing her to sink slowly until my enormous dick was inside her.

She let out a pleasurable yell when she felt me, her eyes fading into pure lust. She wanted me.

Her arms whirled my neck, and she smooched me as she arched her behind, slowly pushing her body down my length until her lips kissed his balls. Again and again, she repeated the same movements, and pushed me length deep inside her.

Damn, she was good.

My hands returned to her luscious ass, and steered her movements.

Things got hot and heavy quickly. She inhaled and exhaled hard against my mouth. She held my nape and groaned. She kept mincing her clit against my body to give her that additional thrust she desired to turn into a writhing pool of pleasure.

I stared at her face, watching her in an entire new way. She was so lovely when
she was being had. She looked anxious but couldn't stop. She flushed.

At times, she nipped her lowermost lip when it felt particularly good, when it was hitting the perfect spot to make her hips arch on their own. Her nails clawed at me, and sometimes a pained whimper fled her lips, like she couldn’t tolerate the fun. Her nails started to slice me as if she had relinquished her mind, as the delight erupted right within her and made her twitch.

My hands gripped her ass and guided her up and down, feeling the tightness
surround my dick once her sex clenched around me like steel manacles.

I could feel her delight through our combined bodies, feeling how good she felt.

Tears sprung to her eyes, and she moaned out hot breath in his face, her nipples large with excitement. Her voice trembled with her release, the moisture in her eyes welling up until two tears streamed down her cheeks.

Her hips stopped pounding into me as she slowed down, as the pleasure faded
from her . She caught her breath as she latched on to me, still enjoying the aftershocks of goodness in her veins.

The tears were so propelling to me that I came with a grunt, turned on by her vigorous acknowledgment to my dick.

Every woman had a distinct response to a climax, but criers were rare. This released tears like itwas the beat thing that ever happened to her, the best climax she’d ever had.

Beholding this woman cry made me want her more, it made me come before J could control it.

She lowered her body until I was completely inside her, letting me come with my balls against her ass.

My dick trembled as I came.

I looked at her face, admiring the same feeling in her eyes that he knew was in him.

This was like a dream. My raging dick was on the verge of exploding, out of sheer pleasure. I again grabbed her hips and dragged her to the edge of the car seat. She said she was not getting enough and that was pretty an insult to a man of my status. I would teach her a lifetime lesson, I thought.

I was prepared to fuck her deep and hard, to wrap my sex till only my balls hung out.

I thrusted slowly as I made my entrance, gliding through the slickness she’d already produced. She was so wet for me…matching the words she whispered to me. I closed my eyes as I moved all the way into her, buried inside the slit of heaven.

She gripped my wrists and moaned, her head rolling back with her plump lips wide apart. I lowered my body on top of hers so I could kiss her again, feel my lips while my sex cherished hers.

I intimately felt her, felt how wet and tight she was. Her fingers moved into my hair, and she gasped against my mouth, I rested my forehead against hers and felt my sex twitch.

“More please’’ she cried ‘More!’

I felt my sex shiver while I delivered my burden. The culmination was enough to make all my strength twitch with her tightness. I kept her on my lap when I was done, wanting to be inside her as my sex slowly crumbled.

I glanced at her face, adoring the similar arousal in her eyes that I knew was in mine. She was never more beautiful than when she’d been satisfied. A woman like that should be fulfilled every single day of her life. I’d constantly guessed if I took her as wife, I would always be the best sex ever.

And I had a feeling that it was to come true with this woman.

I pensively sat in my office, remembering all that had happened that night. Susan had got me pissed after refusing me sex and I'd somehow bumped into someone who was as willing as I was.

I was embarrassed that my sex had already risen and was now very hard.

I sighed while I bent. That was when Mary entered my office.

"All good boss" she sat on the edge of my desk and smiled at me. The same smile, I could remember, that was on her face the day I'd slept with her.

"I'm ok" I said, but she didn't look so convinced.

"Come on, talk to me. Formality aside. Come on "

Should I say it? I kept asking myself while the white, innocent face kept staring back at me. I had no chance but to say yes. I'd already wanted to begin when my phone jerked me up.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your clients are already waiting." She turned her rueful expression away.

"Nicely dodged, isn't it?"

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