Chapter 4

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He still looked like he was contemplating the idea of going out of the cafe " I don't think that will be necessary since we will be leaving here soon tho" he finally said . " okay " I replied pulling out my iPad.
" so what are the necessary things we need to get " mark asked putting his elbow on his side of the table, he rested his chin on his hand. I handed over my iPad to him so he can see the list of things that I thought was necessary. His brow furrowed as his read the content of what I wrote. I used the opportunity to study him more, his subtle appearance had grown a little bit giving his chin some kind of rough edges, I resisted the urge to run my hand through them. I'm not a generous woman but something about Mark made me have thoughts which were about as stupid and as trivial as it comes. So much for meeting a guy recently. Maybe this was why Derick left me, I get attached to people..
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when someone cleared their throat around me, I raise my head up to see Mark staring at me, a side of his brow was raised up and his lips pressed together," why are you looking at me like that Lizzy? " he asked. Heat crept up my face , I felt so embarrassed , like who wouldn't be? I was caught in 4k drooling over a stranger I just met " well never mind, can we go over to the planners office cos I got one in town that I know will deliver perfectly "
" I'm confused what do we need an event planner for ? " I asked confused, it was a kids party and such expenses wasn't needed especially for 3 year old.
Mark looked at the iPad and looked at me again, " we need an event planner for the birthday party" he said. " you're not doing that all by your self when you are already running a business. You need to rest" I sigh heavily. I'm not about to argue with someone especially when he is about to pay for my daughters birthday party.
He drags his chair backward, giving him enough space, he stands up and straightens his suit, I follow too gathering my stuffs that I had put out on the table.
He heads out of the cafe walking majestically towards a black Bentley with some unusual plate number parked in the tow-way zone. It's kind was commanding so that not even the greenest of rookies(with no ambition for advancement) would even care to issue a citation
" Let's take my car, " he said, pulling out my car keys. What sort of position was he holding in his company that would make him such an amount of money to afford a Bentley?
Mark pressed the remote control of his car and the engine roared to life in a few seconds. Courteous enough, he came over to my side and opened the door for me.
I wedged myself into the car onto the soft support of the car seat. The softness could lure one to sleep. Taking a short glance at the interior, it was matte black all through. Mark got into the car and we were soon bolting away on the highway heading to a different section of the town.
I was bored just sitting and watching Mark flexing his muscles on the steering wheel. He looked good in his work garb. He was wearing a navy blue suit and a white shirt with no tie, the first two buttons of the shirt were open, this showing a vast fraction of his enormous chest and the hairs that graced it. Only if he knew how awed I was.
" Do you like car? " Mark said, snapping me out of my day dreaming of running my hands through his hairy chest.
I cleared my throat awkwardly with a suppressed smile and returned his gaze
" Yes, I love it although it's calling me poor in 72 languages." I said.
Mark burst out laughing throwing his head backward, he then turned to looked at me " it could be yours you know, if you work smart enough"
" I know, " I responded.
Soon we were parked in the exclusive section of what looks like the office of an events planner. I resisted the urge to droll about how beautiful this place was. A beautiful lady walked up to us and ushered us into a meeting room. This whole place looked classy and expensive being crafted with a distinct touch of architecture. I could never afford such services but thanks to Derick's promiscuousness, I met this handsome young man that has decided to sunrise a child he has never met before and possibly capture my heart with his looks. I pray I don't fall for him.
After a 20 minutes later talk and finally telling him what I would love for my baby Stormi, we headed out of the building.
Mark suddenly stopped walking "Shit! my mother is here" he said looking at an older woman walking into the building just in our direction. His body suddenly went stiff.
Her eyes lit up once she saw him but they darkened almost immediately when she saw me standing beside him.
" Hello son"

Author's note:
Thank you for reading my story ❤️
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