Chapter 32

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Susan's PoV

"How can I help you woman? '' I heard a cat-voiced woman say. She seemingly sensed something while watching me look around. There has been a great improvement since the last time I came. The atmosphere was cozy and heavenly, and there was no denying that.

I turned to stare murderously at her, my face intent with resentment and building anger. She returned my stare in the same formal way. She wasn't looking at me, it seemed like she was looking through me. Her gaze was expressionless, annoyingly patient and unwavering.

"Does it matter, and who are you?" I scoffed, unwavering disgust and resentment in my eyes.

"I am the secretary ma and anyone who must take this way to the Coe's office must first come through me"

"that is rubbish" I looked around once more before making my way towards Mark's office, despite her pleas for me to come back. She continued to natter, annoying me greatly.

"At that I turned ferociously towards her and violently spoke to her "Stop" I screamed, drawing attention from everyone that was near. I was so pissed that if she dared come any near, I was going to slap the living daylight out of her.

And she seemed to read the murderous look in my face. She turned back and rushed to her corner of the edifice where her telephone was. She was going to involve the security, how I hated this woman!

I hastened my steps, knowing fully well that the security was not going to hear any of my reason, if Mark didn't see me, and did not consent to my entering his office. I could hear her distant voice saying something to the telephone on her desk.

I gritted with hate. Quickly rushing upstairs, I made my way to the right and in no time, I was nearing there. I attracted attention because of my haste. Two security officers were already jogging in my direction, calling after me to stop. But I paid no heed, it was now or never.

At last I turned to the way inside his office. A sweet smell assailed my nose as I did, I couldn't withstand it. "Nice" I muttered to myself as I came upon security officers in their garb, standing or rather towering over me. Their eyes were both glued upon my frame. I slowed down my breathing while regarding them murderously.

The other officers who were after me were already catching up, I needed to do something fast.

"Excuse me please" I began heatedly "I need to meet with him, the...the Ceo '' my composure had betrayed me, and I had sensed that the moment they turned at each other and gave themselves a meaningful look. One of them came towards me and gently spoke to me.

"Please, we don't allow anybody inside unless-"

"It's a very serious issue. Let me in, now or else I'm going to make sure you regret this moment. Let me in, now" I tried forcing my way in, but he blocked my path, still smiling. Why was everyone annoyed!

"We'd appreciate if you leave now, please"

"Hey! Stop right there. You must not let her in, stop right there!" a goateed man thundered in my direction. I knew at that moment that it was the two security officers who the receptionist had called.

"she must get out of this place, right now"

"And don't you dare touch me. Do you know who I am?" I thundered back, scoffing.

I tried to force my way again, but instead of stopping me, they had to do it the hard way. One of them grabbed my shoulders and tried to draw me back. I fought to release his hold but his fingers were as inexorable as steel manacles. I turned around and slapped him in the face.

"Touch me again" I fumed, almost frothing "and I will kill you"

They all seemed to be shocked at what I did. I turned, looking at them, one after the other in the face. The man who I 'd slapped raised his face to reveal an ominous wry smile. He caressed where I'd hit him and signalled them to do something, something I knew even without being said.

They were going to throw me out! But that would never happen, as long as I lived, that was not going to happen.

Each man took hold of my arm and began to force me out towards the way from which I'd come. I screamed and cursed and fought, but it didn't have an effect more than that of a stone thrown against a wall. I clenched my teeth in anger while I fought feverishly for my release. That was when a command came singing in the air. It was deep, assuring and full of power.


We all turned towards the familiar voice. The man still held me tight. They turned after the other, with a cold look on their faces. Mark stood right there, with a woman dressed officially. Her gaze looked grave. No atom of expression was in her face.

"Why would someone be causing a gig in front of my office this early morni-"

He stopped when he saw me. He took a deep sigh and ordered them to let go of me immediately. "Jesus Christ! Susan I'm so sorry-"

"No!" I fired at him "Save me that. How could you let them do this to me like I'm a child. I'll see you in your office, shortly" Turning back again, I slapped the same man a second time and snarled my way to the office.

"Get out of here!" I heard him fire at them. Mark's new secretary, Dylan, came running. He stopped to regard the tense atmosphere carefully. His steady gaze constantly moved from Mark, me and the security officials who were silently making their way out.

I sat myself opposite to him, and crossed my legs while checking around my skin in case of any scratches. He returned ten minutes later, and apologized for what had happened.

"I'm so sorry Susan. I will have them dealt with, today"

I'm still surprised by the fact that Mark treats me this way despite all that I'd let him pass through.

Even though I had done very terrible things to him, he was still gentle towards me.

"There is no need for that Mark. I have something very important to discuss with you right now" He slowly nodded and sat.

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