Chapter 35

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We were on our way to Mr Christenson's construction site, Mark. and I.

Mark's behaviour was unlike him. He was behaving strangely for some and his frustration seemed to grow as time passed by.

He looked very uncomfortable. He was unusually silent, and when he did speak, he made it brief. He was just like someone who'd just seen a ghost. At times he would gaze through the windows for a long time, supporting his jaws with his clenched fist and tapping his right foot.

He'd never done anything like that before, not when I was with him. His knuckles whitened dramatically as a result of gripping the steering wheel too firmly.

Whatever had factored in his behaving this way didn't only irritate him, it enraged him.

I drew my gaze away from the trees, cars and people that whirled as we drove across them and fixed it on him.

"Mark, Are you all right?"

He virtually stomped on the accelerator, going even faster than he was already going, which explained a whole fucking lot.

"I'm good, Mary," he said, his teeth clenched furiously.He didn't sound convincing, his countenance said it all."You don't look OK, Mark. Something Is wrong. Maybe you could talk to me about it? Mark? Is there something you're not telling me?" He didn't answer my numerous questions, instead, he gave me a glance with an unreadable expression on his face. That was before he spoke to me a little too fiercely, "And when did you start caring if I was good or not?"

I was left speechless.

"I don't mind at all, but if you keep acting that way, people will start to assume something is wrong with you"

I fired back and turned away from him and crossed my arms across my chest.

His face softened when I responded with an angry reproach. Whether it was out of outrage or embarrassment, I couldn't tell.

We remained in silence until we arrived at the site. I had resolved not to speak with him.

Mark hopped out of the car and walked away, looking completely lost. I had to catch up with him. My Goddamn heels reminded me what would happen if I tried to be too fast.

I'd make sure I wore flats next time we were going to visit a construction site. He proceeded to check the construction supplies and machinery, completely ignoring me. He had an ashen look on his face.I merely followed behind, hoping that neither my none of the heavy equipment would fall on me.But we were wearing helmets though, so that was a good thing. When he eventually decided to call it a day and we returned to the car, I was overjoyed. He broke the silence on our way back to the company.

"You're gonna have to clear my schedules for the next few days. I won't be chanced at all. I will have a few things to attend to before I leave"

"Why?" I asked of him

"You have a lot on your plate this week-" he didn't answer my question but jumped. into something else.

"You're Simply gonna have to do what I told you to do. Ok? Enough with the questions! After all, you. You do not pay me. And one more thing. You're going to notify my pilot that I will be departing for L.A very early tomorrow."

The words 'L.A' unsettled me

"What about it. L.A?"

I asked, realizing almost immediately that he wanted no questions.

"There are a few things I need to take care of there.

I'll be going alone, therefore you'll be in charge of my affairs while I'm gone."

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