Chapter 39

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Lizzy's POV.

It had been about two weeks since Mark. had left for L.A, and I was starting to lose my mind.

I had no idea what he was doing there, and the only contact I had with him was when he called.

Like the control freak he is, he intentionally kept short and polite.

I'd been gazing vacantly at my computer screen for the previous half-hour, hoping that I would get some work done but failing miserably. Mark soon called, asking me to meet him in the office.

My peace was adrift, and my inner self was far too upset to concentrate.

I felt a foreboding when I woke up this morning. It felt as though something really bad was on its way.

It's a horrible omen.

The commotion around me came to a halt.

The 50th floor has gotten fairly bustling over the last few days.

People smiled and talked more, though not to me for some strange reason.

You could easily mistake them for a group of teenagers at school if it weren't for the formal attire.

But let's return to the present scenario, the eerie silence.

It was a deafening silence, which could only mean one thing.

And three seconds later, he whizzed past me so quickly that I just caught a sliver of what he said.

"Right now, I'm in my office."

It didn't take me long to figure it out.

His temper had to be kept in check, to be honest.

I was forced back inside the double doors as soon as I entered his office, closing them.

I let out a hiss of agony as a result of the collision, but it was drowned out by Mark. slamming his lips into mine.

As he fisted my hair in one palm, his tongue slammed into my mouth.

The jerk was kissing me against my will once more.

I mustered the resolve to push him away from me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said.

He moaned loudly and ran his hand through his unkempt hair.

If I thought formal Mark. was attractive, I'm sure I hadn't seen a casual Mark.

"How could you?" "Fucking dammit, how could you?" His blazing hot look into my soul as he screamed at me.

"Can you tell me what you're talking about?" I inquired, perplexed. He was back in front of me in a flash, easily towering over me. I'd assume he was attempting to intimidate me if I didn't know any better. But I was not going to cower again, so I raised my eyes to him.

He muttered, hurt on his face, "Why didn't you tell me you were fucking pregnant ?Why, Lizzy, why?" He said. my heart seemed to stop for a second before pounding furiously against my ribcage.

My legs threatened to fail me as blood rushed to my ears. I didn't like when he repeated the topic.

I couldn't look him in the eyes because I was terrified.

How did he get to know about it? I asked, wide-eyed.

I bit my lip to suppress the moan that threatened to spill out of my mouth.

"Secrets can never be hidden forever." He growled, then pushed me up from the seat by the waist, spun me around abruptly and claimed my lips.

It was one thing I'd hoped to keep hidden from him. But it had finally surfaced, and he wasn't just angry, he was hurt.

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