Chapter 20

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"Good morning" I smiled while greeting my coworkers immediately I stepped out of the elevator. They were all in groups whispering. Their whispers sounded like the humming of bees.

I went straight to my office. I open the glass door and slid in. my assistant hastily rushes in. She distractedly greets me while dropping a mug of coffee and scurries away. I get my phone and feel like calling Mark, but no! I felt that would be degrading

It was morning and the weather felt so cozy and chilly after a mild shower. I'd always loved it when the rain fell this way and left everything cool. Sometimes, it was seconded by aimless drizzles floating in the air or by the liquid rumbles of thunder belching somewhere in the sky. Either way, I was particularly fond of weather like this. And of all days of the week it had to rain, it had to be this one.

I preoccupy my mind with the sweet thought of Mark. I feel like being with him, being cuddled and loved. Since the previous nights after I'd slept with him. It seemed as though a  heavy load has been lifted off me. I feel loved, strengthened and happy but something else happened. It sent me back into the crashing waves of pain and shredded my happiness into pieces.

My mind went back to a few nights earlier. I gazed vacantly into the space before me and began to think. Not about Mark but his mother. You should have seen the perplexed look on her face.

My every fear about her seemingly vanished after that night and for the first time I resolutely decided I was never going to leave him.

Everything had surprisingly happened and there was no going back. Not because of what we had together but because I truly loved him now. My heart aches for him every moment I sit thinking of him. Everything is just right.

I was having everything I wanted, every single thing I wished for.

My second secretary comes in. His name is Mike. And he intrinsically looks like Mark in everything despite the slight difference in their names. His set of neatly polished shoes shone in the soft light. And a night-black suit was in an admirable contrast with the color of his skin.

"Good morning" he walks in smiling.

"Good morning. I clicked on something on the computer and turned my gaze to him,  returning the smile.

"Just a reminder" he began "the meeting with the GPB company will commence at ten. And I must remind you about signing the documents. The negotiations will fall through if you don't respond before next Friday. So in order to avoid any delays, or problems that might factor in the signing process, I advise it be done today. That is all for now, and goodluck"

I sigh and sit back, forgetting to tell him I'd not been open to impromptu visits since I'd be very busy. I Look back into the computer and give the mouse a few clicks.

The big day was finally here. The conference room was ready and Collin, my boss, was strung as tight as a bow. I was in trouble for everything but I knew I wasn't making mistakes. I was only thankful I had Sat through some other meetings and knew just how Collin wanted things done.

They had brought their own translators- and some had decent English skills but I understood every word they said and then he really wanted to talk to them.

It took everything I had inside not to turn and talk to these five men when they arrived in a large conference room. That would be the very last thing I would do. Collin would never allow that.

I was thinking about that when something registered in my mind. The translator had just gotten something wrong . I Began to listen. At first I wondered if it was I not paying attention but soon knew better.

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