Chapter 19

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“So you’re really going out with Mark again?” Bellaa’s smile was broad as she asked.

I stood by my long mirror, intently gazing at my frame. I nodded and smiled while I watched Bella brush my hair. She also watches me while I fasten earrings with dazzling charms.

She was a very good friend whom I met at college. She lived in the next block, alone. And she would come most of the time so as to ease the unrest boredom brought. She occasionally baby-sits for me. She only had eyes for me this afternoon. She was fascinated, seeing me go out again with Mark.

I smile at Stormi in the mirror and put in the other earring.

I could hear birds chirping merrily on the outside. Their songs kept wandering into my room. Stormi pursed her lips towards the mirror and held out her hair up on top of her head.

I’m struck by the similarities in my resemblance with Stormi. I’m clutched by a sudden yearning to cancel the date and stay home with her and Bella, holding her tight before she grows up and is gone.

I hear a scuffle in the foyer and I laugh. Mark was probably in. It rather came as a surprise.

He exactly might not have expected to see Bella but he was interested in me, and should thus get used to it.

A second later, Stormi races in. “He’s here” she says and disappears back to our room through the hallway.

I take a last look at myself and smile. This would actually do, I thought.

I ambled forward and made my way through the doorway into the living room where Mark is sitted on a threadbare couch, Bella beside him.

I can’t hear what they are saying as I enter but Mark immediately stood once he saw me. He was wowed.

Our eyes met at once and we both stared at each other. I smiled and carefully walked down the staircase.

“Lizzy you look beautiful” he came close and hugged me lightly, then moved back to admire me more. I was short of words, as usual, when I took a look at him. He looked more handsome now, and it was accentuated the more by the suit he wore.

“Thank you.” I blushed, not knowing what to say next.

He put a hand around my arm and led the way to the outside where his black royce phantom was parked.

Only if he knew how I had him in awe, but I did a marvelous job in concealing that expression.

An hour later, we were cozily ensconced at a table, talking. We finally exhausted the topic of the Ambersons  when he leaned forward and asked “have you dated much?”

I shake my head, thinking of Derrick. “No”

I grabbed my water gobblet to give my hand something to do but I knocked it over.

Horror-stricken, I stared wide-eyed  as the cold water streamed across the tablecloth and tumbles into his lap.

He jumped to his feet and shook out his napkin. I stand as well and apologise “I’m so sorry Mark, I didn’t mean to”

But he smiles instead, I couldn’t tell if he was upset or not. “Don’t worry”

He raised a single finger to signal a waiter who came over immediately. Within seconds, everything was back to normal.

That was when he asked me for a walk. We both left the table, and greeted people on our way to the outside.

We spent a great deal of time together and resolved to go home as the day wore on. We saw many people before we journeyed back to his house. I was refreshed and joined him in the dining room, after which we went to his room.

Nothing was going to happen, I reassured myself after some time.

I already wanted to go home but I didn’t actually know how I would let him know since he looked distracted.

I’d locked eyes with him a time or two as he gazed at me from behind.

Then it happened, he lifted his shoulders in a graceful shrug and smiled while coming close to me.

He leaned forward to kiss me but I flinched and gasped. Oddly enough, I looked surprised.

I’d wanted this to come and it did, but an inadvertent force jerked me away before his lips met mine.

I looked troubled and he was obliged therefore to know what the problem was.

"You're not telling me something Lizzy, are you?" he asked, looking very concerned as though something bad had happened to me.

"It's about your mother,” I said “what if she finds out I am here. And you know that she obviously hates me so much"

His brows grew darker as they furrowed in a frown . There was an unusual coolness in his voice as spoke slowly. “Do you think I’d be much of a man if I let any person tell me how I should live my life”

“I get it how your mother thinks about things. But she has never spoken unkindly or dictatingly about you. Every woman is bound to behave that way. I'm sorry Mark but inasmuch as I try to force it out, it just doesn't work. Things always get in our way and I think it's time we told ourselves the truth. Can we just forget about this whole thing and…" I lifted my hand in protest as tears began to form. He took my small, troubled hand and squeezed them.

“Lizzy” he said huskily. “Are you aware that I love you?”

“I'd always thought so.” I blurted

“Don’t you love me?”

“Of course I do.” I was close to tears.
“Then why would you try to let anything come between us"

"Understand me Mark, we can't keep doing things like this. Don't you think its time we parted ways. If she insist, we are going to face greater challenges. Everything might look easy to you because she's your mother, but…"

"But what?"

"But I can't. I can't fight it"

“Certainly not! I don't care about whatever she says. All I know is that I love you so much Lizzy. Don't make it look as  though I can't make my own choices. Did she threaten you or something?"

I shook my head as my gaze wavered; I began blinking; then sank on the bed and began to sob. I reasoned this to be impulsive, I was unprepared for the tears I was shedding.

"Please don't” He hugged me and began to patt me slowly on the back. But instead I cried out more. It seemed as though I was being purged of the anger and sadness I’d been holding for a long time.

That was when he bent towards me and licked my lip with his. I didn't want to let go, and I never let go.

Something had happened between us that afternoon. And I knew, as I stared into his face while our chests heaved in a particular rythm, that anything was possible.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading my story ❤️
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